Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Single. Two is just extra work for me.

Sitting at a desktop computer or using a laptop on your lap?
Sitting at a desktop computer. I’m short and most chairs are too high for me to keep my lap perpendicular to the floor. A laptop on my lap will crash to the ground unless I hold it, which leaves me with only one hand for (name removed by moderator)ut.

Non-fresh vegetables: frozen or canned?
Frozen. Am worried my still under warranty fridge is on the blink as I’ve just found a large puddle of water next to it and in front of the door.

Fridge/freezer - normal configuration or upside down (fridge up top, freezer on bottom).?
French Door, with freezer on bottom. Our ten year old refrigerator was also leaking and not defrosting properly, along with a broken ice maker. We bought a replacement on Nov 3 when the Veterans Day sales started.

Appliance color: Stainless steel or white?
Prefer white. Current one is stainless steel - chosen due to interior configuation and space. It is only a year old, and iirc it has a two year warranty.

Separate washer and dryer or all-in-one?
Powder for white items, liquid for everything else. Pods are convenient but I prefer to decide myself how much detergent to use, not have the detergent manufacturers decide for me.

Errand within a mile (1.61km) of home: walk or drive?
Stepping out of our neighborhood is taking your life in your hands with a busy road and no sidewalks or shoulders.

Dress for Sunday mass: suit/dress or casual?
It really depends on what “casual” means. My “casual” is dressy to a lot of people. It’s been a while since I wore a dress to Mass, but I never go in jeans, a t-shirt and sport shoes—nothing wrong with that, just not my style under any circumstance (I don’t even own jeans).

Cowboy hat :cowboy_hat_face: or baseball cap 🧢?
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I normally don’t wear hats. I’ve got one baseball style hat. My daughter makes fun of it.

What do you prefer: canned cranberry sauce or homemade?
Homemade…my sister came up with a recipe that has cranberries, orange juice and zest, pecans, and a few other things, and I usually skip dessert and have seconds on the cranberries - it’s that good…

Toast: rye or whole wheat?
Rye if it’s whole rye, whole wheat if it’s not. I dig whole grain bread.

Beach/pool sandals: strap across the top of foot or thong (between the first two toes)? 👣
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Pool. I have this hangup about swimming in freshwater. Oceans are fine, pools are fine, rivers and lakes are not fine. 😊

Mild headache: take a painkiller or wait it out?
I usually wait it out then take a painkiller. 😜

Do you prefer to purchase yellow bananas or green ones and have them ripen at home?
Apples - more variation in flavor and texture, and more versatile…but I do like pears…

Banana bread or zucchini bread?
Banana bread. 🍌🍞 (They’re both delicious, though.)

Candles: taper or votive?
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