Hi @(name removed by moderator) folks are getting caught up in polemics -in shocking image on social media.
Hey, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is South American. He grew up amidst military dictatorship, corruption and misery like we can’t even imagine.
Before, during, and after his seminary years, his ordination, he was well aware of the Amazon issues. He knows it better than anyone. He knows every single bishop. He’s been thinking, debating, reflecting, reading, about this, his entire life. Same with the generation before, the priests who taught and directed him.
Do you think for one second pope Francis does not know what needs to be done?
Rest assured, he knows exactly what needs to be done!!! Pope Francis is not scared, not intimidated, not coerced, not pressured, not fooled. He is the right man for the job!!
We should be rejoicing beyond anything. The cardinals who elected this pope, the popes who appointed those cardinals electing him, they knew exactly what needed to be done, ASAP, and the time has finally come…!!!
Now, all those nay-Sayers, all those polemic-mongers, trying to shock and create alarm, the professionals campaigning against the pope, they hold a stake: political, economical, social…They are afraid of pope Francis, they stand to loose.
Because this pope is not afraid, to change decade long, century long, status quos of corruption. A lot of interests are threatened by this synod and Pope Francis’s integrity.
(And that’s the only thing we need to know.)
@pnewton @gracepoole @(name removed by moderator) @Divine3 @MagdalenaRita @Genesis315
@Emeraldlady @Nmc @GiftofMercy