Dear rjs1:
I realize that I’m a retread “the cat dragged in” some 17 months ago after 25 years of wandering down the “Road to Jericho”. That has led (as Irenicist has thoughtfully out) to a certain imprecision in speach/terms). At the same time, I was defending the Pope’s right and Authority per his Petrine Office to make the offer I inadiquately discribed, NOT the right of the TAC members of Dissent from Church Teaching. I don’t think you understood that.
As I was originally informed, Members of the TAC would not have been required to give PUBLIC ASSENT to the de fide dogma of the Catholic faith, the Infallibility of the Pope. Their leaders (since this is a Church being accepted into Communion with Rome and NOT an individual (The Precedents and Formula for this are already laid out) would still be required to give PUBLIC ASSENT to ALL of the other de fide Dogmas of the Catholic Church (with the exception fo those resting only on the Infallibility of the Pope) including PAPAL SUPREMACY which was well established before the First Vatican Council.
Traditional Anglican has been arguing for the possibility of being received by the Catholic Church, while not accepting several doctrines.
I merely used some of his own words about stubborness to point out that, if he is calling Catholics stubborn because they insist on full acceptance of the Church’s teachings as a condition of entry, then surely those who keep wanting entry on their own terms instead of the Church’s terms could also be considered stubborn.
Since you’ve misunderstood what I said, I need to emphasize this.
At NO time would ANY Member of the New Anglican Catholic Church have been allowed to DISSENT from ANY dogma of the Catholic Church, PUBLICLY or otherwise.
BTW, AT NO TIME DID I SAY THAT CATHOLICS WERE STUBBORN who tried to explain what they believed to be the teaching the teaching of the church in Love and Charity. I did say that those who repetitively stated the Law of the Church, while refusing the recognise the humanity of the people who are applying to be included in the Church while facing persecution from their former friends and co-religionists for what they believed to be the Catholic Faith were lacking in Charity and would only serve to drive them away. Please understand that after some 3 days of hearing hearing nothing but the Law, much of which wasn’t even applicable, used as a bludgeon against me.
I believed what my source told me, and based on some precedents relating to Eastern Catholics (esp. the Articles of Brest), that the Pope had the Right and Authority to make the Offer, with the notion that later generations would be taught the fullness of the Faith as Eastern Catholics have been for hundreds of years.
Regarding some form of “Shared Communion” (If you have a more precise term…), Vatican II stated that the Eucharist should be offered to EO Christians forced to attend Masses at Catholic Parishes; Old Catholics (until they began ordaining women “Priests”) were, and members of the Polish National Catholic Church are, allowed to receive the Eucharist in Catholic churches under certain Limited Circumstances; and the Vatican has very recently decided to provisionally allow the Swiss Church to offer the Eucharist to unspecified “Protestants” (probably dissaffected Anglicans from the C of E).
One poster said that these precedents were neither applicable nor on point, but could provide no reason why. I’m sorry, but simply saying that something is not applicable, when they appear to be so, doesn’t make them not applicable.
Since I posted the first post on this thread, I’ve had occasion to interview a TAC Bishop at length on this topic. He assures me that no such offer was made, but that the Bishops of the TAC would be responsible for instructing the members of the new Anglican Catholic Church in the fullness of the Faith, as the Bishops, etc. of the Eastern Catholic Churches were, upon the acceptance of the TAC’s acceptance into the Catholic Church and the name change to the Anglican Catholic Church.
As was done in the Eastern Catholic Churches, The Patriarch/Metropolitan/Primate (and some Bishops) would go to Rome and make the Profession of Faith in the name of the new Anglican Catholic Church. They would then be responsible to insure that the fulness of the Faith is taught to the members. We’re already being “encouraged” to buy and read the Catechism.
There would be no Latin Rite Priest or Bishop administering a Rite of Initiation as described by Matt.
I hope this eases any confusion. BTW, next time, before calling someone stubborn, you might want to ask what he meant.
Blessings and Peace. Michael