Another Host on eBay (4/28)

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Anyone who has been a wreck all day since it was brought to our attention that The Eucharist was on auction at e-bay:mad: We need to bring this to light and put a stop to this sacrilege.The one that was auctioned was the second one on e-bay the first Consecrated Host’ was taken off by the urging of posters by a person who really did not understand and hopefully will be taken to a priest.The second was rescued by a member of the knights of Columbus(Thanks be to God)!Now the Eucharist will be sold again and a further target of theft if this is not nipped in the bud.So we need to e-mail the news,Catholic action league and anyone else who will make noise.We deal with ugliness quite a bit,but this is our LORD and we need to stand up so this WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!!God Bless
Get your e-mails I love the smiley,it is appropiate under the circumstances:(
Get your e-mails I love the smiley,it is appropiate under the circumstances:(
hehe yeah. well this is war!
If something can be sold for money it will be sold. The fact that the Eucharist is being put up for auction doesn’t tell us anything new. What it does point up is the evil of communion in the hand. It is a practice that lends itself to blasphemy.
If something can be sold for money it will be sold. The fact that the Eucharist is being put up for auction doesn’t tell us anything new. What it does point up is the evil of communion in the hand. It is a practice that lends itself to blasphemy.
I do not take communion in the hand.I will also NOT be silent about this,either e-bay will listen or not but they will here about it:mad: Thanks to springbreeze suggesting we e-mail spiritdaily,it has been exposed there as well.Coincidentally two years ago my parish had the monstrance and the Consecrated hosts for the sick stolen.I do not believe silence about this will
I do not take communion in the hand.I will also NOT be silent about this,either e-bay will listen or not but they will here about it:mad: Thanks to springbreeze suggesting we e-mail spiritdaily,it has been exposed there as well.Coincidentally two years ago my parish had the montrance and the Consecrated hosts for the sick stolen.I do not believe silence about this will
What it does point up is the evil of communion in the hand.
Communion in hand is not evil, at least according to those in authority of the Church. What is evil is abuse the sacred host in any form regardless of how the man obtained it and assuming it is not a simple unconcecrated piece of bread. That is what this thread is about and we should not hijack Lisa’s thread.
Communion in hand is not evil, at least according to those in authority of the Church. What is evil is abuse the sacred host in any form regardless of how the man obtained it and assuming it is not a simple unconcecrated piece of bread. That is what this thread is about and we should not hijack Lisa’s thread.
Thankyou,Pnewton I wanted people to e-mail so maybe e-bay will not allow this again.If they do then Our Lord will be sought out to steal and hold for the ransom of an online auction:crying: It is sick and if we remain silent it could cause the desecrations and sacrlige to run rampant.That is unacceptable,especially if we can at least try to change this:nope:
I agree, we can not let this happen again; eBay must put a stop to such sales.

We can not and will not let this go away.
I agree, we can not let this happen again; eBay must put a stop to such sales.

We can not and will not let this go away.
We will not let this go away.God Bless
Not to sound rude, but are the Hosts being sold “fresh” or recently consecrated?

I ask only because I understand that we as Catholics believe that as the natural effects of time cause the species to decompose the True Presence is no longer present.

“He is to be adored in the Blessed Sacrament, and just so long as He remains present under the appearances of bread and wine, namely, from the moment of Transubstantiation to the moment in which the species are decomposed” (cf. Council of Trent, Sess. XIII, can. vi).

Regardless, these people doing this should be tried as religious persecutors & given severe punishments.
Dj Roy Albert:
Not to sound rude, but are the Hosts being sold “fresh” or recently consecrated?

I ask only because I understand that we as Catholics believe that as the natural effects of time cause the species to decompose the True Presence is no longer present.
Whilst the accidents remain complete it is still the Body and Blood of Christ, only when it no longer resembles its original form it ceases to be the Eucharist, i.e when we consume and digest the Host.
Is Ebay the only onlilne audtion?
Can an effective boycott take affect?
I am alwaysing reading on these posts that boycotts don’t work. If the folks at Ebay think this is funny, it’s NOT!

Hey, they allow an 10 Year OLD frozen grilled cheese sandwich that had the impression of the Virgin Mary sell, so they can see ANYTHING being sellable.

I am considering ending my Ebay usage.
I agree that this is absolutely horrible, but is it at all possible that the host has not been consecrated? It would still be horrible for anyone to sell it saying that it was consecrated, because it would be leading others to believe that the Eucharist was being desecrated, but it would not be as bad as actually selling a consecrated host. I know it is most likely consecrated, but what does whoever gets it (assuming he/she is a good Catholic) do if he/she is not sure?
Grace and Glory:
I agree that this is absolutely horrible, but is it at all possible that the host has not been consecrated? It would still be horrible for anyone to sell it saying that it was consecrated, because it would be leading others to believe that the Eucharist was being desecrated, but it would not be as bad as actually selling a consecrated host. I know it is most likely consecrated, but what does whoever gets it (assuming he/she is a good Catholic) do if he/she is not sure?
Take it to a faithful Priest.

I’m no expert on canon law, but there must be some guidelines for the proper disposition of a consecrated host.
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