Archbishop Wilton Gregory will not deny Biden Communion

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Yes, I realize that. There have been a lot of abortion cases wherein Federal appelate courts have struck down state abortion legislation. It isn’t just SCOTUS justices which concern me.
Yes, I realize that. There have been a lot of abortion cases wherein Federal appelate courts have struck down state abortion legislation. It isn’t just SCOTUS justices which concern me.
But I was pointing out before the late 1980s, there wasn’t a fully coordinated effort to produce cadres of specifically anti-Roe judges for the courts. Both DEM and GOP appointed judges at all levels were ideologically unpredictable on abortion.
I never gave it much thought at the time, but as the pro-life movement was pretty active at the state level, I seem to recall that even when state legislators produced pro-life legislation, they were often overruled by courts. And the news story would often mention that the judge was a Carter appointee.
There has been a coordinated effort for some time now (since the Reagan era) to produce reliable anti-Roe judges, but it doesn’t always work
It hasn’t worked at all. The only current Justice to have actually said he would overturn Roe is Thomas. Alito may well join an opinion if there were five votes, but the Trump appointees are all question marks. I would not bet on any of them voting to overturn Roe.
The fact is that the Church does not make any of its teachings optional, and there is great hypocrisy to decrying one particular politician’s dissent while looking the other way on others, or our own.
the teaching may not be optional but how to achieve the goal is, except in abortion, euthanasia, etc where the death of the victim is final.
Saint John Paul disagreed with your view, which is a fact I give some weight.
I guess I am in good company

We both know the real truth here, don’t we? This issue comes up only in one circumstance - attacks on liberal politicians. Using the issue to score political points.
liberal politicians?

how about the salvation of souls!

it doesn’t matter what party they are

it is pastoral not politics
“This is not a ‘political’ matter,” he said, “and those who would describe it as such are either ignorant or willfully confusing the issue. This is a matter of bishops’ unique responsibility before the Lord for the integrity of the sacraments.”

“Moreover,” Archbishop Chaput concluded, “there is also the pressing matter of pastoral concern for a man’s salvation.”
Some sacraments can only be taken after Confirmation, but even so someone who was baptized in a Protestant Church doesn’t need to be re-baptized in a Catholic church or make any special declarations if he wants to become Catholic - he can just start going to Catholic church and attending the classes for Communion and Confirmation.

Nothing you say challenges the fact that Baptism does welcome a soul into the Catholic Church and makes them a permanent member. You’re trying to argue that Catholics with sinful behaviors or liberal beliefs “stop being true Catholics” but this is simply false. Another reminder that “Traditional” does not always equal “Orthodox”.
I would not bet on any of them voting to overturn Roe.
In 1992 many people thought Roe was as good as dead with Planned Parenthood v Casey.

I think there is a good chance that Roe will be not be overturned in some dramatic fashion, but simply shredded in multiple small decisions giving more and more powers to states to restrict abortion. It may be incremental, but it is very possible in a few years it might be very difficult to get a legal, elective abortion in many parts of the country. Many states have only a small number of providers left, particularly in the south and midwest.
Then why do we only hear about American Democrats in these issues, and not about Republicans with similar issues
Do you know of a GOP that claims to be Catholic and supports abortion, SSM and euthanasia? If so they should not receive either
Do you know of a GOP that claims to be Catholic and supports abortion, SSM and euthanasia? If so they should not receive either
Yes, absolutely as to SSM, and most GOP politicians are closer to the Church than Biden on abortion, but still far from the Church’s position. I also know of GOPers that support plenty of other policies that the Church condemns, such as birth control and the death penalty. But somehow the (R) after their name shields them from this kind of condemnation.
No rudeness intended. I likewise was just making a comment that this was just more of the same trouble we’ve had for quite a long time with what appear to be many contradictions in various parishes, dioceses, etc.
I do not answer such absurd questions, that is, questions that are all rhetoric and logically faulty.

What I said was, the decision is up to the bishop and went somewhere…

No need to be rude. I asked a genuine question about the ramifications of different Bishops significantly disagreeing on something.
It is a good question. Understand though that the canon law allows the bishop of the diocese to make that decision. Bishops not of that diocese can counsel another bishop, but that is all.

Then there are those that “counsel” through press releases and public displays. Understand that this is sort of a new thing, and something that represents just a sliver of the conversation between clergy, and almost always only the most news worthy, or juicy, if you prefer. The normal stuff you seldom see.
Point out the fault in logic in my question? Unless I misread you, you said you agree with the Bishop in that he would not refuse Biden communion.
I also know of GOPers that support plenty of other policies that the Church condemns, such as birth control and the death penalty.
Do you know any politician who is opposed to artificial contraception?
It has nothing to do with what I said, or the topic, which is a person with authority making a decision that he has the authority to do.

“Believes in” is not defined, much less tied to the topic of President-elect Biden.

No one who has faith in anything over God should receive communion. If one believes in Trump (with one definition) they should not receive communion.
Ah, pedantics. Very good. You know well what “believes in” means in the given context. I’m out. ✌️
Apologies if that’s a bit rude, maybe your first language isn’t English. It’s just hard to know on here.
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