Wow, a priest who has the integrity to leave when he believes that the Church is heading into error. I know what parish I will be looking into soon!
- The Church cannot head into error on matters of faith and morals.
- The priesthood is a gift from God, not a right for anyone, even those who feel the call. It is up to the Church to discern which candidates fulfill God’s requirements for the priesthood.
- This ‘new’ document is not ‘new’. It is recent, yes, but it is restating the same guidelines which have been in effect for thousands of years. Again, evidence that the Church is not ‘heading’ anywhere on the matter. It’s remaining firm.
- When God chose His first priests, HE made the selection (the Levites) and HE set specific detailed requirements for the life those priests were to lead until their death, including what they wore, how they wore it, how they prepared themselves to dress themselves, how they prepared themselves to be in His presence and/or the presence of the Tabernacle, how to care for every article in that tent of God’s (which He designed as well).
You, me, other priests, the media - we have no authority to determine what the guidelines should be for God’s priests…that is His and His alone and He has already delegated responsibility for maintaining those guidelines to the Pope.
End of subject.