My brother-in-law married a young girl from China. She was attending community college and working at a Chinese restaurant that he frequented. Having been raised in China, she was very mature for her age and thought the American boys her age were immature and undesirable. Having no family here, she was very lonely, and after they began dating, his extended family was a great comfort to her. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!! THEY GOT MARRIED AND TEN YEARS LATER WHEN SHE BECAME MORE SECURE, AN AMERICAN CITIZEN AND MORE AMERICANIZED, SHE LEFT HIM!! He was getting older and wanting children, she was just getting started in her career. He was getting older and experiences health problems, and she was wanting to be carefree. The romance had worn off. She couldn’t relate to his friends or his background, and although she still liked his relatives, she no longer was emotionally dependent upon them. Is that how you want your friend to end up? Now he’s probably wasted whatever hope he had of finding someone his own age and having children with her. Tell him to wait and keep looking. You’re not going to find Miss Right until you get Miss Wrong out of your mind and out of the picture.