That would follow since God Himself cannot die.So then you believe that the Romans only killed the human body of Jesus?
That would follow since God Himself cannot die.So then you believe that the Romans only killed the human body of Jesus?
You missunderstand me. The scriptures can be trusted because they are inspired and inerrant.terri_fortner;2552128]You are right maybe we shouldn’t trust the bible,
It is not just another “Sacred tradition” but the very word of God. Not even your traditions can arise to this standard.since it is just another Sacread tradition, handed down for hundreds of years by oral tradition.
I agree. However, it is first in authority. Even over the church.The bible was never ment to be to only the only auhtority to be followed.
This example does not apply well to what the scriptures are i.e. inspired-inerrant. Nothing can replace them as with other books and works.It’s like studying to be a Doctor of medicine and refusing to use a particular anatomy book. Because this other book has most of the same stuff in it, and actually claiming that simply because that other stuff was written down later after further study it can’t possably be true.
Well then, it’s obvious that our disagreement goes far beyond Mary. Our very ideas of Salvation are different.That would follow since God Himself cannot die.
How do you know that Nicea (325) got it right?Not sure i follow you here. Your church has some correct doctrines but not all. No Christian should ever just let their church do all the thinking. They should be held accountable for teaching the truth in light of the scriptures. To do that, you must first know the scriptures. Sadly most catholics i know do not.
We are commanded in scripture to critically examine everything. We are to be thinking Christians and not to just accept what your leaders say. That is the road to destruction and increasing false teachings.
The Bible is not innerant. Only active agents like persons can be innerant. The Bible is not an active agent. The Bible is infallible. Thus interpretations if the innerant word of God may be fallible.You missunderstand me. The scriptures can be trusted because they are inspired and inerrant.
Hello justasking4, this statement was brought up by you not only here but a little bit before. Why is it that you feel that you have the need to judge what these non-Christians are feeling as well as what catholics are feelings. Are you so comfortable in your salvation that now you have made it your own personal duty to push my Lord off of His throne to judge what is going on? If someone says they are praying to God with help of someone else ie the saints or Mary, than since I don’t have the ability to see in their heart I suppose the Christian thing to do would be to believe them.What if they said otherwise? What if they claimed they are praying to God this way?
why is it that you want us to summarize for you a tradition that has been happening for 2000 years but you wont take the time to study it for yourself? If you are really interested in finding out the truth than read up on it. It has been made very easy for you because you have been given the links, unlike most of us who had to actually search for the information ourselves.Can you summarize in 2-3 sentences what you wrote? Give me your best arguments and lets go from there.
Will all due respect, I must second st lucy on this, Justasking.why is it that you want us to summarize for you a tradition that has been happening for 2000 years but you wont take the time to study it for yourself? If you are really interested in finding out the truth than read up on it. It has been made very easy for you because you have been given the links, unlike most of us who had to actually search for the information ourselves.
A few really quick answer are:There is so much here that it woudl take some time to read. Why don’t you give me in 2-3 sentences why you believe the assumption is biblical?
But you can’t have it both ways. This confuses me. First catholics say ‘Hey Jesus is God so Mary is the Mother of God!’ but then I now hear that you say ‘Jesus may have died but God did not.’ Why is one terminology accepted but the other isn’t?Well then, it’s obvious that our disagreement goes far beyond Mary. Our very ideas of Salvation are different.
I would argue that Jesus not only died in his humanity, but also his divinity. But I shall have to take a little time to write something up on this. Don’t get me wrong. Nietzsche said “God is dead.” I mean to imply no such thing by saying that God died, but because Catholics have a much more integral view of Jesus (where there is a deeper intimacy, for lack of a better word, between his humanity and his divinity) we view the death of Jesus as much more than just a physical event of a dying human body. We say it is the death of the God-Man in both his divinity and his humanity.
OK, I’m going to get writing on a Biblical reply as to this new topic.
You totally ignored the key sentence of my post. Here’s what I said.But you can’t have it both ways. This confuses me. First catholics say ‘Hey Jesus is God so Mary is the Mother of God!’ but then I now hear that you say ‘Jesus may have died but God did not.’ Why is one terminology accepted but the other isn’t?![]()
I was actually saying the exact opposite of what you thought I said.I would argue that Jesus not only died in his humanity, but also his divinity
Following the holy Fathers, we unanimously teach and confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: the same perfect in divinity and perfect in humanity, the same truly God and truly man, composed of rational soul and body; consubstantial with the Father as to his divinity and consubstantial with us as to his humanity; "like us in all things but sin". He was begotten from the Father before all ages as to his divinity and in these last days, for us and for our salvation, was born as to his humanity of the virgin Mary, the Mother of God.91
We confess that one and the same Christ, Lord, and only-begotten Son, is to be acknowledged in two natures without confusion, change, division or separation. The distinction between the natures was never abolished by their union, but rather the character proper to each of the two natures was preserved as they came together in one person (prosopon) and one hypostasis.92
"What he was, he remained and what he was not, he assumed", sings the Roman Liturgy.95 And the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom proclaims and sings: "O only-begotten Son and Word of God, immortal being, you who deigned for our salvation to become incarnate of the holy Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, you who without change became man and were crucified, O Christ our God, you who by your death have crushed death, you who are one of the Holy Trinity, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us!"96
Well, I think you do touch upon a certain important point.Well… i may need to do a little more digging… I was always taught that he always had always had his human nature. He could not gain it or loose it because to do so would mean an aspect of God changed, something that is impossible. He gained a human BODY, but he always had the human nature. that being said, I will research the matter further so that I do not proclaim falsehoods
In Christ
st lucy;2562240]A few really quick answer are:
The church of the NT is not the same as the catholic church.1: Because the Church says so and my Lord gave to His people His Church to guide us until His return and the never world shall not prevail.
The issue is not what God could do but did He raise Mary bodily to heaven? Where is the evidence for that?
- If God would raise up Moses and Enoch, than think of what He would do for His own mother. The one person who cared for Him when He was sick, the one person who feed Him when He was unable to, the one person who held Him when He was scared, the one person who wiped away His tears and kissed His cheeks. Do think that a loving God who would become human and was brutally murdered for such lowly unappreciative creatures would not give His own mother, the first creature who truly followed Him and obeyed Him unrelentingly, the honor of entering heaven body and soul?
Huh? If Mary was the supreme example, why don’t we see the apostles using her as an example in their letters?
- Mary, being the a true Christian who is an example to all of us on how we should live our lives was also given the ability to enter heaven body and soul, to give us an example what awaits each and everyone of us if we obey.
I am sure you will poo poo these comments but I am not fazed by such anti-Catholicism, because my only job is to follow and obey my Lord through the His Church which is guided by the Holy Spirit. I will pray that you will stop resenting the gifts our Lord has sent you and open them up.
i don’t “poo poo” your comments but ask you to support your claims. This is about the truth. Your church makes many claims that it cannot support by the scriptures and are the claims of fallen men.God Bless you and God Speed.