Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Tough one! I’ll go with sauerkraut.

Smartphone case: with or without screen cover?
Safety razor

For wine drinkers: California wines or Washington state wines?
I’ve never had Washington State wines so I’ll say California. (Living in Europe makes this rather a moot point for me, however.)

Dust and (dry) dirt on hard floor: vacuum cleaner or broom+dustpan?
Mystery. :female_detective:

Octopus or squid ? (as live animals, not as food)
I was going to answer as food.

Octopus 🐙 seem like a more interesting animal.

Lions 🦁 or tigers 🐯?
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if it’s hot apple, then vanilla ice cream 🙂

Ice cream: in a cone or in a dish(either bought or at home)?
dish since you didn’t include right out of the carton!

lading ice cream

scoop or spoon
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