Anti-US posts ad infinitum

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So that means the Pope is a heritic!
It was fair criticism.

Peace, that is why people get so irritated with you.You put words into peoples mouth.He did not say the Pope was a heretic:p Calm down.God Bless
So that means the Pope is a heritic!

It was fair criticism.

Nope. Never called the Pope a heretic. In the case of WWII we had no other alternative and in that case we had to. If a war like WWII is just how can you possibly be anti-war. The belief of anti-war leads to complacency and laziness. The bible says that we can defend ourselves.

Four conditions for just war.
  1. There must be reasonable chance of success.
  2. All peaceful means have failed
  3. The losses inflicted by the enemy must be long lasting and very serious.
  4. The harm coming from war must not be greater than the present harm.
    [Catechism 2307]
The Holy Father never said anything about the war being unjust. Therefore, your view of anti-war holds no ground. Judy Brown herself said it on EWTN. I still support the troops and hope that the war comes to an end soon.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Nope. Never called the Pope a heretic. In the case of WWII we had no other alternative and in that case we had to. If a war like WWII is just how can you possibly be anti-war. The belief of anti-war leads to complacency and laziness. The bible says that we can defend ourselves.

Four conditions for just war.
  1. There must be reasonable chance of success.
  2. All peaceful means have failed
  3. The losses inflicted by the enemy must be long lasting and very serious.
  4. The harm coming from war must not be greater than the present harm.
    [Catechism 2307]
The Holy Father never said anything about the war being unjust. Therefore, your view of anti-war holds no ground. Judy Brown herself said it on EWTN. I still support the troops and hope that the war comes to an end soon.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Actually, if I am not mistaken, the Pope said that now that we are there we have the reponsibility to assist the Iraqi people have a peaceful and stable country. To tell us to leave now is to go against the Pope’s teaching.

80 Threads about Anti-War subject is REDUNDANT!

cestusdei’s thread was and IS about that. But it is nice to argue with you about something else for a change. 😃
My tenor is not the problem with the war hawks on this forum. It’s the message. You all want to believe that this war is some kind of holy crusade, so when I post links or make comments pointing out that there is not holy about what we’re doing, you and your buddies resort to the same ole song. “Oh, your anti-American, your aiding the enemy, blah blah blah.”

It so pathetic.
To quote Scarlett O’Hara, “Fiddlesticks” - you set up straw men and then careen through the forum glutting it with the same ole left wing obscure opinions. The pope has not declared the war unjust, and no one but you calls this a crusade. So wale away - and knock the stuffing out of your own strawmen. Keep going down the yellow brick road and you too can find the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz.

The problem you are really having is that many have caught on to the M/O. That’s why you’ve been resorting to telling people you have an understanding of the Gospel and Jesus that others do not have. It too has worn thin. Time to develop a new line.
The problem you are really having is that many have caught on to the M/O. That’s why you’ve been resorting to telling people you have an understanding of the Gospel and Jesus that others do not have. It too has worn thin. Time to develop a new line.
:amen: Indeed, Peacemonger is so arrogant that he tells Cest what he should be doing as a priest?!! :tsktsk: Peacemonger exhibits an overabundance of arrogance and precious little humility.

Thank you Cest for raising an issue that irritated many on the forums. :blessyou:
Peace, did you say blaspheme you?:whistle: God Bless
discovered this a while ago
he need a better dictionary. This just made my day
yeah God Bless
discovered this a while ago
he need a better dictionary. This just made my day
yeah God Bless

**he need a better dictionary. **

You be speaking Ebonics? 😛
Instead of reality millions first carefully consider this site:

Remember the old saying, “if it sounds to good to be true, it is”.
I understand you scepticism, I was at first. But after reading through the information throughly, and chating with several members on the forum, I became a believer, so wish me luck.
I understand you scepticism, I was at first. But after reading through the information throughly, and chating with several members on the forum, I became a believer, so wish me luck.
Sure looks suspicious to me.
bones_IV said:
Nope. Never called the Pope a heretic.
True…but you did say that being anti-war is heresy…and the Pope is as close to being anti-war as you can be without being an outright pacifist. Also, in 1971 the U.S. Bishops’ Decleration on Conscientious Objection and Selective Conscientious Objection stated that a Catholic can be a Conscientious Objector to war in general or to a particular war ‘because of religious training and belief.’…So to say that being anti-war is heresy… is wrong.
In the case of WWII we had no other alternative and in that case we had to.
If there is such an animal as a “just war” in the modern world, then WWII would probably be it. But…I believe that America could have stayed out of WWII if she really wanted to. But we were itching for a fight, so…Even if WWII was “just” America lost her moral high ground when she began intentionally killing civilians with the fire bombings of Tokyo and finally the A-Bombs. No matter how a war starts, you can bet that it will turn into blatant savagery befor it’s all over.
The belief of anti-war leads to complacency and laziness.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what being anti-war is. As a Christian, it’s not sitting around smoking pot and listening to Jimmy Hendrix. But it actively taking part in trying to make war less likely, and speaking out against war if you feel it is unjust.
The Holy Father never said anything about the war being unjust.
While the Pope may have never said that going to Iraq would be unjust, in public at least, he clearly believed that war with Iraq was unnecessary. However, other leaders in the Vatican did say that it would be an unjust war. Not to mention the rest of the world.
I understand you scepticism, I was at first. But after reading through the information throughly, and chating with several members on the forum, I became a believer, so wish me luck.
Let me get this right…You are hawking some kind of investment scheme on the Catholic Answers forums via your signature (and a link) on your Public Profile? Are advertising and business promotion on the forums acceptable?

Guess the ESL (English as a Second Language) business is not so profitable in Japan.

May I offer an alternative investment? There is a very nice bridge in NYC that might interest you…
La Chiara:
Let me get this right…You are hawking some kind of investment scheme on the Catholic Answers forums via your signature (and a link) on your Public Profile? Are advertising and business promotion on the forums acceptable?
I’m not hawking anything. And FYI, I asked for and received permission from the admin folks before I posted the link via my sig.
Guess the ESL (English as a Second Language) business is not so profitable in Japan.
You got that right brother.

…I believe that America could have stayed out of WWII if she really wanted to.​

Yes, Peace having millions of Jews, Poles, Slovaks, Gypsies, Homosexuals, handicapped and other undesirables roasted in ovens and made into lamp shades and wallets is acceptable behavior. Certainly something we should have stayed out of. Where do you get your logic and reasoning from? :mad:

…I believe that America could have stayed out of WWII if she really wanted to.​

Yes, Peace having millions of Jews, Poles, Slovaks, Gypsies, Homosexuals, handicapped and other undesirables roasted in ovens and made into lamp shades and wallets is acceptable behavior. Certainly something we should have stayed out of. Where do you get your logic and reasoning from? :mad:
First of all, Hitler’s mass killings began after the war started, after countries around the world refused to accept Germany’s Jews that Hitler was trying to get rid of. So many cedible historians feel that WWII perpatrated the slaughter…it surely didn’t prevent it.
I’m not hawking anything. And FYI, I asked for and received permission from the admin folks before I posted the link via my sig.

You got that right brother.
Sister. I am a brother of the female persuasion. That makes me a “sister”. Peace, bro’.
Peacemonger–It seems to some of us that your behavior on the forums reflects other issues in your life about which you are frustrated. If the ESL business in Japan is not successful and profitable, perhaps you should be making some bigger changes than hawking a questionable investment scheme on the Catholic Answers forums. I suspect that your ranting and raving about the war in Iran, President Bush, et. al., is a surrogate for other, bigger, and more frustrating issues in your life–beyond just the ESL business. But you gotta face the issues head on and deal with them. Ranting on the forums is not going to solve your other issues, and a hare-brained investment scheme is not going to solve your financial situation. Peace, brother.
First of all, Hitler’s mass killings began after the war started, after countries around the world refused to accept Germany’s Jews that Hitler was trying to get rid of. So many cedible historians feel that WWII perpatrated the slaughter…it surely didn’t prevent it.
Start another thread, I’ll refute this.:yup:
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