Anti-US posts ad infinitum

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A certain poster makes a habit of starting threads on the same theme over and over and over and over and over and over…again. Then he drops the thread, won’t respond to what others say, and starts a new one. Each time he cannot respond to refutation. I for one think he is taking advantage of the board. Should we contact the moderators and ask that he be put on a leash until he learns to behave?
A certain poster makes a habit of starting threads on the same theme over and over and over and over and over and over…again. Then he drops the thread, won’t respond to what others say, and starts a new one. Each time he cannot respond to refutation. I for one think he is taking advantage of the board. Should we contact the moderators and ask that he be put on a leash until he learns to behave?
Nope - this only lets people like this cry “victim” - the only sure way I know of on a board is to not respond. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen around here. But others are beginning to get the “drift” and by their fruits ye shall know them. 🙂
Nope - this only lets people like this cry “victim” - the only sure way I know of on a board is to not respond. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen around here. But others are beginning to get the “drift” and by their fruits ye shall know them. 🙂
I agree. We shouldn’t muzzle him. He already accuses people of trying to take away his free speech all the time.
I agree, if he is reported and silenced it will only increase his self-righteousness.The poster gets a certain enjoyment out of needling us:hmmm: So what then do you porpose we do?It would be cute if all the threads were answered with:whistle: 😃 God Bless
I agree, if he is reported and silenced it will only increase his self-righteousness.
And reenforce his perception that those who debate him are right wing extremists wishing to control everyone and their thoughts and words.
I agree with the above responses…we should not silence this person…they have a right to their opinion…but I must admit it is very asinine to start several posts the disturb all of the other board members with propaganda and fallacious non-sense…with that said though, we must not persecute this person, or their “self proclaimed martyrdom” will only give rise to an increase in such behavior…

We should not feed the trolls as my buddy Scott LaFrance would say…I am guilty of it at times, but that doesn’t make it the right thing to do 🙂
I agree with the above responses…we should not silence this person…they have a right to their opinion…but I must admit it is very asinine to start several posts the disturb all of the other board members with propaganda and fallacious non-sense…with that said though, we must not persecute this person, or their “self proclaimed martyrdom” will only give rise to an increase in such behavior…

We should not feed the trolls as my buddy Scott LaFrance would say…I am guilty of it at times, but that doesn’t make it the right thing to do 🙂
Good post. Feeding such posters is probably a bad idea, but I wouldn’t stop challenging them. Though it never changes their mind, it never stops them, and they rarely respond to those who challenge them, I still think it is important to challenge them so that uninformed readers who read their posts get both sides of the issue.

I bet that poster feels the same way about you folks as you do about him…here’s a brilliant idea: why don’t you just skip his threads??? Why do you even care??? There are a lot of threads posted on here that offend people. For me, this is one of them…:tsktsk:
I bet that poster feels the same way about you folks as you do about him…here’s a brilliant idea: why don’t you just skip his threads??? Why do you even care??? There are a lot of threads posted on here that offend people. For me, this is one of them…:tsktsk:
I tend to agree that this is an offensive thread.
If this offends the anti-Americans I am quite unmoved. I find their thoughtless hate offensive. But I do believe that filling the board with repeat posts isn’t right and should be regulated. He should start one and then RESPOND to what others post.
If this offends the anti-Americans I am quite unmoved. I find their thoughtless hate offensive. But I do believe that filling the board with repeat posts isn’t right and should be regulated. He should start one and then RESPOND to what others post.
I just find their thoughtless actions, of loading the board with drivel offensive. One thread is pleanty on one subject. Posting it in new threads, over and over and over again is messing with the board for no purpose other than to disrupt.

People who don’t have the courtesy to wipe the Mud off their shoes, should not be allowed to track up the house. Dang Brats! They must have been born in a barn. 😃

But I don’t mind their wanting to be heard, so much as their wanting to load the board with their own subject, so you can’t find something decent to talk about. :mad:
A certain poster makes a habit of starting threads on the same theme over and over and over and over and over and over…again. Then he drops the thread, won’t respond to what others say, and starts a new one. Each time he cannot respond to refutation. I for one think he is taking advantage of the board. Should we contact the moderators and ask that he be put on a leash until he learns to behave?
If it is the same poster as I have in mind, I found it expedient to place him on my ignore list. I do believe if most of you would do the same then his posts mean nothing; something like “if a tree falls in the forest, etc.”

Just my way of saving MY time.

Bless you and peace to him

Francesco If the moderators found Peace offensive, they would have suspended him or even banned him. The moderators are not ‘idiots’…a favourite term of some…as they are much aware of the posts.

Peace has as much right to post as any of us do. He has every right to disagree with any of you. And he has every right to report any of you.

Instead of posting such an offensive thread, cestus, why not report him? Why not be joined by all of the rest of the clique? This is not right. And you know it. I have heard much more offensive language from you than from him. It would seem he is the priest and not you…

On this note, have a great evening…


I will respect the moderators’ wisdom over the wisdom of this thread anyday.
I bet that poster feels the same way about you folks as you do about him…here’s a brilliant idea: why don’t you just skip his threads??? Why do you even care??? There are a lot of threads posted on here that offend people. For me, this is one of them…:tsktsk:
I agree. I regret participating in the thread.
Shoshana: If the moderators found Peace offensive, they would have suspended him or even banned him. The moderators are not ‘idiots’…a favourite term of some…as they are much aware of the posts.

Peace has as much right to post as any of us do. He has every right to disagree with any of you. And he has every right to report any of you.

Instead of posting such an offensive thread, cestus, why not report him? Why not be joined by all of the rest of the clique? This is not right. And you know it. I have heard much more offensive language from you than from him. It would seem he is the priest and not you…

On this note, have a great evening…


I will respect the moderators’ wisdom over the wisdom of this thread anyday.
Merry Chistmas:) And we didn’t say any names,but he knows and so do you:) I have called him on it myself and he knows he enjoys the needling,and we have talked about it openly,so I think I will just post:whistle: until he can start a thread that doesn’t have to do with needling people who support the troops,the president and the country.God Bless
A certain poster makes a habit of starting threads on the same theme over and over and over and over and over and over…again. Then he drops the thread, won’t respond to what others say, and starts a new one. Each time he cannot respond to refutation. I for one think he is taking advantage of the board. Should we contact the moderators and ask that he be put on a leash until he learns to behave?
Just have the guts to call me by name! Go ahead…say it.

First off I AM NOT ANTI-AMERICAN! I am an American citizen, served ten years in the Navy. I love my country and am very proud to call myself an American. If some of you can’t get that through your thick skulls…that’s your problem, not mine.

Second, I do usually respond to and follow up to the posts I make. But I do have a life, a wife, three kids who do enjoy it when I’m paying attention to them, so I sometimes don’t have the time to respond to all the responses made to my posts. Surely you can appreciate that, right?

The real problem is you and many others don’t like my responses so you blaspheme me and accuse me of bascially hit and run tactics.
AAAHHHGGG, Peacemonger is not anti-american. He’s anti-War! AND yes his posting can get on your nerves. I know because I sparr with him all the time.
*A certain poster makes a habit of starting threads on the same theme over and over and over and over and over and over…again. Then he drops the thread, won’t respond to what others say, and starts a new one. Each time he cannot respond to refutation. I for one think he is taking advantage of the board. Should we contact the moderators and ask that he be put on a leash until he learns to behave? *
In that case cestusdei, we should exclude anyone who does not agree with you 100%.
Touched a nerve did I? Not nice to be on the receiving end is it? Yes, you are anti-American. I am an American citizen and a veteren. You undermine the war on terror and the security of our nation. You give aid and comfort to our enemies.
I don’t expect everyone to always agree with me. But I don’t start the same thread over and over again. How about different threads with different topics and not flooding the board. I do however expect Americans to support defending our nation, supporting our troops, and destroying terrorism. I don’t expect Americans to do or say things that give aid and comfort to our enemies.
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