Appropriate Punishment: Please read before voting.

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we are all sinful people. all of us, if put in the wrong situation, with the wrong upbringing, and the wrong ‘understanding’ of the world, could be capable of atrocities worse than this. no?
This sounds like an excuse to me. Blame anything/anyone else for your personal issues. Lame excuses like:

‘It’s not MY fault…my daddy beat me, I HAD to molest those children, and then kill them.’

…or, maybe…

“But I’m a drug addict! I HAD to murder that man to get the money for my next fix…the drugs were forced on me by an uncaring society…its really THEIR fault”.

Sounds like the usual liberal drivel to me…
um, no. sin is not a choice, by definition. if it were, then there would be no such thing as venial sins.
Sorry…I meant Mortal Sin when I typed that.
I’m sorry, I’m becoming very uncharitable. I’m gonna take a break for a few…
i’m sorry - i didn’t mean anything of the sort (that you were being uncharitable).

i think these are good questions. and i understand what you’re asking.

i don’t mean that what this person did is not atrocious. i don’t mean that he is not guilty of a horrendous crime.

i mean that, even though he DID do these things, he is a human being, and needs the grace and forgiveness of God as much as i do. maybe more. maybe not.

to whom much is given, much is expected. to whom little or nothing is given, what can be expected?

a person who kills for drugs, while doing something evil, is less culpable than someone who slanders their neighbor in cold blood and destroys their reputation. why? because of the ability to NOT do the sin. the drug addict has little or no self-control. is he guilty? sure. will he pay? beyond what he can imagine.

does he need our love, mercy, and forgiveness?

i know i do.
Love, mercy, and forgiveness are things we can readily give criminals…while we watch them rot in jail. There is still temporal punishment for their sins, and if you do the crime, you do the time.

Obviously, I choose the rot in solitary option. If the general prison population didn’t have it better than poor folk in parts of the country, I’d say he could be in there. But not when not giving prisoners cable tv is considered cruel and unusual punishment.
believe it or not (i say that because of my previous posts in this thread) i agree with you.

because there is value in suffering. if this man who raped this girl and then killed her, spends the rest of his days breaking rocks, maybe God will have the opportunity of breaking his rock - his heart.
Jeff - excellent post. I agree.
I would like very much to see this man repent. On the other hand, whether he repents or not, he should never be given the chance to kill another child. These people are too dangerous, too likely to repeat their crimes, and need to be locked up for life.
Obviously, I choose the rot in solitary option.
i completely agree that folks who do things like this should not ever be loosed on society again.

‘rot in jail’ is perhaps a pejorative way to put it. 😉 but yes, i think they should be locked away,

and TAUGHT. this is where our responsibility as the church comes in.

Jesus wasn’t joking when He said that when we visit folks in jail, we’re visiting Him. and when we don’t, we are neglecting Him.

let’s pay Jesus a visit from time to time - and remind Him that we love Him.
would like very much to see this man repent. On the other hand, whether he repents or not, he should never be given the chance to kill another child. These people are too dangerous, too likely to repeat their crimes, and need to be locked up for life.
agreed and agreed. 😉
If this is about the girl in Florida there are details that have been left out,that just were released:( The little girl was buried alive CLINGING to her stuffed animal:mad: :banghead: I picked 5 minutes alone:mad: Should he repent yes! But one way or the other he should NEVER,EVER be allowed to be near another child,period,after my 5 minutes:mad:
after my 5 minutes:mad:
come to think of it, i DO believe in the value of suffering… 😉

but i’m afraid of what 5 minutes alone with someone like that might do to ME. venting my rage on someone with my fists is not making me more Christlike, i don’t think.
come to think of it, i DO believe in the value of suffering… 😉

but i’m afraid of what 5 minutes alone with someone like that might do to ME. venting my rage on someone with my fists is not making me more Christlike, i don’t think.
The very thought of what the poor girl went through and to couple that with being buried ALIVE:eek: I want my 5 minutes:mad: If you had caught him at the time I am sure you would have not felt bad about 5 minutes of fists flying;)
I don’t really like my poll options. You request the “appropriate punishment”, not what is feasible, not what is safest for society, etc. For society’s sake, he cannot be released. However, I don’t think permanent, truly solitary confinement is acceptable to do to a person. It will probably destroy whatever is left of a person’s humanity, even the good stuff. This I do not find to be appropriate. Death is perhaps just, as he himself has killed. It has a certain fairness, but I don’t know if it is “appropriate”.

I can’t go for the typical US prison thing, because that includes TV, little work, all sorts of perks like drugs, plenty of social life, perhaps a weight room, education, etc. If it weren’t for the general wretchedness of a prison, it would be cush.

I don’t think therapy will work, and it certainly isn’t a punishment of any size.
I chose rot in solitary. There’s a scale for crimes; a rape and a murder of anyone is just as bad as that done to a child. I would want anyone who exacts that level of violence against another being to be punished appropriately, which in my mind seems to be this. I do not think persons with a violent nature like this ( a sex crime and a murderous tendency) are reprogrammable for society - certainly not due to the things I saw in the community service center I once worked at. We would see people who had served their time for a violent sex crime, and they would work with us a few months, and the same people even with rehabilitation, work permits, counseling, intensive education would go in and out of the center like people in a western saloon. Given many chances, given many resources. They did not want to change.

So - I would propose a solitary option. Treat them for the obvious mental disorder they have, but do not allow them to have access to the luxuries of the common man. When they have time to reflect, time to heal themselves, time to study God’s word, and time to come to terms with what they have done, that is a just punishment. That is Christ-like in my understanding.
If this is about the girl in Florida there are details that have been left out,that just were released:( The little girl was buried alive CLINGING to her stuffed animal:mad: :banghead: I picked 5 minutes alone:mad: Should he repent yes! But one way or the other he should NEVER,EVER be allowed to be near another child,period,after my 5 minutes:mad:
Oh, my God:crying: :crying: :crying: I may be FURIOUS later; but right now, I have the chills and am crying.

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world.
Oh, my God:crying: :crying: :crying: I may be FURIOUS later; but right now, I have the chills and am crying.

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world.
That is what my response has been crying and absolute horror now I am mad:mad: :crying: :mad: I can’t imagine anyone much less a child going through that:banghead:
Solitary Confinement for life … even the most evil people need mercy maybe he (or she) will repent and perform pertinence. Death is way to easy a punishment … he should look at the 4 walls all alone until the day he dies of old age. I would give him a window and bible. The bible is there for him and his soul … the window is there to torture him. He will look out that window all alone until his last breath never knowing again what life on the outside is like. Let God judge him when his life is over. Some people may say this a weak punishment but here is a question … why do so many prisoners serving long sentences commit suicide if it is a cakewalk?
That is what my response has been crying and absolute horror now I am mad:mad: :crying: :mad: I can’t imagine anyone much less a child going through that:banghead:
Lisa, I really believe that when a child goes through something horrible like that, Jesus is with them in a special way. Maybe I’m wrong and I don’t have anything theological to back me up, but I have to feel that way, or else I’d GO CRAZY! Imagining some child going through that causes such pain in my heart.

This is one of those times I’d like to put my martial arts training to use. Better I leave the rest unsaid.:tsktsk:
If this is about the girl in Florida there are details that have been left out,that just were released:( The little girl was buried alive CLINGING to her stuffed animal:mad: :banghead: I picked 5 minutes alone:mad: Should he repent yes! But one way or the other he should NEVER,EVER be allowed to be near another child,period,after my 5 minutes:mad:
Yes it is. I left that part out on purpose. The child is Jessica Marie Lunsford, she was 9 years old. The man who abducted her was John Evander Couey, a 46 year old convicted sex offender. I cry everytime I think about this.

It makes me sick that these people are released back into society to repeat their crimes. I am happy that he will most likely be executed, but only because the freakin ACLU won’t let me do anything worse…and yes, there are many many things worse than death. We have to stop these people…
The very thought of what the poor girl went through and to couple that with being buried ALIVE:eek: I want my 5 minutes:mad: If you had caught him at the time I am sure you would have not felt bad about 5 minutes of fists flying;)
Fists? Not me. I’m bringing a knife, but not to kill. A little corrective surgery, maybe…

Justice would be rendered by Life without parole. The general prison population doesn’t like child-rapist-killers and would see that “life” would be pretty short.

Public sense of retribution would be served by Death penalty. Easy out.

ACLU would be served by mental hospital or Life with eventual parole. Can I get a bus ticket to the next city, please?

Mercy and Christ would be served by Life in solitary, rehab treatment available. Maximum time to dwell on his crime. Amazing, the number of people who have turned to Christ after long years of prayer.
I’m generally against the death penalty, but when it was released that that poor girl was buried alive…

What can you say? The “man” who commited this crime must be punished.
I had trouble deciding between the death penalty and rot in prison option. I choose the death penalty because we as humans should not make life a living hell for people, God will do that, and it will be worse than anything a human can do to somone. So I say let him “meet his maker”.
But it won’t bring the victim back. AT ALL. Also, to quote one of the members here, two wrongs don’t make a right.
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