Anti-US posts ad infinitum

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Touched a nerve did I? Not nice to be on the receiving end is it? Yes, you are anti-American. I am an American citizen and a veteren. You undermine the war on terror and the security of our nation. You give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Thank you for your service to our country!

Just have the guts to call me by name! Go ahead…say it.

First off I AM NOT ANTI-AMERICAN! I am an American citizen, served ten years in the Navy. I love my country and am very proud to call myself an American. If some of you can’t get that through your thick skulls…that’s your problem, not mine.

Second, I do usually respond to and follow up to the posts I make. But I do have a life, a wife, three kids who do enjoy it when I’m paying attention to them, so I sometimes don’t have the time to respond to all the responses made to my posts. Surely you can appreciate that, right?

The real problem is you and many others don’t like my responses so you blaspheme me and accuse me of bascially hit and run tactics.
Peace, did you say blaspheme you?:whistle: God Bless
Peace, did you say blaspheme you?:whistle: God Bless
LOL. Funny. I’m sure he meant something like “demonize”.

He’s a good guy. I don’t think he should be silenced in any way, and I hope this thead ends soon. Then we can go back to arguing. 😉

I could start another thread saying the same thing. Maybe start several threads that repeat this one. My main point was that we not flood the board with repeat threads. That we should all be able to agree on.
I don’t expect everyone to always agree with me. But I don’t start the same thread over and over again. How about different threads with different topics and not flooding the board. I do however expect Americans to support defending our nation, supporting our troops, and destroying terrorism. I don’t expect Americans to do or say things that give aid and comfort to our enemies.
I just expect Catholic posters to control themselves. Starting multiple threads to spout off one’s view is ridiculous. The view is worth discussing, but the fact a zillion threads pop up covering the board is irritating. Beyond irritating… Redundant, messy, makes keeping house hard to do! 🙂 Mom’s don’t like it! 😃

Some posters need some manners and respect for others, is the theme as far as I am concerned. I would hate to see PC leave. I enjoy his point of view (usually) on the other hand, it gets in the way of other news and views. Yesterday, as most everyday, you have to scroll through major repeat threads posted by PC to get to something others are interested in. The redundancy is irritating…not the messenger.

80 Threads about Anti-War subject is REDUNDANT!

Love you anyway PC…now clean your muddy boots before you put your feet on that Coffee Table, one more time!!! 😃
Ignore threads that don’t interest you. I am happier now that I do.
Good advice, but …when I have to scroll through two pages of the forum, to avoid the landmind set by a one man army to state his/her particular agenda…I get cross! Real Cross! :mad:

It’s not nice to mess with old people! We still want to whack Brat’s to get their attention! 🙂 😃

A walking cane has more than one purpose…😛

Good advice, but …when I have to scroll through two pages of the forum, to avoid the landmind set by a one man army to state his/her particular agenda…I get cross! Real Cross! :mad:

It’s not nice to mess with old people! We still want to whack Brat’s to get their attention! 🙂 😃 😛

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Good advice, but …when I have to scroll through two pages of the forum, to avoid the landmind set by a one man army to state his/her particular agenda…I get cross! Real Cross! :mad:

It’s not nice to mess with old people! We still want to whack Brat’s to get their attention! 🙂 😃

A walking cane has more than one purpose…😛

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ok, so now you have me laughing. You always talk about being old Marie! Are you really all that old, or are you just from the old school like me?
Fitz said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ok, so now you have me laughing. You always talk about being old Marie! Are you really all that old, or are you just from the old school like me?

Actually, I am not old. My children are old… :rotfl: 😉 I quit counting at age 39. Jack Benny and I are the same age. 😃

My children are nice enough old people, but they are in danger of turning into old foggies! 😉 A lot like PC. I still have to whack them every now and then. 🙂
Touched a nerve did I? Not nice to be on the receiving end is it? Yes, you are anti-American. I am an American citizen and a veteren. You undermine the war on terror and the security of our nation. You give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Peace also gets on my my nerves with all his anti-war postings, however, being the GOOD AMERICAN YOU ARE, you have to agree that he does have freedom of speach. A freedom his military service gave him and a freedom, my 23 years of military service secured for you and him before being retired as a disabled vet. We may not like what he says, but if he is not allowed to say is, then we have failed to do our jobs.

The only real fault I find with Peacemonger is that he was Navy … GO ARMY!!!
The only real fault I find with Peacemonger is that he was Navy … GO ARMY!!!
I take issue with that BIG TIME!!! :mad:


Semper Fi! 😉
cestusdei said:
Touched a nerve did I?
In your dreams.
Not nice to be on the receiving end is it?
Only on the end of ignorant posts such as yours.
Yes, you are anti-American.
I’m anti-war…in most cases…not anti-American.
I am an American citizen and a veteren.
Me too
You undermine the war on terror and the security of our nation. You give aid and comfort to our enemies.
Absolutely absurd!

BTW, I read in your profile that you are a priest. So, you should be proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ not the Bush Administration.
BTW, I read in your profile that you are a priest. So, you should be proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ not the Bush Administration.
Considering the tenor and content of what you post it does not appear that you are in any position to be telling anyone what they should and should not be doing. You appear to have forgotten your apologies, and your claim to be offering “Christian witness” -
Considering the tenor and content of what you post it does not appear that you are in any position to be telling anyone what they should and should not be doing. You appear to have forgotten your apologies, and your claim to be offering “Christian witness” -
My tenor is not the problem with the war hawks on this forum. It’s the message. You all want to believe that this war is some kind of holy crusade, so when I post links or make comments pointing out that there is not holy about what we’re doing, you and your buddies resort to the same ole song. “Oh, your anti-American, your aiding the enemy, blah blah blah.”

It so pathetic.
My tenor is not the problem with the war hawks on this forum. It’s the message. You all want to believe that this war is some kind of holy crusade, so when I post links or make comments pointing out that there is not holy about what we’re doing, you and your buddies resort to the same ole song. “Oh, your anti-American, your aiding the enemy, blah blah blah.”

It so pathetic.
So then, what do you have against the Iraqis? Why do you want us to run away now?
I am sorry Peace…but it has nothing to do with being holy or being religious…it simply is the right thing to do for our nation…it is the libs and the muslims who want to reduce it strictly to a holy crusade.
My tenor is not the problem with the war hawks on this forum. It’s the message. You all want to believe that this war is some kind of holy crusade, so when I post links or make comments pointing out that there is not holy about what we’re doing, you and your buddies resort to the same ole song. “Oh, your anti-American, your aiding the enemy, blah blah blah.”

It so pathetic.
You adroitly avoid the issue of muliple threads. As I pointed out elsewhere Benedict Arnold was a vet too. Look, these terrorists want to kill us all. They are like the Nazi’s. In WWII if you had posted this kind of thing people would have been astonished. You, dh, and myself were all in the military. We know that when you fight wars people get killed. Sometimes innocent people by mistake. These terrorists kill innocent people by design. If we lose in Iraq that will show them they can WIN. All they have to do is kill enough of us and we will cut and run. That message will lead to our defeat. We will lose. Then you will have no rights. Assuming you live. Your children will grow up in a world where the Osama’s call the shots. We have no choice. We MUST win this war. It isn’t Vietnam. This time if we lose they will come here. They already have. Time to put aside the “let’s play '60’s radical” stuff. This isn’t the same. It isn’t a game. We cannot afford to weaken our resolve or help the enemy by repeating his propaganda. You are helping them. We win or lose. And God help us if we lose. See
In your dreams.

Only on the end of ignorant posts such as yours.

I’m anti-war…in most cases…not anti-American.

Me too

Absolutely absurd!

BTW, I read in your profile that you are a priest. So, you should be proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ not the Bush Administration.
Peacemonger, that will be qiute enough. As far I’m concerned anti-war is heretical. Shame on you for critizing him.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
y’know…w/all due respect. I don’t think I’ve even read one of Peacemonger’s posts all the way through unless they are on actual Catholic subjects (and I can’t remember any that were, though I may ahve missed them…I admit). I realize and respect that he has issues that he feels strongly about…some of them I may even share, but this seems like a very poor choice for a forum for all this since he seems to find few allies. I DO think it’s “bad form” (in the words of Captain Hook) to waste forum space with multiple threads with the same political theme. (Quick! Someone call our politicians and tell them that! LOL.). So there’s my 2 cents worth…for what it’s worth.

For those of you on both sides of this issue, here’s something from me to you.
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