Abuse allegations by Church Militant

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the very same letter telling us that he has called-out clericalism, and telling the laity to help him end it
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Like most commentators, Voris is right about some things and wrong about others. He published an antisemitic video a while back (since removed I believe), is rather extreme in many of his beliefs, and recently has gone all-in on Trumpism no matter the consequence, including treatment of refuges.

But he’s been right about the abuse scandal and how it may affect the Church. I think he’s wrong about some of the root causes, but his analysis of the coverup and coming fall-out are spot on.
The Pope has just called out clericalism (exclusion of the likes of us, the lay Church Militant) as one of the causes of the cover-up
He published an antisemitic video a while back (since removed I believe), is rather extreme in many of his beliefs,
This one?

I can’t see how he’s being antisemitic on the video.
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He published an antisemitic video a while back (since removed I believe), is rather extreme in many of his beliefs,
This one?

I can’t see how he’s being antisemitic on the video.
He is dead on in this video; not anti semitic at all. @edtaylor51 please explain
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You’re kidding, right? In this video he says current Jewish religion is fake and unnecessary.

This isn’t even the one I remember, that was was worse.
Voris also incorrectly defines anti-semitism at the beginning of this video. When someone converts to Judaism, there is no distinction between them and someone born into Judaism. Jews are not allowed to remind a convert of their past, because Jews were once strangers in a strange land, after all. So the entire premise is wrong from the start.
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Because he explains that traditional Judaism ceased to exist and has been replaced by rabinnic Judaism?
He’s not being antisemitic on this.
Unfortunately there’s too much PC in our world, even in the Catholic world.
Isn’t he comparing modern day Judaism to
Protestantism? He says that true Judaism died when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. There was no more
Temple, no more sacrifice, no more priesthood. It was replaced with Rabbinical Judaism.
I am not saying I agree, but he is not really saying it is fake, but it is very different from how Judaism was practiced in the beginning just as how Protestantism is different from the early Church or the
Catholic faith.
People are still seeking God and trying to live as God’s people and having a relationship with God and praying and fasting.
You’re kidding, right? In this video he says current Jewish religion is fake and unnecessary.

This isn’t even the one I remember, that was was worse.
What Voris is saying is that the Jewish remnant faithful to Jesus (as the son of God) embraced the New Covenant together with the gentile followers of Jesus, and when the Temple was destroyed

and Jerusalem made desolate, rabbinic Judaism took over as a man-made religion much as Protestantism is a collection of man made denominations

Civitas sancti tui facta est deserta.
Sion deserta facta est,
Jerusalem desolata est.

English Translation:
Your holy city has become a wilderness.
Zion has become a wilderness,
Jerusalem has been made desolate.
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Yes. He is a faithful Catholic. Ignore the haters here. I do not agree with him all the time, but he is faithful to the Church teachings. He may not be your style, but he is determined to out the dirt that is happening in the Church which NO ONE wants to address.

It is not only Wuerl who is covering up the sex abuses. The NY Archdiocese is rotten. I hope they are going to be the next one to be outed, right up to the highest levels.
The NY Archdiocese is rotten. I hope they are going to be the next one to be outed, right up to the highest levels.
You realize it was the Archdiocese of New York that is the one that finally brought McCarrick’s sins to light, right?

It always seemed to me that Voris had some sort of personal grudge against Dolan. He spins everything Dolan does in the worst possible way.
I heard the New York Archdiocese will probably be next to do an investigation.

I think some people think Voris is the Alex Jones on Catholic tv, but I agree someone needs to be calling to attention anything bad that is not being addressed about the Church.
A lot of people hate Voris because he is not afraid to tell things az they are, even if it means calling out errant priests and bishops who coddle actively homosexual priests who steal parish funds and the like.
That’s not why I dislike Voris. I don’t mind people telling things as they are. I don’t have confidence that Voris is doing so. I think he makes rash judgments about people and especially bishops and speaks in an unnecessarily vitriolic way.

Though I’m sure these recent scandals leave him feeling vindicated. And maybe he has been partially. But it still doesn’t mean that his every snap judgment is accurate.
I guess some confusion might be created in other countries over exactly what a “Grand Jury” is in the US. It is not a trial jury that determines guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In most cases, in Grand Jury hearings, the defense doesn’t even get to really “defend” the accused. The Prosecution presents evidence of a crime, and if the Grand Jury decides the evidence is sufficient to warrant an actual trial, they issue an indictment—a call to take a case to an actual trial. Then there is a trial, where the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But that is either before a “regular” jury or a defendant can waive that and have a “bench trial” where the Judge acts as the jury and issues the verdict. Or they can plead out.
In my diocese, about 45 priests have been accused of sex abuse. My thoughts:
  • This is appalling
  • Less than 5 have been charged with a crime, even when within the possible time frame. This suggests weak evidence.
  • I am a retired sex abuse investigator.
  • I estimate over 20 thousand people have been accused of child sex abuse in my area.
  • I estimate over 200,000 people in my area have been accused of non sexual child abuse in my area.
  • I am sure the figures are comparable nationally.
how many have been convicted and what type of sentencing did they get.

were they convicted of more then one charge, do they have ongoing convictions
My point really is that CM is following the same pattern, focus, obsession, as the msm.we need an alternative to mainstream media. CM is not it.
Yes. He is a faithful Catholic. Ignore the haters here.
A lot of people hate
Calumny. Hate has nothing to do with any of this. If you cannot even get that right, I would suggest it is your opinion on him that might best be ignored.
I think some people think Voris is the Alex Jones on Catholic tv
That would be too extreme. I used to compare him to Rush Limbaugh. I have in the past even dissected some of his videos to justify this comparison. Being an independent person who uses shock and exaggeration to make his business thrive does not make him a bad person. If he fakes all of this, then that too is acceptable. If it is just his passion, then his emotions are blinding him to reason and his own logical fallacies.
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