Amazon Synod and Pagan Rituals

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An exaggeration, and perhaps cynicism. I do believe there are many that do keep readers and viewers at a very high cost to journalistic integrity, to the point that they cannot even be considered journalists, but are nothing but pundits.
There is a “pundit” photo in the latest edition of the Catholic Herald. It shows pope Francis praying to pagan statues inside St. Peter’s basilica at the Vatican. There he is, surrounded by some prelates and in the company of the shaman. Their backs to the altar, they are facing the pagan idols displayed in the middle of St. Peters. I would agree with you that this is perhaps cynicism.
Are there photos and commentary from those who were there to back this up or is it more ’ fake ’ lets whip up a frenzy news intended to deride the Church’

Again if reporting like this is directed at a political figure it is swiftly dismissed.
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Those who were there are right there in the photo. Maybe at some point they will offer a commentary, but I doubt it very much.
Do you have any idea what the Catholic Herald is? No? You probably should.
So before I click the link, you werent there , and are offering your opinion, and noone with any authority has given commentary.

Checked Vatican Radio?
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This is an Amazon Martyr, His name and artefact appears with the artefacts that are posted as part of the ceremony.
And photos on this thread
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And the language they use… quite distinctive. “ Crusaders, heretics, schismatics, sodomites, adulterers”…
And throw around “ heresy, apostasy”…as if it were normal common language for us Catholics.
So this tiny group, present and still active in US, if taken particularly here in CAF as representative, tends to drag posters into a language which is very far removed from our Catholic heritage and tradition really.
As if we “ knew more” or were “ more Catholic” by using it. No…
It isn’t the group that worries particularly me, but the people dragged into it unknowingly.
Listening to our priest, Bishops, Conference if Bishops, Popes instead of copying what it’s posted here so often.
Have a nice Sunday all! And God bless you.
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In terms of baptizing pagan elements into the iconography of the Church…Our Lady herself gave us the very Aztec looking icon of Guadalupe…
You aren’t troubled by ecotheology - which as mentioned twice already in this thread, has nothing to do with paganism, or any of the issues you raise here.
However, the flavor of eco-theology I’ve seen in Pope Francis and some of his advisors is decidedly more towards an eco-theology where ‘everything is connected’ and that human beings are equal to everything on the planet and vice versa.
I would love to see evidence that Pope Francis has claimed that humans are equal to anything else. I think you’re raging at the wind here.
There is a big problem where there is a sign outside a church featuring a photo of a woman breastfeeding a child and a dog, encircled by the words ‘we are all connected,’ or ‘everything is connected.’ (Forgive me, I don’t have the exact quote).
I haven’t seen this, but assuming you are correct, why is this a big problem? Aren’t we all connected in at least one obvious way: we share the same planet - one that we are currently doing our best to irreparably damage. In fact, extinctions are at one of the highest rates in the planet’s existence right now. Isn’t that a serious problem? Shouldn’t we discuss that?
None of the bishops and the pope have zero education on environmental studies, I don’t think it is within their knowledge or power to tell the Church what to believe about the environment.
Some do. And far more importantly, it is exactly within their power to tell the Church what to believe about the environment. That is why they exist.
Outside of that, this current brand of eco-theology is edging a little too close to pagan earth worship for my taste.
Refer to my previous explanation of ecotheology, which is entirely unrelated to what you think it is. But I would like some, any, actual evidence that this synod is promoting, or edging toward, in any way “earth worship.”
When I say that the current papacy is trying to endorse paganism, I mean that no solemn rite of the Catholic Church should include idols, blasphemous depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, phallic statues, etc.
Has that ever happened?
nstrumentum document of the Synod saying things like how the Holy Spirit, of all people, taught the indigenous to honor the Father-Mother ‘God’ and that the Eucharist can be adapted to the needs of the local people, which reads very open to interpretation.
I hate to break this to you, but that is precisely how Christianity has spread for the past two millennia. That’s precisely what the Council of Jerusalem was all about - how to spread the religion to non-Jews, how to integrate their customs into the new religion.
These things exist. I though you might have overstated your point. Thanks for clarifying.
One is not necessary. Just because people offer opinions on ink blots, the ink blots remains just that without more.
It isn’t the group that worries particularly me, but the people dragged into it unknowingly.
Funny but that’s exactly what I was thinking about the group that tries to convince people there’s nothing to see, move along…
As the flames slowly spread
Me I prefer the company of St Athanasius
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In fact, extinctions are at one of the highest rates in the planet’s existence right now. Isn’t that a serious problem? Shouldn’t we discuss that?
No. Not unless we’re talking about human extinction. Species extinction has been a part of the history of life ever since it first appeared on the planet. I’m glad that no one took action to preserve the dinosaurs.

As for theology, I’d rather study God than the ecosystem.
In any case, I hope I never see a ritual like that at my local parish. It might cause a riot or empty the church.
In any case, I hope I never see a ritual like that at my local parish. It might cause a riot or empty the church.
If you were touring the Amazon would you go to Mass that incorporated local cultural traditions though? After all we are talking about the Church deep South America. Not suburban Springfield, USA.
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The Mass has remained remarkably constant through centuries. I’ve attended the OF, the EF, Mass in Mexico, Youth Mass, Mass with mostly elderly daily communicants. The essentials are pretty much the same everywhere. As long as it doesn’t contain pagan rituals, I imagine the Mass in the Amazon will be the same.
What if they incorporate cultural traditions into the Mass like they do all over the world.?

Pope St John Paul II Mass India 1986
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John Paul II being blessed by and Indian Shaman 1987
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It is an Amazon Catholic Priest who was killed . His name is on an artefact in one of the photos referenced here, that I cannot find at the moment. It could be on the other thread.
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Hi @(name removed by moderator) folks are getting caught up in polemics -in shocking image on social media.

Hey, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is South American. He grew up amidst military dictatorship, corruption and misery like we can’t even imagine.

Before, during, and after his seminary years, his ordination, he was well aware of the Amazon issues. He knows it better than anyone. He knows every single bishop. He’s been thinking, debating, reflecting, reading, about this, his entire life. Same with the generation before, the priests who taught and directed him.

Do you think for one second pope Francis does not know what needs to be done?

Rest assured, he knows exactly what needs to be done!!! Pope Francis is not scared, not intimidated, not coerced, not pressured, not fooled. He is the right man for the job!!

We should be rejoicing beyond anything. The cardinals who elected this pope, the popes who appointed those cardinals electing him, they knew exactly what needed to be done, ASAP, and the time has finally come…!!!

Now, all those nay-Sayers, all those polemic-mongers, trying to shock and create alarm, the professionals campaigning against the pope, they hold a stake: political, economical, social…They are afraid of pope Francis, they stand to loose.

Because this pope is not afraid, to change decade long, century long, status quos of corruption. A lot of interests are threatened by this synod and Pope Francis’s integrity.

(And that’s the only thing we need to know.)

@pnewton @gracepoole @(name removed by moderator) @Divine3 @MagdalenaRita @Genesis315 @Emeraldlady @Nmc @GiftofMercy
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