Another Host on eBay (4/28)

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Lisa4Catholics said:
info@frmcgivneyassembly.o rg
This is the Catholic action League e-mail
document.write(“JScarborough”+"@"+“”); [email=“”][/email]
Joe Scarborough on MSNBC,I do not know if he is Catholic,but he spoke highly of the Pope and supported Terri,keep it in my when you e-mail him.God Bless
From Hannity and Colmes lets e-mail him too

Thank you Lisa, I sent off my emails. Now I will send up my prayers.
God Bless you,
This is sacrilege. Dear God, please help us.

Could these be phony, unconsercrated bread? I hope so. Not that I think this kind of fraud is okay, but to sell our Lord to the highest bidder… Judas!
I hope that this is the last time that this ever happened. How did you find this sale? What was your search? This incident is outrageous and should be stopped as soon as possible!
i’m not so sure this thing’s a fraud…😦 :mad:
Me neither,it appears these “items” that include the Eucharist were what appears to be covered with plastic and the air removed.😦
Here is the article on Spirit Daily



There it was on eBay, the online auction house that almost revels in the blasphemous: an ad for a Host consecrated by John Paul II and whisked out of Rome by a non-Catholic who allegedly attended Mass at St. Peter’s in 1998, the Pope’s twentieth anniversary."I am not a Catholic and do not believe I’m going to hell for selling this collectible," said the owner in a poorly spelled advertisement. “It’s a memento from that great afternoon with Pope John Paul II. Yes, this is the actual Eucharist I saved during the Mass that I participated in on October 18th, 1998. I ate one wafer then I went back and got another one to save and he gave me another one, but I did get a very dirty look! I was studying in Florence that semester and a bunch of us went down to Rome that week to partake. I’m not Catholic, but I found it all very interesting. Along with the Eucharist, I have the program from that day and a little bulletin. It’s all in Italian. I also have four stamps from the Vatican that year and a bottle opener that I bought when I was in Rome way back in 1992. From what I understand, if you’re holding something in your hand during a certain moment when Pope John Paul II spoke during his Mass, it becomes blessed. I was holding this bottle opener during Mass with him in 1992. It has his picture on one side and a picture of the Trevi Fountain on the other.”

The seller went on to explain that everything from 1998 (Eucharist, bulletin, program, and stamps) were encased in plastic in his “scratch book” and all were in “awesome condition.” Photos authenticating his presence there that day were also to be included (although we cannot verify any of his claims).

At any rate, just minutes after the item was posted on *Spirit Daily *Monday night, a Cupertino, California, man raced to buy the Eucharist for $2,000 and has secured it, whatever its origins. “Any minute I waited, it could have fallen into the hands of a witch or satanist,” he said, aghast at the auction. “That’s Jesus in that Host.”
Well the “seller” is making claims he has another host:mad: He wrote another poster and said he will auction it too:mad: Call the Catholic league please!:banghead:
Based on the photograph, the host was sealed in plastic and appears in good condition, therefore, it must be assumed to be a genuine consecrated host. According to the seller’s account of how he received it, I think it entirely plausible that it is genuine.

Sadly, I fear that this will give others the idea that they could do the same with any host and claim that it was consecrated by John Paul II.

I called eBay to complain and the customer service representative walked me through the steps to file a formal e-mail complaint. The eBay corporate telephone number is in the Spirit Daily article.
Even if EBay doesn’t block these auctions out of respect for the spiritual, they should at least do it for the very reason that there is no way to corroborate the claim that any given host is actually consecrated.

Sad for this kid, I pray for his soul.
I wonder if the seller can be prosecuted? The Eucharist is not his to sell. At the very least e-bay should be boycotted by all Catholics.
Is there an e-mail address we can write we can wrtie to e-bay. My wife goes on there alot and I can gaurantee no one in my family will ever use that site again.
This has meds the news on FOX and MSNBC,the diosese has spoken out against this as well.Keep complaining the Catholic Action League and the National News,the pressure could STOP E-Bay!If they do NOT CEASE CATHOLICS MAY WANT TO FILE A LAWSUIT!:mad: Catholic Leagues first response to e-bay

After a consecrated Host was recently auctioned online by eBay (it has since been sold, purportedly to a Knights of Columbus member who bought it out of respect), the Catholic League was deluged with complaints. The policy that eBay cited as a reason for not pulling the item was the subject of the following letter that Catholic League president William Donohue sent to the company today:

“As president of the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization, I was disturbed to learn that eBay would unnecessarily offend 63 million Catholics in the U.S., and 1.1 billion worldwide, by selling a consecrated Host online. To Catholics, the Eucharist is the center of our religion, worthy of the utmost reverence. While we don’t expect non-Catholics to maintain the same perspective, we do expect them to be respectful of our sentiments. That is why the decision not to withdraw this item is so disturbing.

“More than disturbing is the reasoning behind the decision. The Community Watch Team of eBay’s Trust & Safety division said that ‘even though these auctions may be offensive to some, please remember that most of the time the law does not prohibit these items.’ But the law has nothing to do with this issue: lots of things are legal and immoral at the same time. Moreover, we are told that eBay has decided not to prohibit any item ‘endowed with sacred properties by certain religious groups.’ Really? Since the policy is conditional, i.e., it refers only to ‘certain’ groups, it would be instructive to know which religious groups eBay would protect. Obviously, Catholics did not make the cut, so who did? And to say that eBay is ‘religiously neutral’ is disingenuous: all moral decisions are judgmental—none can be neutral.

“Last fall, eBay banned the book, *Why Is America So Fat? *Was that an example of your neutrality? Or maybe I’m missing something—was the book endowed with some sacred properties that eBay honors? In any event, the next time someone insults Catholics, please think of us as fat people.”

Kiera McCaffrey
Director of Communications
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Ave
New York, NY 10123
(212) 371-3191
(212) 371-3394 (Fax)
Truly horrifying, if this is really a consescrated host. And why take a chance it’s not? I’m an ebay user, and they will hear from me!
Truly horrifying, if this is really a consescrated host. And why take a chance it’s not? I’m an ebay user, and they will hear from me!
Yes,let them hear from you and use the emails provided above to complain to anyone who will listen,because at this point e-bay will not stop any future auctions of the Eucharist.:mad:
I just got a reply from eBay and they do not find anything wrong in selling the Eucharist online :mad: they are saying they have to remain neutral on religious items being auctioned.

So in other words as long as they get a % from a sale and money to line their greasy fat pockets, then they couldn’t care less :mad:

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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