I think it is very important for anyone reading this thread to have a firm knowledge of Mother Church’s understanding of Inspiration and Inerrancy, because it would help you to understand that confusions by the writers of the New Testament do not constitute errors in validity or inspiration.
Chris, Holy Mother Church’s understanding of Biblical innerancy is exactly the same as Mr. Gastrich’s. The Bible contains no errors on any subject whatsoever, sacred or profane. All alleged contradictions are either possible to reconcile, or are the result of transmission errors. You should not take Dei Verbum by itself in this matter. Dei Verbum’s statement that the Bible teaches innerantly those things which God wanted us to know for the sake of our salvation can be interpreted in one of two ways.
(1) The Bible teaches innerantly on subjects relating to salvation, but contains errors in other matters e.g. history, science, geography, etc.
(2) The Bible is innerant in its entirety, and God wrote everything in it for the sake of our salvation.
Interpretation #1 is that of Fr. Raymond Brown, but it stands in direct contradiction to the authentic patrimony of the Catholic Church.
Clement of Rome: You have studied the Holy Scriptures, which are true and of the Holy Spirit. You know well that nothing unjust or fraudulent is written in them.
Irenaeus: If, however, we are not able to find explanations for all those passages of Scripture which are investigated, we ought not on that account seek for another God besides Him who exists…Things of that kind we must leave to God…knowing full well that the Scriptures are certainly perfect…The true knowledge is the doctrine of the Apostles…and the very complete tradition of the Scriptures, which have come down to us by being guarded against falsification, and are received without addition or deletion; and reading without falsification…
Justin Martyr: If a Scripture which appears to be of such a kind be brought forward, and there be a pretext for regarding it as contradictory, since I am totally convinced that no Scripture is contradictory to another, I shall admit instead that I do not understand what is spoken of…
Athanasius: Now it is the opinion of some, that the Scriptures do not agree together…but there is no disagreement whatever, far from it, neither can the Father, who is truth, lie; ‘for it is impossible that God should lie,’ as Paul affirms.
Gregory Nanzianzus: We who extend the accuracy of the Spirit to every letter and serif will never admit, for it is impious to do so, that even the smallest matters were recorded in a careless and hasty manner by those who wrote them down.
Epiphanius: And nothing of discrepancy will be found in Sacred Scripture, nor will there be found any statement in opposition to any other statement.
Jerome: I am not, I say it again, so ignorant as to suppose that any of the Lord’s words are either in need of correction or not divinely inspired. But the Latin codices are proved to be faulty by the discrepancies which they all exhibit among themselves; and it was my desire to restore them to the form of the Greek original, from which my detractors do not deny that they have been translated.