
I applaud your scholarship and your work to bring the Word to others and correct their errors in interpretation they may have.
My question to you, however, is how do you affirm those interpretations you come up with? You seem to be a scholarly person who knows history, logic, reason, etc., so how do you justify anything you say about scripture?
Please do not say the scriptures interpret the scriptures because we all know books do not interpret books–people do. When I am faced with a difficult passgae in Scripture, I consult the Fathers of the Church–who were much closer in time to the events described than we are–in the Navarre Bible which contains 2000 years of commentary. As always, I trust in the Holy Spirit to guide these leaders of the Church to teach us what we need to know–not necessarily what we want to know.
You also stated in a post above that some words are to be taken literally and others symbolically. How do you know what sense is meant? How can you prove the sense on your own?
My final question for you is if for 2000 years the Church and its leaders have categorically and universally interpreted John chapter 6 (along with the other passages detailing the Eucharist)in the same way, how do you justify your interpretation when it is different from so many throughout history? Faith in its most basic form is a test of obedience, a test of trust, and a test of love. I am living proof of that test.
Finally, I repeat Dr. Hahn’s answer to the question are there any errors in Scripture: “No, there are only errors in human understanding of them.”
Thanks for your encouragement.
In order to maintain the integrity of this topic, which is alleged Bible errors, I’m going to answer you briefly. Feel free to email me or start a new thread if you wish to talk about Christian/Catholic doctrines.
I’ve created a web page on Hermeneutics. It’s simple, but it will guide you through the scriptures. Link: jcsm.org/Education/hermeneutics.htm . Should I copy and paste the page into this message? I’m not sure which you prefer around here.
God bless,