ACLU Staffer Attacks University for Accepting ‘Provocateur in Training’ Nick Sandmann

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So just to recap:
  1. Nick Sandman was harrassed by a weirdo banging a drum in his face
  2. He smiled and refused to escalate the situation
  3. Multiple international media organizations painted him as a racist wielding “weaponized smirking”
  4. Nick wins settlements from this media harrassment, then speaks at the RNC as an example of how completely bonkers the Left has become in the US
  5. Now a professor decides he’s going to moniter Nick for thought crime
The Liberal cries out in pain as he strikes you.
You are putting your spin on the history of Master Sandmann. If he wanted peace and to be left alone, he could have stopped short of a lawsuit.
Do you think a teaching expressing partisanship against a student that might be taking his class is professional or appropriate?
I think its a low blow. The teacher should have kept his mouth shut.
I want to live in a country where the following is normal.
  • “Made in America by Americans” is commonplace instead of praiseworthy.
Raise the minimum wage
  • No ingrates to pull down the statues of heroes while telling me to check my privilege.
    Cancel the First Amendment
  • Marxist rioters are suppressed instead of condoned.
    Reinstate HUAC to see who are Marxists. Establish thought crime.
  • Abortion is outlawed.
    Change the Constitution
  • Public affirmation of support for homosexual marriage gets you treated the way refusing to publicly affirm it does now.
    Done! We call it freedom of speech and then being responsible for what one says.
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The fact that you are incapable of seeing the difference between an internet lynch mob ginned up by media lies against a teenager and that teenager seeking redress in a court of law is proof that the differences in this country will be settled by bullets.
The fact that you are incapable of seeing the difference between an internet lynch mob ginned up by media lies against a teenager and that teenager seeking redress in a court of law is proof that the differences in this country will be settled by bullets.
If the child were harmed by internet publicity, he could choose not to seek further publicity. It would have died down. Now he continues to gin up the situation and relate, not as others did that he forgives the transgressor, but to state that he’s a victim of some bad ol’ leftists. If he puts himself on a national stage he invites criticism from some quarters, that’s axiomatic.

I’m not unfeeling about what happened to him, I question his subsequent actions.
And since they were willing to settle for millions, they obviously knew Nick had a legitimate complaint.
Please state what you know. You don’t know the details of the settlement. However, Trump settled a suit by the government charging his company with racial discrimination for large sums of money. We know that. Was he guilty of the offense?
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That’s why he is a hero. He gave up his privacy to show kids how to stand up to bullies and these were adult bullies. I think he has the character to withstand the continued harassment as an adult. What’s interesting is that on that day he was the one acting like adult and in the aftermath he is exposing the immaturity of the liberal left.
What’s interesting is that on that day he was the one acting like adult and in the aftermath he is exposing the immaturity of the liberal left.
On that day he was acting like a spoiled, entitled adolescent.
the differences in this country will be settled by bullets.
I don’t disagree with your basic point re: Sandmann but some of your posts sound positively gleeful when you discuss the possibility of mass violence. It’s a little concerning sometimes.
As Thomas Paine stated, " If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace; and this single reflection, well applied, is sufficient to awaken every man to duty."

Got any specific posts in mind or just baseless innuendos?
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Whole bunch of the things out there. Sometimes a classical symbol of authority and unity is just a classical symbol of unity and authority.

Whether a cigar may be just a cigar, or not.
GO for it. Don’t wimp out. Like some do.
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More important things, certainly. But it’s like Everest - there. A challenge. Still wonder if I could have done it. Odds are I could have. I’ll never know.

OTOH, I collect Kipling, in a minor way.
On that day he was acting like a spoiled, entitled adolescent.
Apparently standing still and smiling while a stolen valor American Indian walks into your personal space and bangs a drum inches from your face is being spoiled and entitled. If that is spoiled and entitled, I am curious as to how you would describe the behavior of the Marxist rioters in this country.
Got any specific posts in mind or just baseless innuendos?
Well, the one I quoted, for one. Specifically the part that I quoted, if it wasn’t clear. But no, I’m not going to comb through your posting history and pick out a greatest hits or anything. Just a general vibe I’ve noticed. It’s not meant to be hostile; half the time I agree with the substantive point you’re making. Just wasn’t sure if that was a tone you meant to convey or not.

Also, it wasn’t “innuendo.” I explicitly said what I wanted to say.
That was not gleeful, just pointing out that if we cannot agree on the difference between internet lynchings and the legal dispute resolution system, we have no common ground to work out a compromise. War will be inevitable.

You are willing to make baseless accusations publicly, but you will not back them up. That sort of conduct is pusillanimous and unbecoming of men.
You are willing to make baseless accusations publicly, but you will not back them up. That sort of conduct is pusillanimous and unbecoming of men.
Relax. I didn’t “accuse” you of anything. I said your posts give off that tone. Clearly I didn’t make this up out of thin air, since someone agreed with me five minutes later. If you don’t care that you might be giving off that vibe, then :man_shrugging:t2:. But either way, seriously, don’t get your back up so easily.
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Anyway: relax. I didn’t “accuse” you of anything. I said your posts give off that tone. Clearly I didn’t make this up out of thin air, since someone agreed with me five minutes later. If you don’t care that you might be giving off that vibe, then :man_shrugging:t2:. But either way, seriously, don’t get your back up so easily.
Appealing to the crowd and still not backing up your claims.
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