What a great discussion! I have been training in Ninjutsu since february of this year, and for someone who has cerebral palsy, the results have been amazing. it is a remarkably humbling experience, and in a way, I view training in Ninjutsu as another sacrament almost: a physical experience that reveals a deeper spiritual reality and connection to God.
The training has brought me much suffering, but as I train, I imagine that I’m suffering with the Lord on his way to Calvary. Now I know that there is a large spiritual aspect to Ninjutsu (there is a whole healing side with chi from what little I know), but I have had to make theological modifications along the way. If in the future I ever use chi to heal someone, it is not me doing the healing, but the Holy Spirit working through me, or Jesus or God. It becomes another encounter with Christ. Ninjutsu has brought me closer to to a sacrimental experience with both the Suffering Christ (and the immense value of suffering) and Christ the Healer. There is another (very traditional, I am not so traditional as he, he perfers a Latin mass, I like the venacular) Catholic who trains with me, and our Grandmaster (Soke) Hatsumi was giving an apostolic blessing by JP2 himself. I have now come to view myself as Jesus’ Ninja, and Jesus as my spiritual Soke. Here is a prayer that I pray before I train:
Prayer Before Training in Ninjutsu
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
O Great Soke Jesus, my Lord, Teacher and Brother, I come before You
Today as Your student and Brother. If I have false humility in my
Heart, O Soke, take it from me now.
I come to You, attempting honestly to be humble and sincere in my intentions, O Great Soke, so that today You may teach me Your Ways. As I train today, make me aware of my infirmities, of my weaknesses, of my faults, my failures and above all my suffering, so that through them You may make me stronger and draw me closer to You.
O Jesus, my Lord and Soke, as I train today, use my suffering to kill my anger, my pride, my arrogance and my prejudice. Break my heart and make me truly humble. Help me to serve, Lord, not to be served. Help me to love, so that when I train, others may see You in me.
O my Soke, as Your student, teach me to use my knowledge of Ninjutsu for the defence of myself and others. May it never be used for harm. Never for evil, only for good. May I only defend lethally where necessary, and when I fight with intent, help me to control my anger. May my training glorify You continuously. Help me to be a good student, and as I travel on this Journey, Soke, help me to be Your Ninja. I have come to learn Lord, teach me.
I have come to learn Your Strength. May I never stray from that path.
I have come to learn Your Peace. May I never stray from that path.
I have come to learn Your Wisdom. May I never stray from that path.
I have come to learn Your Humility. May I never stray from that path.
I have come to learn Your Patience. May I never stray from that path.
Above all, Great Soke, I have come to learn Your Love. May I never stray from that path.
May I never stray from all the paths which You have set before me, and let me walk on them, no matter how hard the Journey, for the rest of the days of my life.
I thank You, O God, for Your Son, my Lord and Soke, by Whose Death on the Cross You have saved the World, and by Whose Resurrection You have given us Eternal Life.
Thank You for the Mystery of Your Cross and Tomb, Soke Jesus, may I never forget them all the days of my life, and may I always be mindful of the lessons which they teach me.
Soke, as I train as Your student, make me Your Ninja today and be with me as I train.
May God, the Immortal and Holy One, be praised forever.
O Jesus, my Soke, by Your Holy Cross You have saved the World.
Domo arigatou gazaimasu