Any one else find it hard to meet a good Catholic woman to marry?

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Can I as a woman just say that I think there’s a chance it might be more difficult for women to find a good catholic man?

If I’ve said anything wrong or will say anything wrong please someone correct me.

Male and female sexuality is different in America.
Men have porn and women have the cheesy love stories through films and books.

Not that there’s not porn and written porn geared for women…but still. .
Do men have romance movies typically geared for them or books?
Maybe because said 40 year old woman is having the same difficulties dating as anyone else and this is just how it’s playing out.

Discern based on where the person is in the moment not why they are where they are.

I’m about to be 40 and single. I’m not defective. I just had a talk with my RCIA sponsor who met and married her husband, who is seven years younger, when she was 40. They have been happily married for over 30 years now.
I dont read because I get bored, typical man Im sure 😋 but I do my best with the Lord’s help to keep away from that other stuff. I used to watch alot of Japanese anime(the slice of life genre) that had men trying to get “that one girl” type of story but just my two cents on that lol
Honestly, I think the question is pointless. You need to judge based on observation. The last two men I dated where older than me and after dating I saw why they were single, at least from my perspective. Would their answers to why they were still single at 47 and 53 match my conclusions? Do they even really know why they are single?

For myself, I can guess but I don’t have a better answer than it hasn’t been in God’s will yet and it’s not my time to be a wife, for whatever reasons those are. So do I even really have a satisfactory answer? I could go on about past mistakes, being too discerning, not being discerning enough, suffering from acne once upon a time, getting a college degree, not making enough money, whatever but do any of those points really tell the tale in any concrete way? All of the above could be true and I could be married now because that’s just what happened. I dunno.
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Good question. Catholics are supposed to be pro-life and pro-redemption yet when faced with the consequences of an imperfect past that brought life, it often doesn’t fit into their plan when it comes to a mate. In your 30s it’s better to be open to who God is bringing to have a family with rather than your “ideal” of the family God will bring you. At 39 I am not dismissing annulled men or single fathers. I found my way to a chaste life in Christ and maybe someone else has done the same.
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For myself, I can guess but I don’t have a better answer than it hasn’t been in God’s will yet and it’s not my time to be a wife, for whatever reasons those are. So do I even really have a satisfactory answer? I could go on about past mistakes, being too discerning, not being discerning enough, suffering from acne once upon a time, getting a college degree, not making enough money, whatever but do any of those points really tell the tale in any concrete way? All of the above could be true and I could be married now because that’s just what happened. I dunno.
I think the bible says Issac was married when he was 40.
Good points. I suppose I’m used to the not so easily identifiable red flags. Or actually, I don’t ask that question because I get annoyed when people ask me as if I have this perfect answer.
Yeah, I just always find the question is never delivered in a non-awkward or patronizing way. Even when asked lightheartedly it’s always kind of a downer. Like, what would be a good answer? I don’t think there is one.
For number 2, I would assume the Lord gives subsidiarity to your own decisions. I am not sure on the link between the Bible and Church teaching to “The Lord plans you meet Alice on 10/45/2024 at 4:00PM in a Coffee Shop”. I would not be surprised to find that people can have a vocation of Marriage and not get Married.
Being unmarried at 40 is not at all uncommon in contemporary Western society…
As a 32 year old man married to a 33 year old woman, with a 4 year old child, I always feel like we’re spring chicks when I see other parents in our city. It seems many people don’t start having kids until late 30s now…and that’s the moms. The dads are often even older.
Yes I am a cradle Catholic baptised and made Communion, lapsed during teens and returnd and confirmed this year so free to marry in the Church and wouldn’t want to do otherwise.
I’ve dated single mothers when not practcikgy faith actually. It’s personal choice for me due to bad experience, but not a deal breaker neccesarily.
Every day meet one Catholic woman, even if she’s 75. Her granddaughter could be the one.

I’d start with the chapel at the Catholic hospital. A Catholic nurse could turn up. I’d also join a ministry at your Church. Try the choir of the main Catholic Church in town. Try the Polish Catholic Church if you think you can handle a Polish woman. Each week, try a different Catholic Church. Take a trip to World Youth Day. Try going on a Catholic retreat. You’ll be the only guy there in all likelihood.

When you’re so sick of searching, voila, that’s when she’ll turn up as the waitress in the restaurant across from the Church.
My wife crossed the room to meet me in significant part due to my beard. . .
Some women have the ability to be tactful beyond a man’s understanding. 😅 I’m sure your beard was worthy of praise and your wife thought so as well.

Hopefully the OP will be as blessed as we are.
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I’m pushing 28 and I’m in the same boat. Seems like all the cute, young devout Catholic girls I know are either taken or not interested in me.
Don’t assume God’s mate for you is Catholic. You have to discern is if God wants you to marry a work in progress.
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