Amazon Synod and Pagan Rituals

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When bishops and priests promote a line of earth worship, I have to draw the line. Eco-theology is incompatible with the Catholic faith. It turns the planet into something that is to be worshiped rather than part of Creation itself. I spent years fighting that pagan nonsense and I don’t want it in my Church.
Does that matter? It’s not language that I’m afraid of. Native people groups are more than welcome to use whatever language they want in liturgy, but language isn’t the problem. You realize that many of the ‘traditions’ of these people idolatry and paganism which is entirely incompatible with the Catholic faith. If you want to be pagan, be pagan. If you want to be Catholic, be Catholic. But never shall the two mix.
Infanticide is the gravest of evils. The idea that anyone in the Church could support it for any reason makes me shudder… truly shakes me to my core.
Eco-theology is incompatible with the Catholic faith. It turns the planet into something that is to be worshiped rather than part of Creation itself. I spent years fighting that pagan nonsense and I don’t want it in my Church.
Umm…That isn’t ecotheology. I’m not sure what you’re complaining about, but is not anything found in the documents that form the basis of the synod.

To shamelessly quote from wikipedia again:

Ecotheology is a form of constructive theology that focuses on the interrelationships of religion and nature, particularly in the light of environmental concerns. Ecotheology generally starts from the premise that a relationship exists between human religious/spiritual worldviews and the degradation of nature. It explores the interaction between ecological values, such as sustainability, and the human domination of nature. The movement has produced numerous religious-environmental projects around the world.

Nothing about Ecotheology argues that the Earth is something to be worshiped. There are plenty of Catholic theologians who work in the field. The wikipedia article has links to some of them.

Different branches of theology only enrich our world. Embrace them, and don’t be afraid of them.
God praise the Amazon Synod, May the Holy Spirit guide its progress.

Prayers for Holy Father Pope Francis
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When bishops and priests promote a line of earth worship, I have to draw the line.
I would think we all would draw a line at that. However, I have never heard of this happening.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The real context is this:

The LifeSiteNews “staged interview”: featured a “translator” who’s TFP’s director in Washington. Who are TFP (short for Tradition-Family-Property)?? They’re a Brazilian group condemned and denounced by the Brazilian Bishops Conference (CNBB) for decades now.
Notably, at their 23rd general assembly in 1985 the Brazilian Bishops criticized TFP for its “lack of communion … with the Church in Brazil, its hierarchy, and the Holy Father” and for its "esoteric character, the religious fanaticism, and the cult given to the personality of its leader and his mother."
@graciew these are the “supposed Catholics” who undermined Allende because they wanted Pinochet…(History shows who they are, and what they aim for.)

Better, pope Francis himself, while in Argentina, had to help a priest escape who’d been receiving death-threats from TFP.
Around 1976 or 1977 a Father Vicente was forced to flee to Uruguay with the assistance of the Jesuit Provincial, Jorge Bergoglio (later Pope Francis), after having been threatened by TFP for preaching against the murder of three Pallottine priests and two seminarians.
At one point TFP splintered, one movement arising from it was “Heralds of the Gospel” (Arautos do Evangelho) who are currently under Vatican oversight after an “Apostolic Visitation” found worrisome irregularities - too many to mention.
The Vatican said Sept. 28 that the reason for the apostolic visitation in 2017 was due to “shortcomings concerning the style of government, the life of the members of the council, the pastoral care of vocations, the formation of new vocations, administration, the management of works and fundraising.”
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Oh, I’ve just googled them and found they are behind Such and Such needs Fatima! I have had to save my elderly mother from them. They are too money hungry here in Australia anyway. It has the feel of a front for some sort of corporation.
God praise the Amazon Synod, May the Holy Spirit guide its progress.

Prayers for Holy Father Pope Francis
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Let me clarify: there are some very troubling issues of the Amazonian Synod that smells to me of paganism.
One doesn’t need an entire concept to understand that the world that God created is good and that we’re called to be stewards of it rather than exploiting it. There is an acceptable eco-theology, so long as it does not exceed the bounds of what the relationship between the created world and man were called to do. It’s one thing to say that we are not supposed to destroy our own planet, either because it was created by God, therefor it’s good or because of our future generations. However, the flavor of eco-theology I’ve seen in Pope Francis and some of his advisors is decidedly more towards an eco-theology where ‘everything is connected’ and that human beings are equal to everything on the planet and vice versa. There is a big problem where there is a sign outside a church featuring a photo of a woman breastfeeding a child and a dog, encircled by the words ‘we are all connected,’ or ‘everything is connected.’ (Forgive me, I don’t have the exact quote). None of the bishops and the pope have zero education on environmental studies, I don’t think it is within their knowledge or power to tell the Church what to believe about the environment. This is a mixing of political views and Catholic teaching. The view should be that we are to care of the planet in so far that it is a) a gift from God, b) created by God so it is good and made for our good, and c) those gifts are to be used prudently and with respect. Outside of that, this current brand of eco-theology is edging a little too close to pagan earth worship for my taste.
When I say that the current papacy is trying to endorse paganism, I mean that no solemn rite of the Catholic Church should include idols, blasphemous depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, phallic statues, etc. The tree planting ceremony reeked of pseudo-earth worship. On top of that, you have the Instrumentum document of the Synod saying things like how the Holy Spirit, of all people, taught the indigenous to honor the Father-Mother ‘God’ and that the Eucharist can be adapted to the needs of the local people, which reads very open to interpretation. Local culture must be integrated into the liturgy of the people, which also opens Pandora’s box for any bishopric to adapt the liturgy to their own needs or whatever their diocese demand of them.
On top of all this, you have talks of married men becoming priests, women priests, and other issues. The Amazon Synod is a problem. I know paganism, even as diet paganism with Catholic dressings, when I see. I should know, because I was one. I studied these things. Once one locality changes how it does liturgy and ordains men, then it becomes a domino effect and the churches of the world will want to do the same.
However, the flavor of eco-theology I’ve seen in Pope Francis
None of the bishops and the pope have zero education on environmental studies, I don’t think it is within their knowledge or power to tell the Church what to believe about the environment.
Total fires>40,000[1]
Date(s)January 2019 — ongoing
Burned area906,000 hectares (2,240,000 acres)
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God praise the Amazon Synod, May the Holy Spirit guide its progress.

Prayers for Holy Father Pope Francis
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Are you now God to know that nobody will be converted during the event? Who gives you the authority to claim such a thing?
Oh, I’ve just googled them and found they are behind Such and Such needs Fatima! I have had to save my elderly mother from them.
What’s wrong with the ‘Britain needs Fatima’ organisation etc? Are they preaching heresy? Are they out of communion with the Church? Not as far as I can see.

Yes they look for donations to promote their aims and message, and to publish their books and devotional items, but what is the problem with that?
Do you know that scene from LOTR where Eomer shows the white hand of saruman on an orc helmet to Wormtongue , and Wormtongue uses all his clever language to wriggle out of it? This is what this all reminds me of
My observation is that Catholics could stand a little more Trust in it’s Clergy. Trust that they opperate and discern within a very large and varied " tradition".
Catholics have a tendency to assume a restless discomfort the very moment the unfamiliar is introduced.
The irony is an insistence that " real tradition" is coextensive with familiar tradition. My experience is this is often not the case.
Saint Francis Canticle Brother Son and Sister Moon for example. Would the full meaning of what is expressed be dismissed if the author was not Saint Francis?
Look at the first Jeruselem Council. The " itinerary" was pretty radical. In today’s language of criticism, one could argue the discussion fitting a
" modernist" charge. True, the arguments were made by Apostles and Saints, but they were in truth simple men as well.
blasphemous depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
This one caught my eye. What is a blasphemous depiction? Does she have to be a white European, for example? Is it blaspheme now for her to be bare-chested?
On top of that, you have the Instrumentum document of the Synod saying things like how the Holy Spirit, of all people, taught the indigenous to honor the Father-Mother ‘God’ and that the Eucharist can be adapted to the needs of the local people, which reads very open to interpretation.
But this has to be part of the questions that are explored. You act like there are no more indigenous people in the world who are ignorant of the gospel. Yet there are a few pockets of people that have the same issues during the first few centuries of the Church, then again during the Age of Exploration. How to evangelize has always been a tricky question, and there is no one orthodox answer, though there are some heterodox answers.

I know there are risks with being too progressive, but it should also be remembered that some of the worst crimes against humanity have occurred when the Church was too traditional in this endeavor. That age has passed, but the lesson should remain that we need a middle road.
My observation is that Catholics could stand a little more Trust in it’s Clergy.
I don’t know about that. Outside of the internet and those that like to opine here, most are fine with the job the Holy Father is doing. Now I do think there is a problem with people, not just Catholics, taking the news too much at face value and forgetting that it is a business and makes money off keeping people engaged at any cost.
“At any cost?”
That seems to assume a lack of virtue in motivation.
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