Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Left wrist, even though I’m left handed.

Red wine: use decanter or pour straight from bottle.
Finger. My hand shakes so much a stylist is useless.

Regular doorbell or video doorbell such as Ring.
Because I haven’t lived in the US for almost two decades, I have no idea what the strengths and weaknesses of each are today so I don’t prefer one to the other. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Cold drinks: with or without ice? 🧊
Sudoku. I’m not clever enough for crosswords.

Plain chocolate milk or malted chocolate milk (Ovaltine, Ovomaltine, MILO, etc.)?
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Plain. Either I buy it ready made, or the kids make it with chocolate syrup.

Do you prefer green or black tea?
Green tea…it’s a summer drink for me…I always drink it iced and with lemon…

TV news: network or local?
It’s the same broadcast here regardless of channel, but where separate I generally prefer the network.

Shoe fasteners: laces or buckles?
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