Any young earth creationists out there?

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You keep asking that, and I keep saying yes. What is the point of the question? Did it crop up in something you heard or read as a child and you have been using it as a shibboleth ever since?
I wasn’t asking you. I am awaiting an answer from another poster. I know your answer.
I believe in things I can’t see (St Moses being an example)… but I certainly also believe in things I CAN see. This rejection of reason is not Catholic.
Why would God choose the long route of making saints, through many trials and temptations and pain, rather than using His divinity to “poof” saints out of nothing?

Evolution seems extremely consistent with how God operates.
Why would God choose the long route of making saints, through many trials and temptations and pain, rather than using His divinity to “poof” saints out of nothing?

Evolution seems extremely consistent with how God operates.
He gave us life and we show Him how much we love Him by becoming Saints. Evolution is entirely different.
Why would God choose the long-winded route of evolution instead of using His Divinity to create man?
I don’t know, as he has not vouchsafed me an itemised decision, but I’ll speculate, if you like. Judging by what he likes about life, he rejoices in the growth of every flower from a tiny seed, and the growth of a mighty oak from an acorn. The development of a human from a single cell, carefully looked after by its parents, or a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. They are long-winded ways of making a flower, tree, baby or butterfly, but I think God rejoices in the process as much as in the finished organism. Indeed, in the most bountiful expression of his creative joy, the insects, the finished organism last much less long than the process that took them there, before the laying of eggs and the whole thing beginning again. God rejoices in the intricacies of biological cycles, and the endless reworking of a handful of simple nutrients into the billions of different variations of organic life that have come into and out of existence like an enormously complicated kaleidoscope.

What he loves in miniature, I believe he loves in magnitude. The universe too, started as a tiny seed, the world as a simple cloud of dust, and life itself in the exquisite simplicity of a proto-cell. God does not find the process long-winded, he has loved every second, like a gardener watching his tomato-plants emerging as shoots and growing up their canes, putting out their leaves and flowers, and eventually the green, then red, tomatoes. Fifteen billion years has not been long-winded, it has been exactly right for maximum divine enjoyment.
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Well said. Believe in Jesus Christ first, and the Church He founded. No one is flocking to Church because a belief in evolution is being promoted. Second, for those who don’t believe in particles to man evolution, nothing has changed in their lives.
Jesus Christ raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind, and more. That is how God operates.
I attended a university that had a Science department that held a Young Earth tilt. Everything was very normal in the sciences accept the Earth Science course (Biology I took at a outside college). The professor was educated at Harvard and held advanced degrees, but I always struggled with the theory of YEC. I am an Old Earth Creationist and very little I have studied made me question that view.

Really this debate I find silly and distracting.
Jesus Christ raised the dead, cleansed the lepers, gave sight to the blind, and more. That is how God operates.
God has been operating for 15 billion years and you think your examples are typical. Extraordinary.
He can make bread, wine and fish… pop into existence, but everything else took billions of years. 🤔
God has been operating for 15 billion years and you think your examples are typical. Extraordinary.
Sometimes. But God also operates through natural processes.

Were you “poofed” into existence or did you arise from previously existing DNA and organic matter?
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Were you “poofed” into existence or did you arise from previously existing DNA and organic matter?
And, take it a step further: are there mutations in your DNA from your parents and theirs and theirs…?
Yes, they were our close cousins and actually had, on average, larger brains than us.
Were you “poofed” into existence or did you arise from previously existing DNA and organic matter?
Common descent all the way back to the real Adam and Eve. We call this created kind - mankind.
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