Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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When I used to get it - as is - it was really that good.

Gardens - cottage style with lots of flowers or desert style with cactus & succulents?
Online. I order my clothes from the UK. Shopping for clothes in French clothing stores is frustrating and depressing unless one is taller than I am and as thin as a beanpole.

Topping for hot chocolate: whipped cream or marshmallows?
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Ballpark FTW. 🌭

Swimming location: artificial pool or natural body of water? :swimming_man::swimming_woman:
Not a fan of cold water, but of the two - natural body of water ie the ocean.

standard desktop monitor or gaming monitor?
I only have a laptop, but I’ll say a desktop.

Airplane seats: aisle or window?
Of the two, American. We typically fly Southwest or Alaska Airlines.

Breakfast food: cereal or eggs?
We have an OLED on a console in our family room and a 106” screen on the wall with ceiling mounted projector in our basement.

Surround sound speakers or built in television speaker?
We have an OLED on a console in our family room and a 106” screen on the wall with ceiling mounted projector in our basement.
But which do you prefer? 🙂
Surround sound speakers or built in television speaker?
Unless I have the option to switch between the two at will, the built-in speakers do just fine. I don’t want everything I watch to be in surround sound 🙉 😖

Rail tourism: Orient Express or Trans-Siberian Railway?
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Orient Express (though not a fan of train travel)

Which do you prefer? Eggs - sunny side up or over easy?
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