Account: bishop says "You can't be an authentic Catholic and pro-abortion." --As pro-abortion "Catholic" in U.S. takes the public eye

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What is it, about two thirds of states allow for abortion without restrictions and have no support for changing it.
So while we continue to address the causes and try to support women that find themselves in trouble, we can outlaw abortion in a third of the states.
Sounds like a win.
Well, it’s about the best you’ll ever get and those states outlawing abortion would have the satisfaction of reporting zero abortions…with no knowledge of those that travelled out of state or used medication. I’m not sure it would significantly reduce actual abortions, however…and that’s what I want to reduce.
I think neither party is close to perfect but I see more opportunity for reducing abortion numbers with the Democrats than the Republicans.
The Democrats are the Party of Dependency. Their policies give people “fish,” but don’t “teach them to fish.”
It does no good to teach someone how to fish unless you also let them near the river.
the latter has always been condemned as intrinsically evil under all conditions.
That is correct… that is why people who call Trump pro-life are wrong as he does not believe abortion is wrong under all conditions.

Couple that with his aggressive pro death penalty moves, his brutal refugee and immigrations policies and his preferential option for the wealthy, his atrocious environmental record… and you get a pretty ugly picture
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The problem here is that a large majority of Catholics ignore the church teaching and consider themselves Catholic, take communion, and are pro choice/pro gay marriage, etc. That’s the problem.
As both major parties in the US are pro-abortion, they each support abortion in cases of health, if the father is a criminal, if the child will be deformed, they both support IVF,
If we take your statement as correct, is it the same to vote for a party that supports abortions in 100% of cases and is even proposing post-birth “abortions” or a party that supports abortion in (just guessing here) 1-5% of cases?
(just guessing here) 1-5% of cases?
Analysis of the numbers show that MOST abortions fall into one of more of the Republican loopholes. For those who “cannot afford a child” or “cannot handle a child”, a medical professional can mark those up as “health of the mother” because of emotional health. These numbers take digging, as many powers that be want people to believe that their way would end 99%.

Look into emotional/mental health loopholes.
Is Trump the perfect candidate for Catholics? Absolutely not. Without trying to judge so much, since I, too, am a sinner, he has said things and expressed views that are morally not up to snuff with Church teaching. Neither has he, as far as I know, been strongly pro-life, rather, that he believes it’s a matter for states to decide, not the feds. I’d prefer that, the chance to battle in all 50 states for life, than a candidate that is openly pro-abortion. Abortion is much weightier than many things that Trump is accused of. Abortion leads to excommunication.
Discernment is needed. For example those guys that loiter in parks offering kids lollies and saying I’ve got a whole bag full back in my car. You won’t regret coming along with me. You have to teach kids to be sensitive to their gut feeling so if it feels like a ‘carrot’ just to get you into his car, don’t buy it!
Loitering and attempting to seduce children, by those out to exploit their sexuality begins early in the education process, notes Abbey Johnson, who, in the following video, talks about how Planned Parenthood begins by building relationships with your child, encouraging the child to keep secrets and promises parents need never know. It’s predatory behavior, grooming and yet, tolerated, if not approved, by so many.
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I’m Catholic. I’m not pro-abortion. I believe there is a none of the above option for voters. Even if I were convinced that a candidate were really anti-abortion but in every other sense I find him/her unacceptable according to my Christian beliefs then for me they’re as unacceptable as they would be if they were pro-abortion.
I realize that’s your view. Sometimes, before we can teach them to fish, we have to make sure they have a fish first. I’m not in favor of just giving people stuff…like $1200 whether they needed it or not…but to stabilize someone’s life and then push them into training, work or entering back into society…I’m very much in favor of that. Some people have been so devastated by factors in their life that they need stabilization before demanding they pull their bootstraps up.
I am in favor of that, too–but at a local level, very personal, so that there is accountability on BOTH sides, the giver and the person they are attempting to help.

I am NOT in favor of massive federal programs, although I will agree that this pandemic is a unique and horrific situation that requires a massive bail-out that only the federal government can afford the risk of borrowing.

I think we have all gotten used to the government doing what we SHOULD be doing in our churches, lodges, clubs, companies (especially companies!), schools, and neighborhoods.
I don’t disagree with you. I much prefer local solutions for local problems and I prefer state solutions for those specific to the states. There are some problems that are national. Any localized solution will miss and leave behind too many people If it isn’t handled nationally. Charities are wonderful for what they accomplish. They can’t help everyone, though. They have to pick and choose who they help or they’ll go broke. Ask any health charity if the want to be responsible for the nations healthcare. No! Of course they don’t want to even begin to tackle that…it’s way beyond their capabilities not to mention their donations. Same with homelessness, housing, mental illnesses. Charities already have severe problems reaching rural areas.

This doesn’t mean I want national government to solve all of them either. I want each county to handle what they can, then the state, then the feds. There’s room for improvement and efficiency at each point. I just don’t want a sector left out because the county can’t afford the help, the state is busy with other problems and the sector is only recognized at a national level. If local levels were good at helping all their citizens, they would have. They just can’t and someone needs to. If someone in upstate Maine needs my help, I’m willing to have my government at some level help them!
I think it’s sad that no pro-life folks are accepted in the platform of the DNC… I think lots of people are democratic voters who also respect the right to life…
Being that the Constitutional amendments have been sited in cases which upheld roe. Even if it is turned back to the states it will not allow for a total ban by the states.

I will state again a Constitutional amendment is the only way to completely ban abortion and that ain’t going to happen in any of our lifetimes unfortunately.
So pro-birth is the opposite of pro-abortion while pro-life according to some encompasses the rejection of the death penalty, fighting global warming, extreme poverty and other evils of our current planetary state of affairs of the human race.
Does that seem right? Thanks
I can’t see how a practicing Catholic could justify voting for that man.
This is part of the problem with telling others how to vote. If you do not see their opinion, then you have no business trying to convince them. Those who who see politics in terms of black and white (there position is always the white) are not informing themselves enough about both sides. If you feed yourself from one point of view, you are doing what Muslims do to radicalize extremists.

I would propose that before any attempt to judge an issue or a person requires at least some knowledge of both sides. This is part of forming a full conscience.
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I think we have all gotten used to the government doing what we SHOULD be doing in our churches, lodges, clubs, companies (especially companies!), schools, and neighborhoods.
The solution is to do those things in our churches, lodges, clubs, etc. (what is stopping you?) rather than to stop government from doing them. If the churches, etc. did those jobs, government would not have to do it. And I do not buy the argument that the churches, etc. don’t do these things because government is doing them. They could always do more.
I have heard it all, friend.

I can’t vote for a democrat who has a high possibility of replacing RBG. No way, too many lives lost already.
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