Trump would adopt whatever abortion position got him more votes.
He did not win by a landslide by any means.
In this country, choosing an anti-abortion stance is a sure-fire way to constant harrassment from the powerful Democrats and the Democratic Party, the media, the entertainment industry, the teachers’ unions, various minority rights groups (not all of these by any means), and even many church denominations and religious organizations. .
It’s a way to make yourself a target.
Donald Trump could have chosen the easy way, as did Pres. Bush–kinda sorta pro-life but also kinda sorta freedom to choose an abortion–which is the logical Republican Party policy (“small government, lots of personal freedoms”), although they have chosen to write a pro-life statement into the Republican Party Platform. I suspect that this pro-life Statement to the G.O.P. Party Platform will go away really soon, probably after this election cycle, as it’s obvious that Christian Right organizations like Moral Majority have fallen apart and are scorned by “thinking” Christians, and many Christians (including Catholic Christians and even many Evangelical Protestant Christians) are often on the fence about the abortion issue, and often believe the choice should be up to the individual, not the government.
I think it’s likely that when Pres. Trump is no longer in power (In all likelihood, there will be a change in the Party in Power in the White House and Congress, but hopefully not this election cycle), an all-out war will be waged against any pro-life policies, and steps will be taken to ensure that abortion will be the only option supported by the federal government.
The States’ rights will be eliminated concerning this issue. It won’t matter what the Supreme Court justices stands are. When we see the vitriol and hatred that the Democrats in power have unleashed on Pres. Trump, Vice-Pres. Pence, and any other pro-life, pro-Christian Republican (including many regular folks who are activists in their towns and cities), it seems likely to me that the Supreme Court justices will be in danger of their very lives. De-lifing the unborn leads to de-lifing of anyone who is “in the way.”
I honestly believe that the Democratic Party will propose, ram through, and PASS an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guaranteeing the right to terminate a pregnancy at all stages to ALL women and any others who are capable of carrying a child (trans, etc.). I think pro-life people may be in danger of arrest and imprisonment by the time the Democratic Party has its evil way, and churches who teach that abortion is wrong will be in grave danger of being closed as “hate centers” and pastors/teachers who teach that abortion is wrong will be arrested and imprisoned as “hate mongers.” I’m guessing that speaking out or attempting to prevent an abortion will be classed as a felony.
Someday, those of you alive in 20 years will remember Peeps’ prediction.