Anti-US posts ad infinitum

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Start another thread, I’ll refute this.:yup:
UM! Actually Peacemonger has 80 such threads to choose from and growing. Pick one, pick any of them. It’s in there somewhere. 😃 BUT don’t encourage him to post more threads on his one and only subject…please!

Here’s one of his soap box threads. Scroll down…wwII is in it. :rolleyes:

I am going to have to start baking more Fruitcake for Japan, and I am really not into it right now. 😉 😛
So many cedible historians feel that WWII perpatrated the slaughter…it surely didn’t prevent it.
It surely didn’t prevent it, but it surely did stop it–It is the only thing that did.
True…but you did say that being anti-war is heresy…and the Pope is as close to being anti-war as you can be without being an outright pacifist. Also, in 1971 the U.S. Bishops’ Decleration on Conscientious Objection and Selective Conscientious Objection stated that a Catholic can be a Conscientious Objector to war in general or to a particular war ‘because of religious training and belief.’…So to say that being anti-war is heresy… is wrong.

If there is such an animal as a “just war” in the modern world, then WWII would probably be it. But…I believe that America could have stayed out of WWII if she really wanted to. But we were itching for a fight, so…Even if WWII was “just” America lost her moral high ground when she began intentionally killing civilians with the fire bombings of Tokyo and finally the A-Bombs. No matter how a war starts, you can bet that it will turn into blatant savagery befor it’s all over.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what being anti-war is. As a Christian, it’s not sitting around smoking pot and listening to Jimmy Hendrix. But it actively taking part in trying to make war less likely, and speaking out against war if you feel it is unjust.

While the Pope may have never said that going to Iraq would be unjust, in public at least, he clearly believed that war with Iraq was unnecessary. However, other leaders in the Vatican did say that it would be an unjust war. Not to mention the rest of the world.
Your arguements hold no ground. Peacemonger lets get the record strait Catholics are not bound to oppose this war. Yet you continually post that the war is unjust, and many people who do support the war you call pro-war people. U.S. Bishops were opposed to a reemptive strike this is just merely an opinion and not doctrine. “Catholics may individually object to a strike or a war based on conscience but never try to insist upon this view or use ones in power to co-opt the faithful into such opposition.” (Fr. John Echert, EWTN). It be wrong to get the faithful to attend a pro-war rally just as encouraging the faithful to attend a anti-war rally, either way it is stepping over the line. There is such a thing as a just war. The real issue is whether or not the preemptive strike was right. Consider that Isreal was always going to war with other nations, are you going to say that those wars were unjust? It seems to me that you are insisting your anti-war views on others, cause it sure sounds that way. They were just.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Peacemonger…how dare you tarnish our reputation by claiming we were itching for a war…so that is why we got into WWII…I guess the next time a person like Hitler or Stalin comes into power, we should just let them go about their own business and have the false hope that they won’t bother us…or next time somebody systematically eliminates 6,000,000 people from the face of the earth, we should just turn a blind eye and let them wipe out another 60,000,000 while we sit idle with our thumbs up our butts.

You are unbelievable…is there anytime you believe in fighting for anything? I guess you wouldn’t have a problem if someone raped and murdered your family…Heck, we should just rehabilitate them…as a society, who are we to deliver justice to those that deserve it.

I have a better idea, we should disband our military and national defense systems…get invaded, our families murdered, our freedoms taken away, etc…then when we are next in line to be hung…we can lament on how great it was to be anti-war and be proud at how being a ignorant pacifist got myself and my family murdered.
True…but you did say that being anti-war is heresy…and the Pope is as close to being anti-war as you can be without being an outright pacifist. Also, in 1971 the U.S. Bishops’ Decleration on Conscientious Objection and Selective Conscientious Objection stated that a Catholic can be a Conscientious Objector to war in general or to a particular war ‘because of religious training and belief.’…So to say that being anti-war is heresy… is wrong.
If there is such an animal as a “just war” in the modern world, then WWII would probably be it. But…I believe that America could have stayed out of WWII if she really wanted to. But we were itching for a fight, so…Even if WWII was “just” America lost her moral high ground when she began intentionally killing civilians with the fire bombings of Tokyo and finally the A-Bombs. No matter how a war starts, you can bet that it will turn into blatant savagery befor it’s all over.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what being anti-war is. As a Christian, it’s not sitting around smoking pot and listening to Jimmy Hendrix. But it actively taking part in trying to make war less likely, and speaking out against war if you feel it is unjust.
While the Pope may have never said that going to Iraq would be unjust, in public at least, he clearly believed that war with Iraq was unnecessary. However, other leaders in the Vatican did say that it would be an unjust war. Not to mention the rest of the world.
La Chiara:
Peacemonger–It seems to some of us that your behavior on the forums reflects other issues in your life about which you are frustrated. If the ESL business in Japan is not successful and profitable, perhaps you should be making some bigger changes than hawking a questionable investment scheme on the Catholic Answers forums. I suspect that your ranting and raving about the war in Iran, President Bush, et. al., is a surrogate for other, bigger, and more frustrating issues in your life–beyond just the ESL business. But you gotta face the issues head on and deal with them. Ranting on the forums is not going to solve your other issues, and a hare-brained investment scheme is not going to solve your financial situation. Peace, brother.
Sounds like a serious death wish mentality. Problem is he wants company…everyone should roll over and let evil kill us, to suit PC’s passion for peace. :rolleyes:

Not gonna happen PC. Your going to have to get your head out of the sand and grow up. Pouting and spouting will not change your serious personality problems.

We care, we pray, but we are not stupid.

First of all, Hitler’s mass killings began after the war started, after countries around the world refused to accept Germany’s Jews that Hitler was trying to get rid of. So many cedible historians feel that WWII perpatrated the slaughter…it surely didn’t prevent it.​

Uh, Peacemonger, how do you explain the dead Poles, Slavics, Gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped and other undisirables in the concentration camps?
Can you blame the world for that? Revisionist history does not change the facts Peace.
Alright you all…

Personal attacks are against Forum rules. Most of you are veterans of the Forums and are well aware of that.

While you may not agree with a certain members views, the idea of starting an entire thread dedicated to discussing the issue is something all involved should think twice about.

This thread is closed. If similar discussions pop up anywhere else, suspensions for those involved will be handed out.

Paul Stephens

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