Any Dave Matthews Band Fans out there?

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I know I’m splitting hairs now TarAshley. Mr. Walking Man (Save Me) lyrics say something to the affect that faith is all i need (to be saved) through the whole song. Sounds like another can of worms which is dealt with on countless threads on this forum!

Have a great weekend!
If it’s just tunes for dancing then look at his - Positive Music Alternatives
Thanks for the tip. i might give Fringe a try, but still a die hard DMB girl.
I know I’m splitting hairs now TarAshley. Mr. Walking Man (Save Me) lyrics say something to the affect that faith is all i need (to be saved) through the whole song. Sounds like another can of worms which is dealt with on countless threads on this forum!

Have a great weekend!
Splittling hairs is fine. i can take it. i take it differently. i take it as faith saved him, as faith saved me. still one of the most inspirational songs i have ever heard in main stream music.
My favorite dancin’ song is Trippin Billies and Drive in Drive out. Whoa boy, do I miss those concerts!
You know stratus he;s touring this summer, check out his website for tour dates in your area. tickets are usually pretty reasonable. i cant wait for this concert, i always leave his concerts totally whiped and pumped at the same time. theyre such a rush!
I really like Dave a lot. 😃 Went to a concert of his when he was touring back in '98. For a 17 y/o, that was the coolest thing ever!

Probably my favorite song of his is Pig, but there are so many that I love. The best ones are the ones not played on the radio, I once heard that Dave doesn’t release his favorite songs as singles b/c he doesn’t want them over played. 🙂 This may or may not be true, but the real Dave fans know that he’s soooo much more than what they play on the radio (even though that stuff is good too!).

Sorry to bring up another topic, but I can’t let my man John Mayer get ripped on. John and Dave really don’t have much in common besides the fact they play guitar and sing. That’s about it. If you’ve not closely listened to John’s music, I encourage you to do so. He’s a fantastic song writer. I first got into John when I was in college and went to one of his concerts b/c he’s the hot boy-band type who plays guitar. Right? Wrong. This guy is a serious MUSICIAN… no matter how many screaming 16 year-olds were around me that didn’t take away from the fact that that boy knows how to play. I was shocked. So I got his CDs… listened to the lyrics, and you know what… his LYRICS are even better than his music. I know, hard to believe. But if you listen to his words you will find John is a scared 20-something struggling with a “quarter life crisis” and wondering about what’s missing. I’d love to tell him it’s Jesus, if only I had the opportunity!

Here’s the lyrics from Something’s Missing if you haven’t heard them before. By the way, get his CD’s. They are truly Albums.

I’m not alone, I wish I was.
Cause then I’d know, I was down because
I couldn’t find, a friend around
To love me like, they do right now.
They do right now.

I’m dizzy from the shopping malls
I searched for joy, but I bought it all
It doesn’t help the hunger pains
and a thirst I’d have to drown first to ever satiate

Something’s missing
And I don’t know how to fix it
something’s missing
And I don’t know what it is
At all

When autumn comes, it doesnt ask.
It just walks in, where it left you last.
And you never know, when it starts
Until there’s fog inside the glass around your summer heart:

Something’s missing
And I don’t know how to fix it
something’s missing
And I don’t know what it is
At all

I can’t be sure that this state of mind, is not of my own design
I wish there was an over the counter test, for loneliness.
For loneliness like this.

Something’s missing
And I don’t know how to fix it
Something’s missing
And I don’t know what it is
No I don’t know what it is
Something’s different
And i don’t know what it is
No I don’t know what it is

Friends -check- Money -check-
A well slept -check- Opposite sex -check- Guitar -check- Microphone -check- Messages waiting for me, when i come home
Thanks…you just proved my point…the paranoia is from people like you…The man was correct…the people that were in his line of fire were communist sympathizers and spies…then McCarthy gets a bad rep for calling them out…why don’t you try to see the truth instead a big conspiracy.
You can take off your tin foil hat anytime. The paranoia was from McCarthy, who blamed anyone if there was something to gain from it. Everyone he implimented was a spy, huh? George C Marshall ring a bell?
THis is my last post on this thread…I have one word to say and one only…please think about its meaning:

Thank goodness.
Im with you…it is like just because someone cuts a famous single that tops the charts…they are infallible and can do no wrong…
No one said DMB was infallible. Last time I checked, he wasn’t Jesus Christ. Of course, from your posts, if someone isn’t to the extreme right, they’re a left wing nut job.
people value their personal interest and taste over their moral responsibilities to do what is right at all times…you know,integrity and honor…it seems some lack these qualities.
Music tells a story. I could really give a rats rear end what the song writers politics are.
Im sorry…I know I said I wouldn’t post on this thread again…but I just have to ask one question…with your last statement in mind…I am just wondering…hypothetically…would you still buy a particular artist’s cd’s or watch a particular star’s movies if you found out some of their profits went to supporting terrorism?..the same terrorism that killed 3,000 of our brothers and sisters and still continues killing our soldiers daily?

Oh yeah…if you mean by “far right conservative”, that I adhere to orthodoxy and I am a devout Catholic who chooses not to eat at the Cafeteria…then yes, please label me far right and conservative.
Music tells a story. I could really give a rats rear end what the song writers politics are.
Im sorry…I know I said I wouldn’t post on this thread again…but I just have to ask one question…with your last statement in mind…I am just wondering…hypothetically…would you still buy a particular artist’s cd’s or watch a particular star’s movies if you found out some of their profits went to supporting terrorism?..the same terrorism that killed 3,000 of our brothers and sisters and still continues killing our soldiers daily? .
You know, normally I would say no, but considering our tax dollars have funded terrorists in the past, I don’t know.
Oh yeah…if you mean by “far right conservative”, that I adhere to orthodoxy and I am a devout Catholic who chooses not to eat at the Cafeteria…then yes, please label me far right and conservative.
I wasn’t talking about your religious devotion.
carol marie:
Not so pro-environment when he visited Chicago & his tour bus dumped all their sewage in our river. That was a really crappy thing to do. (no pun intended).
They denied it like crazy until they were totally caught - pictures to prove it. They’ve since said they were sorry… and they’ve been made to pay up. I can’t help but think that they are pro-enviornment when they are in the spotlight but sludge dumpers when no one’s looking - (oh, besides the tourists in the boat down below)
Yes, that incident (I live near Chicago too), plus his politics really turned me off.
Well…considering you have NO option but to pay taxes…you have no control as to where your tax dollars go…but you can choose what you buy (outside of necessities such as medicines, etc.) So, with that in mind I ask you again, would you buy their products if some of their profits went to support terrorism in any way?
You know, normally I would say no, but considering our tax dollars have funded terrorists in the past, I don’t know.

I wasn’t talking about your religious devotion.
Well…considering you have NO option but to pay taxes…you have no control as to where your tax dollars go…but you can choose what you buy (outside of necessities such as medicines, etc.) So, with that in mind I ask you again, would you buy their products if some of their profits went to support terrorism in any way?
Ok…so why do people feel it is ok to financially support those who contribute the dollars they make from you buying their CD’s, etc., to infanticide which is terrorism ungainst the unborn which is more severe than the terrorism we face from Islamic extremism
Ok…so why do people feel it is ok to financially support those who contribute the dollars they make from you buying their CD’s, etc., to infanticide which is terrorism ungainst the unborn which is more severe than the terrorism we face from Islamic extremism
I KNEW you were going to say that. Well, I hope you aren’t using Microsoft software, because they contribute to PP as well.

BTW, as much as I despise abortions, how are abortions striking fear into anyone? Terrorsim is used to instill fear or as an unconventional form of warfare.
On another note, is there a particular reason you decieded to hijack this thread?
First and foremost…this thread has not been hijacked, because the question asked if there were any Dave Matthews Band Fans out there…and since it did not limit the fan base to strictly music…and DM gets involved in politics, etc…then I have every right to explain (from a political and moral) side, why I am not a fan…Don’t shoot the messenger…I am only speaking the truth…

Finally…You say abortions aren’t striking fear…I wonder if that baby during that partial birth abortion who is being ripped out and having a sharp medical object stuck in the back of his/her head is being terrorized??? I believe that is terrorism…brutally murdering a person or baby is downright evil…and by snatching that baby out of its mothers womb and savagly killing it is terrorism…Remember baby Rowan? Terrorism? I think so.
I KNEW you were going to say that. Well, I hope you aren’t using Microsoft software, because they contribute to PP as well.

BTW, as much as I despise abortions, how are abortions striking fear into anyone? Terrorsim is used to instill fear or as an unconventional form of warfare.
First and foremost…this thread has not been hijacked, because the question asked if there were any Dave Matthews Band Fans out there…and since it did not limit the fan base to strictly music…and DM gets involved in politics, etc…then I have every right to explain (from a political and moral) side, why I am not a fan…Don’t shoot the messenger…I am only speaking the truth…
Well, considering almost every poster with the exception of one was talking about the music or albums, I’d say you were hijacking.
Finally…You say abortions aren’t striking fear…I wonder if that baby during that partial birth abortion who is being ripped out and having a sharp medical object stuck in the back of his/her head is being terrorized??? I believe that is terrorism…brutally murdering a person or baby is downright evil…and by snatching that baby out of its mothers womb and savagly killing it is terrorism…Remember baby Rowan? Terrorism? I think so.
That’s a pretty interesting spin. I don’t like abortions and I’m Pro-Life, but it doesn’t help the cause to put spins on it. And while you’re at it, let’s label bank robbers, serial killers, and just about everyone else who commits a crime a terrorists. Terrorism is a tool to push one’s political beliefs. You think Democrats are using abortions to strike fear into Republicans? It’s sad that in post 9/11 people throw around the terms “terrorist” and “terrorism” to label anything or anyone they don’t agree with. BTW, fear is a learned response and doesn’t really get developed until a baby is several months old. Put a small infant in a swimming pool for the first time and a 3 year old in the pool for the first time. That infant just loves it and the 3 year old will go nuts. Why? One has already been taught to stay away from the water b/c they could get hurt. Learned response.
Ha ha…actually you are right…anytime someone does something that terrorizes others, no matter how minute the action is…it is terrorism, so yes…your suggestion is applicable. Bank robbers, serial killers, thugs, gang banger, mafioso types…they all strike terror and fear into the heart of innocent people…THerefore they are terrorist.

I guess you didn’t take your psychology classes…there ARE in fact several things that as babies, children, adults, etc. that do not need to be learned…but are naturally ingrained in us before we are even born…but I will just go with your assumption though…I guess the babies are like Terri Schiavo…the partial birth abortion is just like starving Terri…it is a painless and peaceful death with dignity…Im glad to know there was no fear on the babies part or Terri’s part before they died…I can sleep better now knowing that. :rolleyes:
That’s a pretty interesting spin. I don’t like abortions and I’m Pro-Life, but it doesn’t help the cause to put spins on it. And while you’re at it, let’s label bank robbers, serial killers, and just about everyone else who commits a crime a terrorists. BTW, fear is a learned response and doesn’t really get developed until a baby is several months old.
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