AMENOk, here’s the opinion of the wife of a (recovered) alcoholic. I have seen the demon side of alcohol, and how it wreaks havoc on a person’s life. That being said, do I drink? Occasionally at special occasions. I was raised in a home where my parents had a glass of wine with dinner, I have never seen my parents get drunk.
My husband was raised in a home where alcohol was forbidden. But had many extended family members that were (and still are) drunks. They never have just one beer. So it was all or nothing. Hubby fell into the all category. Alcoholism is complicated. I personally believe it’s a combination of genes and enviroment.
People get addicted to alot of things. The nature of the alcohol doesn’t change depending on who drinks it. The difference is the people who drink it. The over whelming majority of people that drink alcohol are not alcoholics.
For those who would prefer to err on the side of caution, I certainly respect that. Would I be devastated if I could never have alcohol again, not particularily. But using the Bible to damn people for having a glass of wine is rediculous. Twisting scripture to suit your purpose or opinion is very popular, after all if God says it who could argue? Jesus’ first miracle was changing water into wine at a wedding celebration. Those are the facts. People didn’t drink grape juice at wedding celebrations, they drank wine.