ancestors of Mary

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so if you say that this is addressing old values then shouldn’t women be able to lead a church or be the pope

i will be asking my youth leader about contraseption thank you for bringing that to my attention

y do catholics not allow it?
Did you read what I posted at all, or did you just skip it?
Because this is part of God’s natural moral law the Church has to preserves as the “authentic guardian of God’s laws”!

No Christian church (even the Protestants) allowed contraception until the Anglican gave up to the popularity and other Protestant churches quickly followed suit.

Like other matters (like homosexuality, abortion, etc) the CC is the only Church to hold firm to God’s teachings! Now THAT’s what i call Apostolic teachings!, “The gates of Hell shall not prevail against her,” remember?

So obviously the only ancestor of Mary who was sinless was Eve for a time…

And her only descendent was obviously sinless as well.

That passage is adressing the culture of the time. We live in a different culture now. They would not be asked to take them out because it does not have any bearing.

What about apostolic tradition and contraception? Why does your church support contraception? Why don’t you follow apostolic tradition?
Here is the quote for contraception for the second time.

“Juda therefore said to Onan his son: 'Go in to thy [deceased] brother’s wife and marry her, that thou mayst raise seed to thy brother. He knowing that the children should not be his, when he went in to his brother’s wife, spilled his seed upon the ground, lest children should be born in his brother’s name. And therefore the Lord slew him, because he did a detestable thing.” (Genesis 38:8-10)

Here are some quotes for the tradition.

2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

2 Thessalonians 3:6
Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.
i go to a house church/ free church

but what i a saying is that in the culture women couldnt lead anything

but you are saying that because our culture has changed some of gods laws can be changed
i go to a house church/ free church

but what i a saying is that in the culture women couldnt lead anything

but you are saying that because our culture has changed some of gods laws can be changed
So basically you are non-denominational. Who founded your Church? What are their beliefs?

Women not wearing pearls/wearing pearls is not part of God’s law…that was a cultural practice at the time. Tell me do you own slaves? If not, then you are violating God’s laws are you not?

Now be sure you go read John 6:52 and on.

i go to a house church/ free church

but what i a saying is that in the culture women couldnt lead anything

but you are saying that because our culture has changed some of gods laws can be changed
No… man’s/cultural traditions can change, but God’s laws don’t

Nor do Sacred Traditions (which is from God)!
2 Thessalonians 2:15
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

so brothers and sisters stand strong and continue to belive the teachings we gave you in our speaking and in our letter

i think that you have interpited this wrong
i dont go to confestion but i talk with my friends and i share that i am struggling with and tjhey pray for me

jesus doesnt say to eat and drink his flesh and blood he says to remeber him every time we eat and drink wine
That’s not the same as confessing your sins which the Bilbe so clearly tells us to do.

Sorry your wrong. He says it 4 times.
  1. John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.”
  2. John 6:53 “Jesus said to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.”
  3. John 6:54 "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
  4. John 6:55-56 “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”
so brothers and sisters stand strong and continue to belive the teachings we gave you in our speaking and in our letter

i think that you have interpited this wrong
How so? It says what it says.

Catholics stand strong and continue to believe the teachings they gave us in their SPEAKING (oral Tradition) AND in their letter (written Tradition)

so if you say that this is addressing old values then shouldn’t women be able to lead a church or be the pope

i will be asking my youth leader about contraseption thank you for bringing that to my attention

y do catholics not allow it?
They do not allow it because it is against the laws of God.
It is taking advantage of the acts.
so brothers and sisters stand strong and continue to belive the teachings we gave you in our speaking and in our letter

i think that you have interpited this wrong
no… that’s exactly what Sacred Tradition is, the orally handed down teachings that are not explicit in the Scriptures…

and I suppose your interpretation is superior to the divinely inspired 2000-year-old Church from whom and to whom the Gospels and the Epistles were compiled, as with the entire Bible itself? Such arrogance!
kpnuts, you need to think about these before you post. You are posting too fast.

Is everything in the Bible to be taken literally in your view? You seem to be indicating as much with your adherence to Biblical standards of women’s clothing.

So if that is the case, what do you make of Mark 16:17-18? Do you all practice snake handling in your congregation? Do you drink poison?

How do you reconcile literal interpretations with John 6:51-56, wherein most mainline Protestent denominations (and yourself) eschew the clearly literal command of God that we eat his flesh and drink his blood?

P.S.: let’s give give kpnuts2k some credit. He/she is still hanging in there while the others are conspicuously absent. Also, there is an important distinction between discourse and argumentation that will hopefully come to light the longer kpnuts2k stays on these pages. A “Forum” is an exchange of ideas, so let’s make sure that he/she continues to see our ideas…

Also, I’ve noticed how no one is discussing Mary’s sinlessness anymore. I guess we Catholics got our idea across on that one!
it was writtern because the torah exited
he was quoting the bible he was quoting the old testiment
Do you know that the Jews didn’t come up with an Old Testament canon until Jemmia in AD 90? Do you know what specific Old Testament books Jesus quoted from? He quoted from many books that Protestants threw out of their Bibles.

Why trust the canon of the same Jews that rejected Jesus?
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Why trust the canon of the same Jews that rejected Jesus?
the jews were fulfilling a profisy
if you had been at jesus’ trial you would have shouted to crusify him!


“Also, I’ve noticed how no one is discussing Mary’s sinlessness anymore. I guess we Catholics got our idea across on that one!”

well you havnt got you idea through to me but i have stopped because you seem to be so blind to the truth!
the biblical truth


don’t block this as i will not be offended by anything anyone says about my faith!
hold on here… where in the Bible says that Mary was sinless?. Please show me it in the Bible.
The Bible is only part of Catholic Tradition. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that the Bible is the only authority for Church teaching. The concepts of *sola scriptura *and *sola fide *are misunderstandings of authentic Church teaching. The Bible can only be validly interpreted by the Catholic Church, the only church founded by Jesus Christ. The Gospel was preached and orally taught before it was written down. The Bible as presently constituted was assembled by the Catholic Church under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. So to ask, “Where is that in the Bible?” is a basic misunderstanding of the nature of the Church. The proper question is to ask, “Where is that in Catholic dogma?” Only the Catholic Church has been given the authority to hand on the authentic teaching of Jesus Christ and his apostles.
The Bible can only be validly interpreted by the Catholic Church, the only church founded by Jesus Christ.
that is a very aragent comment
are you telling me that (as a non catholic but a christain) i am going to hell?
that is a very aragent comment
are you telling me that (as a non catholic but a christain) i am going to hell?
No that’s not what he is saying and how you thought that out of what was said is beyond me.

If you will get busy and start reading facts about the Catholic Church you will find out exactly what the Church teaches about those Christians of other faiths.

Now when are you going to answer some of the other questions asked of you?


PS perhaps you will keep your misunderstanding in mind, your comment yesterday seemed to imply Catholics weren’t Christian.
i belive that some catholics are christains but some (like some protestants) are just sheep who swollow anything their vicars feed them

but i am not saying that you will go to hell for only god knows that and yurself
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