Mind however is not influenced by environment and past experiences when it make a free decision.
You seem to be presupposing that the mind is able to make any decision without being effected by it’s own past act of will, that is, it’s own experience in willing. Unless the only totally free decision is the absolute first thought, first act of will, then it will
always be influenced by the past, simply through the capacity of memory.
No, when one is talking about mind as a separate substance.
If you can actually isolate a mind from a physical body outside of the concept of God. The existence of a mind, at least with respect to man, is bound by the existence of a body, a physical existence. Even if the mind can be proven to be a completely separate substance (I have never encountered reasoning which proved it could with respect to a human mind), it would be totally entangled on an existential level with that of a body outside of divine concepts of
ipsum esse subsistens.
You are not free if you decision is accordance to nature.
From a Libertarian perspective. I specifically stated this within the Compatibilist perspective. Even then, we can examine this statement within Libertarian boundaries. If you aren’t free if your decision is in accordance with nature, then absolutely
no decision if free because the nature of a mind includes an element of will and thought.
Cogito ergo sum. Thus the very act of willing something, making a decision, or even reasoning abstractly acts in accordance with this nature. The nature of a mind is influencing its actions. By this, it is not free.
Only Compatibilism can overcome this circular logic of the influence of nature on our decisions.