Rock For Life victory vs. PP**](http://<font%20face=)
WASHINGTON–(COLLEGIATE PRESS-WIRE)-Apr. 20, 2001–Rock For Life is claiming a major victory at the University of Virginia. College regulations will block Planned Parenthood’s effort to distribute condoms and pro-abortion literature at tomorrow’s Dave Matthews Band concert. Earlier today, Rock For Life spoke with university officials, who reaffirmed a policy that prohibits solicitations in or around the stadium. ‘‘The Dave Matthews Band agreed that because of this policy, Planned Parenthood should not distribute condoms or other materials at the concert, so they will not,’’ said Louise Dudley of the University of Virginia.
Despite the fact that the university will not allow the condom distribution, Planned Parenthood continued its misleading media campaign throughout this week, boasting that it would hand out 50,000 condoms at the show. This morning, however, Glen Mones of Planned Parenthood admitted to Rock For Life director Bryan Kemper that Planned Parenthood would not be distributing condoms at the concert.
‘‘Planned Parenthood pushes their lies on young people and advances a culture of death, but Rock For Life will never stop our fight to end this destruction of life,’’ said Kemper. ‘‘There is a strong core of young people standing up against organizations like Planned Parenthood, and they are committed to bring-ing and end to the slaughter of over one-third of their generation.’’
‘‘Rock For Life is pleased that the University of Virginia will not allow Planned Parenthood to dis-tribute condoms or literature,’’ said Kemper. ‘‘Rock For Life will continue its effort to oppose Planned Parenthood, exposing Planned Parenthood for what they really are.’’
Rock For Life is a project of American Life League that works closely with STOPP to fight Planned Parenthood.