I love all the images of Our Lady. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of La Vang, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Kibeho, etc. I don’t care if the portrayal is European or not. She appears however she wants, to whomever God wills. Her physical appearance is secondary and I don’t care whether she appears European. There are a lot of images of the Virgin Mary in South and Central America where she is depicted like the people of those regions, and I’m more than just okay with that. I have a problem with statues or images of Mary that depict her naked, without a veil, and having her belly painted red. It’s an affront to the dignity and modesty of Mary, Mother most chaste and Mother most prudent. Depicting Mary breastfeeding Jesus is holy; depicting Mary naked . . . is blasphemy. So, yes. It is blasphemy. Race has nothing to do with it.
The fact that some bishops refuse to be true missionaries to the people of the Amazon would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad. You can’t preach the Gospel if you teach whatever is contrary to it. Heterodoxy is not the answer. There are Christians in the Amazon who aren’t being corrected and treated like they’re too simple or too stupid to be taught about God the Father and the Holy Trinity.
Decades of poor catechism has led to this, but more contrary teachings and heresy is going to magically make them better? This is both terrible missionary work and even racist. White man’s burden under a different name.