Yes, I realize that. There have been a lot of abortion cases wherein Federal appelate courts have struck down state abortion legislation. It isn’t just SCOTUS justices which concern me.
But I was pointing out before the late 1980s, there wasn’t a fully coordinated effort to produce cadres of specifically anti-Roe judges for the courts. Both DEM and GOP appointed judges at all levels were ideologically unpredictable on abortion.Yes, I realize that. There have been a lot of abortion cases wherein Federal appelate courts have struck down state abortion legislation. It isn’t just SCOTUS justices which concern me.
It hasn’t worked at all. The only current Justice to have actually said he would overturn Roe is Thomas. Alito may well join an opinion if there were five votes, but the Trump appointees are all question marks. I would not bet on any of them voting to overturn Roe.There has been a coordinated effort for some time now (since the Reagan era) to produce reliable anti-Roe judges, but it doesn’t always work
Source please, and specific statement.I see the new Archbishop of Washington DC has declared he will not deny Joe Biden communion.
the teaching may not be optional but how to achieve the goal is, except in abortion, euthanasia, etc where the death of the victim is final.The fact is that the Church does not make any of its teachings optional, and there is great hypocrisy to decrying one particular politician’s dissent while looking the other way on others, or our own.
I guess I am in good companySaint John Paul disagreed with your view, which is a fact I give some weight.
No need to be rude. I asked a genuine question about the ramifications of different Bishops significantly disagreeing on something.IOW, welcome to the world as we know it
liberal politicians?We both know the real truth here, don’t we? This issue comes up only in one circumstance - attacks on liberal politicians. Using the issue to score political points.
“This is not a ‘political’ matter,” he said, “and those who would describe it as such are either ignorant or willfully confusing the issue. This is a matter of bishops’ unique responsibility before the Lord for the integrity of the sacraments.”
“Moreover,” Archbishop Chaput concluded, “there is also the pressing matter of pastoral concern for a man’s salvation.”
Then why do we only hear about American Democrats in these issues, and not about Republicans with similar issues?it is pastoral not politics
In 1992 many people thought Roe was as good as dead with Planned Parenthood v Casey.I would not bet on any of them voting to overturn Roe.
Do you know of a GOP that claims to be Catholic and supports abortion, SSM and euthanasia? If so they should not receive eitherThen why do we only hear about American Democrats in these issues, and not about Republicans with similar issues
Yes, absolutely as to SSM, and most GOP politicians are closer to the Church than Biden on abortion, but still far from the Church’s position. I also know of GOPers that support plenty of other policies that the Church condemns, such as birth control and the death penalty. But somehow the (R) after their name shields them from this kind of condemnation.Do you know of a GOP that claims to be Catholic and supports abortion, SSM and euthanasia? If so they should not receive either
It is a good question. Understand though that the canon law allows the bishop of the diocese to make that decision. Bishops not of that diocese can counsel another bishop, but that is all.No need to be rude. I asked a genuine question about the ramifications of different Bishops significantly disagreeing on something.
How would that apply to Father Drinan who was given a Catholic funeral?Because it is a basic Catholic teaching that those in obstinate, public sin, should not be distributed the Eucharist.
Do you know any politician who is opposed to artificial contraception?I also know of GOPers that support plenty of other policies that the Church condemns, such as birth control and the death penalty.