Are the souls in Hell friends with eachother?

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The Church has never said how many people are in hell. If someone said anything about this, this is just a matter of opinion. Whether hell is nearly empty or otherwise, only God knows.
I must admit that while I believe it in, I do struggle with the concept that the vast majority of human beings, as many Christians have throughout Church history believed, will choose to be eternally damned…to suffer beyond our imagination…pain beyond comprehension…forever and ever and ever. I hope and pray that many more will be saved than we tend to think.
Absolutely not. Souls in hell hate each other, hate people on earth, hate the saints and hate God. There is no love, no affection, no warm and fuzzy feelings. That is why it is HELL.
This was discussed at my wife’s RCIA session last night. l attended for a change. The Monsignor spoke a bit on this topic of the type souls in hell. He stated there are most likely two types of souls in hell, those who find it totally unfair and have no idea how they got there, and those who feel they are so bad they don’t deserve any better. In both cases they are so totally immersed in their own issues they have no time for anything or anyone else.

He also emphasized the fact that no-one on earth knows who will end up where. All in all a very interesting discussion.
Absolutely not. Souls in hell hate each other, hate people on earth, hate the saints and hate God. There is no love, no affection, no warm and fuzzy feelings. That is why it is HELL.
Quite right. Everyone in hell hates each other, blames each other, and attacks each other. Everyone in hell is insane. There is only intense hatred, guilt, physical and mental agony beyond imagination, and intense fear of the demons and Satan. Worst of all is the complete withdrawal of God’s graces that the damned never even knew they had, the agony of lost love of God, and the knowledge that they will endure this forever.

Pretty bad right? Sugarcoating what hell is like does a huge disservice for everyone. No one wants to think about it. It is much easier to pretend that hell is closed for business, or that it wont be so bad. This just isn’t the case. We would be crazy to leave this up to chance. Should I plan my worst case scenario on someones best case scenario of hell?
I must admit that while I believe it in, I do struggle with the concept that the vast majority of human beings, as many Christians have throughout Church history believed, will choose to be eternally damned…to suffer beyond our imagination…pain beyond comprehension…forever and ever and ever. I hope and pray that many more will be saved than we tend to think.
It’s a seemingly contradiction that I see in the Bible. Mt 7:14 speaks of few finding eternal life. While Jn 2:14 says, “in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” I’m hoping and praying that John got it right and there are many too. I personally have to believe it to be so, the humans that we are. Peace.
Hell sure sounds like a bad place. But I think the damned get some consolation from the friends they have there adn all the interesting conversations they have with eachother.

Any ideas? Is Hell really Hell if you can talk with other people?
Probably too busy with screaming in abject horror for eternity.
It’s a seemingly contradiction that I see in the Bible. Mt 7:14 speaks of few finding eternal life. While Jn 2:14 says, “in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?” I’m hoping and praying that John got it right and there are many too. I personally have to believe it to be so, the humans that we are. Peace.
Revelation also describes a vast multitude of saints in heaven - beyond count. 🙂
Hell sure sounds like a bad place. But I think the damned get some consolation from the friends they have there adn all the interesting conversations they have with eachother.

Any ideas? Is Hell really Hell if you can talk with other people?
Can they chat? Yes, they are all perfectly able to speak.

Do they “chat”? NO. The hatred and selfishness that got them damned in the first place only intensifies once they are in Hell. They don’t feel chatty, only shamed and enraged.
My understanding of hell is that demons hate people so much that the demons spend all their time torturing people who are there. And so hell is just forever torture by demons. Not 24/7, more like 25/8.

They might see other people they know, but that can’t be any comfort when everything is so horrible.

I don’t think God allows that many people go to hell. Think about it: every damned soul is a victory for the devil. Not my impression that God likes that.

A lot of people also suffer from various conditions that render them practically incompetent to stand trial, so to speak. The bipolar schizophrenic down the block is not making his own choices, really.

I heard in near death experience videos that when you die and you could go to hell, Jesus asks you TWICE if you will accept his mercy before sending you hellward. Third time is always a charm on a “no.”

Near death videos are a dubious source, I admit, but that sounds like Jesus to me. Just don’t tell anyone lest they think it’s okay to sin now and repent way later.
Remember, too, that Hell is outside of time.

This has always scared the bajabbers out of me, as well it should:

Most vacations include an itinerary. You have an idea what you will see and do before you reach your destination. The Bible has enough information to project an itinerary for those who is seeking a permanent vacation in HELL, this will be your first 6 days.

DAY 1…

The trip originates at the gates of death. Since departures are made daily, you are called upon to begin your trip on short notice. Since you have booked a one way journey, there will be no concern for your return trip.

Your initial point of departure may prove more than a little frightening, as you suddenly realize the finality of your destination. The trip itself will leave you with little time to contemplate what awaits.

As you pass through the doorway of death, you will notice almost immediately that your direction is taking you away from the light toward what appears to be complete and utter darkness. With each passing moment the darkness becomes more intense. At first the absence of light is only annoying, but you feel it becoming more ominous and frightening. You think you hear screams and moans but you are not sure , it sends a chill up your spine.

At this point the intensity of the darkness is only matched by the absence of any joyful sounds, no music except the deafening sound of torment and torture. No laughter, no sounds of merriment. As you move farther, the faint sounds of the moaning and wailing become more detectable. They seem to becoming out of the darkness from every direction. You become aware of a faint light, it flickers like a flame, yet thick clouds of black smoke dances all around it, keeping the flame from casting off any real hope of light.

Suddenly you find yourself obsessed to know what what day and hour it is. Already it feels like you’ve been here for an eternity…and its only day 1.

DAY 2…

The continuing darkness is stifling. It’s as if something is lurking in the veil of night that surrounds you. You yell, you threaten, you even plead, but to no avail.
As you eyes struggle to adjust to the dark, you become aware of a new sensation. THE HEAT. It’s right at the edge of unbearable. Hot, searing, intolerable heat. Your body craves water, you would give anything for a drink, and you try unsuccessfully to push that desire out of you mind.

The air is thick, choking, miserable…and that’s just day 2

DAY 3…

At least you think its day 3. It seems like its already been forever. You’ve not been able to sleep.

You still can’t believe you’re here. Where are your friends you thought you would see? The knowledge that they would be here too had brought you some comfort in your lifetime. Where is the fun you thought you would have? It isn’t at all like what you were led to believe!

You stumble upon a group of others. You pour out a litany of questions. As they open their mouths, no words come out… only the sounds of weeping and wailing. Some in the group don’t even try to respond. They gnash their teeth, as if in some invisible pain.

You wonder when this nightmare will end. You wonder why somebody can’t make it stop… and it’s only day 3.

DAY 4…

How you wish you could send a message to those you left behind. To warn them about this place. You would tell them what its really like, so they would never come. The thought of your loved ones coming to a place like this becomes more and more unbearable. You can’t help but think back to that day when you made your decision to come here. You wish you could choose again.

You find yourself hoping that your loved ones will choose differently, even though you realize such a choice means you will never see them again…never touch them… never speak to them. What a horrible realization… and it’s only day 4.

DAY 5…

You’ve become acutely aware of the absence of any good in this place. There is no love, for God is love, and He cannot be found here. There will never be joy, peace or goodness, because all these comes from God also. There is nothing sacred, nothing holy, nothing of God anywhere to be found. Your mind can’t imagine how evil, evil can be.

For the first time since you arrived, you begin to sense the great gulf that is fixed between where you are and where God is. The span is beyond your comprehension as you try to realize the degree of distance that will separate you from God and those that choose to serve Him. God is on the other side of the gulf. Your loved ones in Christ are also on the other side of that gulf. What a lonely realization… .and its only day 5.

DAY 6…

Through the darkness you saw a new face today. A new arrival. He stopped to speak to you. You could see the terror in his eyes. As he asked questions that you had been asking only days earlier. Your mouth opens to reply, but all that comes out is agonizing groans, blood curdling screams of sorrow, The weeping and wailing from the pits of hell.

You have just spent your first 6 days in HELL. You now know, you are doomed to spend all eternity here. All because you rejected JESUS. If only……
BUT wait. The fact is, since you are reading this, its not to late to change your mind. In His mercy you have found this message. Now you once again have the opportunity to change your eternal itinerary.

“Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved” Acts 2:21.
Where can I borrow the DVD, which contains a guided tour of Hell?
Do Satan and the demons torture the damned?

I thought they were all “in it together.”

I have heard it said through various exorcists (Malachi Martin, Amorth, etc.) that the souls of the damned sometimes appear in exorcisms under the command of demons.

The idea of actually encountering a damned soul scares me more than seeing a demon.

Seeing one would likely invoke thoughts of both hatred and pity, a pity for it being so tortured, but hatred of it for being so willfully evil.

Hell sure sounds like a bad place. But I think the damned get some consolation from the friends they have there adn all the interesting conversations they have with eachother.

Any ideas? Is Hell really Hell if you can talk with other people?
Wishful thinking, but no dice. Hell is Hell.
Do Satan and the demons torture the damned?

I thought they were all “in it together.”

I have heard it said through various exorcists (Malachi Martin, Amorth, etc.) that the souls of the damned sometimes appear in exorcisms under the command of demons.

The idea of actually encountering a damned soul scares me more than seeing a demon.

Seeing one would likely invoke thoughts of both hatred and pity, a pity for it being so tortured, but hatred of it for being so willfully evil.

^ Very enlightening. I personally believe Hell will be a bit hotter than 2000 degrees though.
Damned souls - unlike demons - are not given license to roam the world while still being fettered to hell.

Demons can co-exist in hell and on earth because as purely spiritual beings, they do not have a “location” per se in how we would understand it, nor do they occupy physical/material space as any sort of matter. So when they “roam”, they are roaming with their angelic consciousness and not in any sort of locomotion. We even see in the book of Job that Satan is able to be in Heaven (though not the New Heaven) as he speaks with God. When they are eventually bound to a certain place, like after the Final Judgment, this will occur miraculously.

On few occasions when damned souls have spoken to those on Earth, it has only occurred through Divine Providence. Unlike with demons, they do not and cannot normally roam or affect the earth. They must - spitefully - rely on demons to carry out their unholy will, since like the demons, they strongly desire to see those on earth and in Heaven - Jesus, Mary, the saints, the angels - to be brought into hell to suffer with them and for them to be able to assault them. A reprobate hates Jesus & Our Lady and wants them to feel the most intense unhappiness imaginable. There is nothing about the damned that is good or noble or worth feeling sorry for, nor is there any reason to experience happiness at their terrifying fate. Their rejection of grace is what it is, and nobody - including God - can do anything about it. They want to be free from hell, but only in order to go on sinning & living against the Great Commandment.

Here on Earth, we see pale manifestations of that wickedness through things such as the Culture of Death: treating brothers & sisters of God as objects or commodities to keep or be disposed of. In hell, this self-centeredness becomes absolute. An obstinate sinner on Earth can still have moments of compassion, and experience natural affection towards others and especially friends, but in hell, it is snuffed out forever.
I do pity the damned, in spite of the hatred they have for me.

You know I always have struggled with the idea of Hell existing, but what finally convinced me of it’s existence is the way people on earth behave. There are some people who are so blinded by envy, hatred and malice that they will to any lengths to harm others, even if it means harming themselves.

I have seen damned souls in a sense, and all have. When parents and children hate eachother, and each accuses the other of destroying them. Its what happens in failed marriages too.

Each spouse is in a world of hatred and bitterness and the only way of ending the Hell they (one or both) have helped create is by divorcing.

Hell is real I am convinced of that now. If I am relegated to the hottest corner of purgatory and nothing more… Ill know I have won!
I believe a large reason people struggle with the idea of hell, and not secular people but devout Catholics, is coming to accept the idea that there really, truly are people who are bent on evil. We so strongly want to believe otherwise, because of course we would wish that. I agree with what you said, that you can see manifest, persevering evil in our own world around us, and whatever we see in this world, we will see in a more extreme form in the next world: either in Heaven or in hell. In death, we reach a point where we’re either no longer in danger of slipping (Heaven) or we’ve turned our back on goodness forever. You can also see a foreshadowing of it in this world. When we are very young, we are flexible and quickly changing, but the older and more experienced we become, the more fixated we become on a certain worldview and morality. We can always change as long as we’re alive, but we become more and more set, and in eternity, we become set in an eternal way.

Like many people, I couldn’t accept hell for quite a while. The idea of it was inconceivable, and it still is inconceivable (just like Heaven is inconceivable), but I also see with my own eyes that evil, malice, and hatred are real and some people (we don’t know for sure who) really, really do cling to it to the bitter end. I no longer have doubts in faith about this, nor believe for a moment that such a place of darkness is empty of souls.
I believe a large reason people struggle with the idea of hell, and not secular people but devout Catholics, is coming to accept the idea that there really, truly are people who are bent on evil. We so strongly want to believe otherwise, because of course we would wish that. I agree with what you said, that you can see manifest, persevering evil in our own world around us, and whatever we see in this world, we will see in a more extreme form in the next world: either in Heaven or in hell. In death, we reach a point where we’re either no longer in danger of slipping (Heaven) or we’ve turned our back on goodness forever. You can also see a foreshadowing of it in this world. When we are very young, we are flexible and quickly changing, but the older and more experienced we become, the more fixated we become on a certain worldview and morality. We can always change as long as we’re alive, but we become more and more set, and in eternity, we become set in an eternal way.

Like many people, I couldn’t accept hell for quite a while. The idea of it was inconceivable, and it still is inconceivable (just like Heaven is inconceivable), but I also see with my own eyes that evil, malice, and hatred are real and some people (we don’t know for sure who) really, really do cling to it to the bitter end. I no longer have doubts in faith about this, nor believe for a moment that such a place of darkness is empty of souls.
Yet, many Catholics throughout history, and even some today (on this very forum) continue to insist that the vast, vast, vast majority of human beings are damned. There’s even been references on this very forum, by certain posters, to private revelations (of dubious origins I think) suggesting such remarkable numbers as only 3 out of 60 000 (or something like that, i can’t remember the specifics now) avoiding eternal torment. Many people don’t seem to limit damnation to those consumed with malice. I personally fear hell…immensely so…I know I struggle with certain grave sins. I know that many saints and theologians throughout history have assured us that most people are damned and only a small select few saved. I hope that isn’t true…I hope that God’s mercy prevails in the end and that most people will be saved by means known only to him…but I don’t know that…and it terrifies me.
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