Very interesting links. Unfortunately, they hing on the following, “a correct understanding of the scientific (inductive) method reveals that it cannot ever logically exclude the possibility of two sole founders of humanity.” from the Dennis Bonnette link. The unfortunate bit is that the converse is true as well, that being the scientific method cannot ever exclude the possibility of polygeneic foundations of humanity either. Nor can it prove the monogeneic, two parent, theory.
Thank you for addressing this important point.
Here is the entire paragraph which explains why the scientific method cannot exclude Adam and Eve as the two, real, sole, founders of humankind. Link to article “Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?”
“Third, a correct understanding of the scientific (inductive) method reveals that it cannot ever logically exclude the possibility of two sole founders of humanity. Natural scientific studies employ the inductive method of reasoning. Empirically observed data is employed to form testable hypotheses. Molecular biologists use computer models in an attempt to validate such hypotheses and reach conclusions about genetic conditions in early primate populations. In this process, some researchers have committed the logically invalid move of inferring from particular data to the universally negative claim that a literal Adam and Eve is impossible. Such methodology produces, at best, solely probable conclusions, based on available evidence and the assumptions used to evaluate the data. There is the inherent possibility that an unknown factor will alter the conclusion, similarly as was the unexpected discovery of black swans in Australia, when the whole world “knew” all swans were white.”
What is happening in science is that wonderful paleoantropologists are on their hands and knees going through layers of soil searching for fossils which will be the “empirically observed data” mentioned in the above paragraph. It is now possible to examine preserved, noncontamidated DNA. This adds more data to the genetic picture. The genetic milestone is the 1995 research paper by Francisco J. Ayala referenced later in the article.
The real issues revolve around the methods and material sections in the numerous papers on archaic beings. These sections serve as the evidence for a paper’s conclusion. The conclusion must be warranted by the material evidence and the methodology used to analyze the evidence. In his 1995 paper, Dr. Ayala refers to one of the methods which scientists use when filling in the gaps of information about archaic fossils.
In “The Myth of Eve: Molecular Biology and Human Origins” published in
Science, December 22, 1995, section: “Experimental Simulated Populations,” Dr. Ayala comments on the basic coalescence theory which "draws inferences about past events on the basis of observations about current polymorphisms (materials). These inferences can be tested by computer experiments … " What “inferences” and “experiments” indicate is that in order to validate an initial hypothesis (a tentative explanation), some assumptions can be made. Practically, assumptions can be either valid, close to being valid, or not valid at all.
“Universally negative claim” means that all bases are covered going thousands of years backwards on a large planet. As long as not everything has been materially considered, the presented evidence does not warrant an universal negative conclusion. For example, no Adam and Eve.
In the section “Population Bottlenecks,” Dr. Ayala states: “Neither the mtDNA resuslts nor the ZFY results lead to the conclsuion that narrow population bottlenecks consisting of one or very few couples have occurred in human ancestral history.” This is an universal negative, absolutely no Adam and Eve possibility, which is not warranted by the presented evidence of methods and limited materials.
In Dr. Bonnette’s paragraph which begins: “Fourth**,** specific scientific arguments against Adam and Eve have proven not as forceful as many presently believe (
Gauger 2012).” and followoing paragraphs, Dr. Bonnette refers to research by other published scientists. What this scientific information tells us is that there is more to consider, that is, beyond the methods and materials sections of Dr. Ayala’s 1995 bombshell.
Hopefully, the above adequately explains the meaning of “a correct understanding of the scientific (inductive) method reveals that it cannot ever logically exclude the possibility of two sole founders of humanity.” It is a lot to take in; thus, I will do my best to answer difficulties.
My response to the following comment from post 717 would be a whole new ball game.
“The unfortunate bit is that the converse is true as well, that being the scientific method cannot ever exclude the possibility of polygeneic foundations of humanity either. Nor can it prove the monogeneic, two parent, theory.”
The current Science of Human Evolution is not the easiest thing to understand. Let’s pause here for questions…and let my cranky brain take a break.