Any young earth creationists out there?

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Why would God choose the long-winded route of evolution instead of using His Divinity to create man?
Why did he make the universe in 6 days instead of 4? or 2? Or a single moment?

Why create a universe so fast when man kind would only inhabit a miniscule portion in a tiny corner of a single falaxy?

Why did Jesus feed the hungry instead of just making them not hungry anymore?

Why did he come to earth by being born to a human mother instead of just creating a full grown body as he did for Adam?

Why does he need to fit our expectations of time scales?
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Why did he make the universe in 6 days instead of 4? or 2? Or a single moment?

Why create a universe so fast when man kind would only inhabit a miniscule portion in a tiny corner of a single falaxy?

Why did Jesus feed the hungry instead of just making them not hungry anymore?

Why did he come to earth by being born to a human mother instead of just creating a full grown body as he did for Adam?

Why does he need to fit our expectations of time scales?
The universe was much smaller at creation.

He doesn’t. What actually happened trumps. Revelation tells us what happened.
Can a Catholic be FAITHFUL to the MAGISTERIUM and also accept that biological organisms evolved over millions of years, and that the human body also evolved?
No. A Catholic cannot be faithful to the Magesterium and willingly deny the literal history of Genesis.
No. A Catholic cannot be faithful to the Magesterium and willingly deny the literal history of Genesis.
Yes. A Catholic can be faithful to the Magesterium and willingly accept that biological organisms evolved over millions of years, and that the human body also evolved.
The constant teaching and history of the Church disagrees. I have yet to see someone quote an authoritative document allowing belief in those things and I will never see it because the Church cannot contradict herself.
But God created Adam and Eve like us so why would he create Neanderthals too? It makes no sense.
Concerning the neanderthal picture you posted, Buffalo responded with:
‘They purposely render these to conform to evo theory.’

Buffalo is exactly right. The picture is an imaginary reconstruction based on the evolutionary paradigm of man. All we have are the skeleton bones of the so-called neaderthals. We have no idea what there skin color was, how long there hair was, or that there face was cave-man like as reconstructed in the picture. Again, it is an imaginary reconstruction based on the evolutionary paradigm.

From what I understand, the neanderthal skeletons had all the anatomical features of modern man with slight variations that can be found in modern man today or in the recent past. They were bi-pedal and walked upright just like we do and I believe various artifacts such as quite advanced stone tools, artwork, and I think possible evidence of burial of the dead have been found associated with them. As the saying goes, ‘If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, its a duck.’ So, it appears from the evidence they were human beings descended from Adam and Eve. There is no reason to believe they were created by God apart from the first couple of the human race he did create, namely, Adam and Eve. Such a belief, indeed, would make no sense. They were obviously descendants of Adam and Eve and it appears a particular race of humans as we have many races presently and in the recent past such as the various indigenous indian tribes in the America’s from which many of the people now living are descended from.

Also, there is no such thing as a sort of evolution of intelligence according to the imaginary evolutionary paradigm of man. This is contrary to what we observe presently in the world between human beings and all other animals including the living primates as well as all recorded history. We also know from the teaching of the Church as well as sound philosophy that every human being’s spiritual soul which includes the spiritual faculties of intelligence and will is immediately created by God and united with his body at conception and thus a human being is one being composed of spirit or soul and body or matter. The spirit or soul is the ‘form’ of the body. There is a huge difference between human beings who possess the spiritual faculties of intellect and free will by which we are made principally in the image and likeness of God and animals who do not and this is plainly evident by the simple observation of the world of animals.
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Well said. But the ideas being promoted here point to a supposed “family tree” which includes human beings. Neanderthals were fully human. Drawings and reconstructions made years ago do not show them resembling modern humans very much but that has changed. And you’re right about races. Cranial shapes vary, today, around the globe, but that’s not brought up or ignored. Supposedly, the same blind forces that made our bodies made our brains, so we know have ‘evolutionary psychology’ to contend with. And strange things like this:

What I don’t believe is there were some inferior style humans living billions of years ago that evolved into what we are today
Neither does science. Rather we shared a common ancestor and also interbred.
Hugh_Farey’s catechism post 1967.

We had to wait for Billion of years for Adam (who didn’t really exist) and then another few thousand years for Darwin to tell us we got it all wrong and correct the record. And after getting the lashing from Darwin the Church then conceded.

Did I get it right?
The constant teaching and history of the Church disagrees. I have yet to see someone quote an authoritative document allowing belief in those things and I will never see it because the Church cannot contradict herself.
Are you being wilfully blind? This thread has been echoing with the teaching of the church since it started. Humani generis bravely permitted research into evolution, since when it has been more and more accepted, through Fides et Ratio, the International Theological Commission, and Pope Francis’s Address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, among dozens of other references. All these are “authoritative documents” and part of the growing understanding and teaching of the Church that evolution is more than a hypothesis.

Yes. A Catholic can be faithful to the Magesterium and willingly accept that biological organisms evolved over millions of years, and that the human body also evolved.
Also, there is no such thing as a sort of evolution of intelligence according to the imaginary evolutionary paradigm of man. This is contrary to what we observe presently in the world between human beings and all other animals including the living primates as well as all recorded history.
Well, obviously not. Both the evidence of fossil people and the behaviour of modern animals point to degrees of intelligence, self-awareness, language, personal responsibility, concern for the dead and so on. I think you confusing intelligence with soul, which is an exclusively human attribute.
We also know from the teaching of the Church as well as sound philosophy that every human being’s spiritual soul which includes the spiritual faculties of intelligence and will is immediately created by God and united with his body at conception and thus a human being is one being composed of spirit or soul and body or matter.
No. Varying degrees of intelligence are exhibited by non-human animals, so intelligence per se cannot be exclusively a characteristic of soul.
The spirit or soul is the ‘form’ of the body. There is a huge difference between human beings who possess the spiritual faculties of intellect and free will by which we are made principally in the image and likeness of God and animals who do not and this is plainly evident by the simple observation of the world of animals.
There are indeed differences between humans and animals, which you may certainly call the soul, but “simple observation of the world of animals” shows us there are aspects of behaviour, understanding and intelligence which are as much the provenance of ‘non-soul’ as they are of ‘soul’.
Hugh_Farey’s catechism post 1967.

We had to wait for Billion of years for Adam (who didn’t really exist) and then another few thousand years for Darwin to tell us we got it all wrong and correct the record. And after getting the lashing from Darwin the Church then conceded.

Did I get it right?
Well, three out of ten, perhaps. Firstly, no-one waited billions of years for anything. The only being who could possibly have have appreciated such a time was God himself, who firstly is outside time and so didn’t have to wait at all, and secondly rejoiced in every second of his creation, finding it, no doubt, neither too long, nor too short.

Correct that Adam didn’t really exist, and correct that the idea that he did is perhaps four or five thousand years long. However Christians only accepted it for less than two thousand years before realising the truth.

The Church however, did not, “concede”. The Church has always supported rational inquiry into the workings of God, and is delighted when scientific advances enable a clearer understanding of them.
Bible also says a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day, and God is understood as the author of time to exist outside of time.

There are multiple intersecting fields of scientific study that all point to an old universe. Geology, big bang cosmology, general relativity, red-shifting of light from distant stars all support an old universe and there’s no reason they should confirm each other like that. There’s only one being capable of making a universe look old if it’s young, and I don’t think you’d want to attach the label ‘deceptive’ to him.
Hugh_Farey’s catechism post 1967.

We had to wait for Billion of years for Adam (who didn’t really exist) and then another few thousand years for Darwin to tell us we got it all wrong and correct the record. And after getting the lashing from Darwin the Church then conceded.

Did I get it right?
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