Well lets see.
1.Threre are so many wars and conflicts going on in the world that its unprecedented in history,especially the powder keg in the middle east.
2. There is an AIDS epidemic affecting over 35 million people in the world as well as other epidemics such as the ebola virus and others, such as ones that used to be treatable with vacines that no longer work(TB,pneumonia)
3.There are famines in Africa as well as North Korea killing thousands of people.
4.Many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occuring more frequently than ever before.
5. The crazy weather patterns of tornados and flooding as well as the loss of our ozone causing more cases of skin cancer than ever before.
6.The loss of morality(abortion,gay marraige,pornography,divorce…etc.)
Yea, I think the end is near.
Jesus said,"28Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting out leaves, you know summer is near. 29So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come.
1] Mark 13.28-31