Carbon14 is produced in the atmosphere constantly.
RA-226 is formed as part of a chain of decay starting with Uranium-238 that also includes Thorium 230, Uranium-234, Radium 226, and lead. Uranium-238 has a half life of around 4.5 billion years which is around the age of the earth about a third the age of the universe.
Uranium-235 has a half life of 700 million years.
It was fun looking those up, I hadn’t actually looked through the whole uranium series so I didn’t realize how many steps there were in the series, pretty cool.
So I dunno that’s most of them perhaps you could just point me to the ones you want me to read up on because I’m not seeing the issue here.
As for the rest, I leave it to the cosmologists. I have no trouble with the idea that the math involves inferences and therefore will always mean a margin of error exists, but saying the Earth is 4.5 billion years old when it may be 4 or 5 does not mean someone saying the universe sprang into existence last Tuesday just after lunch is equally rational in their thinking.
RA-226 is formed as part of a chain of decay starting with Uranium-238 that also includes Thorium 230, Uranium-234, Radium 226, and lead. Uranium-238 has a half life of around 4.5 billion years which is around the age of the earth about a third the age of the universe.
Uranium-235 has a half life of 700 million years.
It was fun looking those up, I hadn’t actually looked through the whole uranium series so I didn’t realize how many steps there were in the series, pretty cool.
So I dunno that’s most of them perhaps you could just point me to the ones you want me to read up on because I’m not seeing the issue here.
As for the rest, I leave it to the cosmologists. I have no trouble with the idea that the math involves inferences and therefore will always mean a margin of error exists, but saying the Earth is 4.5 billion years old when it may be 4 or 5 does not mean someone saying the universe sprang into existence last Tuesday just after lunch is equally rational in their thinking.