Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Today is the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.

“Christ says to Saul: Why persecutest thou Me? Precisely, the Church is Christ and Christ is the Church – such is the Divine equation. Saul learned a lesson which he afterwards taught as Paul: The Church is the body of Christ. This new body, sometimes called the mystical body, is to be understood after the analogy of the human body which is made up of many members performing different functions and yet all cooperating toward the harmony of the whole. The hand is not the foot, the eye is not the ear, the heart is not the lung. So, too, the priest is not the layman, the apostle is not the disciple, the Vicar of Christ is not the deacon – and yet all are one in the same spirit.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen
God of justice, Father of truth,
who guide creation in wisdom and goodness
to fulfillment in Christ your Son,
open our hearts to the truth of his Gospel,
that your peace may rule in our hearts
and your justice guide our lives.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Collect from this morning’s Mass.
We made the MOVE! Thank the Lord, we arrived safely on the 4th of July! Now to deal with the heat of summer and unpacking and arranging… And back to CAF!!!
“O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.”
  • from the Book of Divine Worship
“As the scourging was the reparation for the sins of the flesh, so the crowning with thorns was the atonement for the sins of the mind – for the atheists who wish there were no God, for the doubters whose evil lives becloud their thinking, for the egotists, centered on themselves. The soldiers cursed as the thorns pricked their fingers. Then they cursed the Lord, as they drove the crown of thorns into His head, as a mockery of a royal diadem. Into His hands they placed a reed, the symbol of His kingdom, presumed to be false and unstable like the reed. His flesh, already hanging from Him like purple rags, is now covered with a purple robe to ridicule His claim to kingship of hearts and nations. Blindfolding Him, they struck Him, asking Him to prophesy, or tell whom it was that delivered the blow. They then bowed down before Him in mock reverence, spitting in His face, that all the subsequent Mindszentys, Stepinacs, and martyrs of the world might have courage in their hour of martyrdom. In this Mystery is verified the truth of our Saviour’s warning: ‘If the world hates you, be sure that it hated Me before it learned to hate you. If you belonged to the world, the world would know you for its own and love you; it is because you do not belong to the world, because I have singled you out from the midst of the world, that the world hates you.’ He who expects to preserve His faith without being mocked by the world is either weak in it, or else not so bold in goodness as to draw upon himself the mocking insults of another purple robe and a torturing circle of thorns.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Fifteen Mysteries)
Just received a beautiful poem written by a friend of mine. He passed away from cancer earlier this year and his wife just found it on his computer. Here it is:
 The Lesson of The Cross
A gentle spirit who loved the world, came down to Earth one day
He became a man, of a virgin born, and taught the world to pray
His amazing love and grace, beyond what men could understand
The touch of his hand, could heal the soul, just by his command
But Almighty God had formed a plan, for this humble spirit without a sin
He was sent By God, to save the world, and mans salvation he would win
He suffered the pain, of a thousand lashes, and thorns upon his head that day
His body was flayed, beyond all reason, for what he had to say
Bloodied and broken, he suffered such torment, for all of Earths mankind
But it was the price, he had to pay, for redemption all men could find
A cross made of timbers, was made much heavier that day
The sins of the world, and man’s salvation, was what had made it that way
Three crosses were standing, on Calvary, Golgotha’s lonely hill
Two thieves and our Savior, crucified by godless men, this was our Fathers Holy will
The reason was clear, why Jesus hung, between two thieves, and the lesson it expressed
One hardened heart was doomed to hell, while the other one was blessed
By asking for forgiveness, and begged to be remembered, one knew that he was led
For his salvation, by the King of Kings, who had suffered so much, and bled
And Jesus told the one, who came to know the reason, for such a heavy price
Truly, I say unto you, this day, you will be with me, together in paradise
And such is the choice, that all men today must make
And ignoring this lesson, from so long ago, is still mankind’s mistake
Humble yourselves, to the King of all Kings, and your life will never cease
But be rewarded with a mansion in paradise, and an eternity of peace.
That was the lesson of the cross.
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Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church​


“If we would completely rejoice the heart of God, let us strive in all things to conform ourselves to his divine will. Let us not only strive to conform ourselves, but also to unite ourselves to whatever disposition God makes of us.”
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I know this isn’t the prayer section, but would you pray for me? The move was great, the house is great but smaller, which isn’t a bad thing but I have trouble finding a place to be quiet by myself… No room in the inn, so to speak. Can’t work into a prayer routine. All I can do is say my morning prayers and offer the day to Jesus through his mother… And I ask Mary that when I start a “Hail Mary” please let her angels finish it for me… The days of unpacking and arranging are long and hard. But I’m not discouraged by that. I know things will fall into place, just pray for strength and perseverance for me to get there… and back to Mass…(and an end to this Covid-19)…
Certainly I will pray for you, that God may provide you with his peace and comfort. :pray:t2:

God bless.
Hi petra22,
I’m offering my evening Mass for you. May the Holy Spirit nourish and sustain you as you find new ways of praying amidst the bustle of your move and may your relationship with God be strengthened by this experience.
You bet!
Great timing with the readings and sermon today-Father spoke of the love of Christ which is with us through all our trials and tribulations.
Take care and may God bless you!
My parish welcomed its new priest this past weekend. Our previous pastor retired after 53 years of ministry, the last 14 years at our parish.
Thank you. My husband lived there and he often talks about childhood memories of being there.
She was running late for a train to start a vacation, and told her colleague she had forgotten to bring something to read for the trip.

Her friend gave Edith the only book she had, a biography of St. Teresa of Avila. Although Edith Stein had been raised Jewish and was now an atheist Professor of Philosophy, she took the book figuring it would be better than nothing.

When she returned from vacation she was a changed woman, not because of the places she visited but because of the book she read.

In short order, one of Germany’s most famous female academics asked for baptism and was soon received as a novice in the Carmelite order of nuns, taking the name Teresa Benedicta in homage to St. Teresa of Avila.

As an ethnically Jewish intellectual, she was hunted by the Nazis in Germany and Holland. Finally arrested, she was killed on this day in 1942 in the Auschwitz gas chamber.

But a random book given to her many years before, and the prayers of a bride of Christ in heaven, gave her ultimate victory over the satanic cross of Hitler’s Nazis.

St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, pray for us!
“If God really is, then it is absurd to say that He is one thing in the fifteenth century and another in the twentieth. This is equivalent to saying that a thing is true at three o’clock but false at half past four and that two apples plus two apples make four apples on Monday but not on Friday. That all this should be called progress is a mystery, as if there could be progress without a fixed term.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Religion Without God)
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I’m not entirely sure what prompted Archbishop Sheen to make that declaration, but I maintain that our limited understanding the Unchanging God does indeed develop and mature over time. For example, some of us are troubled these days by the current trend to deemphasize, as it were, the attribute of God which is justice, which for many seems to be a more popular notion, and certainly seemed to be so in times past (I’m thinking of the image of a wrathful God uncompromising in passing judgement), in favor of mercy. Yet our Holy Father Francis now clearly teaches:

“Because he is God, because he is mercy, and because mercy is the first attribute of God, the name of God is mercy.” Pope Francis, from the book, The Name of God is Mercy.

But in the end, I always refer back to St. Augustine: “If you understood him, it would not be God.”

Have a most blessed Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
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