I know that Jesus said that only His Father knows the end times in the Bible but that was 2000 years ago. To say that Jesus does not know now is silly. Of course Jesus knows now when He will come.
Yep, I agree, only God knows!we can never tell. it is in God’s hands
The Dead Bishop,The 3rd secret of Fatima is believed to mention a " great apostacy " ( a falling away from the " True " ( Catholic ) Church.It is also believed to mention the assassination of a Pope. ( John Paul I? ) who I believe was poisoned because he desired to bring the Catholic Church back into alignment with the Holy Bible and Tradition. ( read " In God’s Name " by David Yallup. ) The Mayan calander does indeed end in 2012 A. D. because the Mayan " mystics" could not “see " any thing beyond that year… It’s my feeling that some time between now and the year 2012, Russia will attack the United States with nuclear weapons. Probably after the " war " on terrorism really gets under way.The United Nations will intervene after America has been brought to her “knees” by nuclear " terror” we will welcome the U.N.'s intervention…in the name of "peace " and then the 3 days of darkness, the rise of anti-christ .and his reign for 7 years, his “judgement” and defeat by Michael the archangel, and the comet which will pass through earth’s atmosphere “or” collide with the earth… the end.
The local universe has existed for a bit more than 10^10 years and it’s just beginning. It’s just taken its first breath. By the time the last black hole has evaporated and all in the universe becomes homogeneous dark stasis, the universe will have existed for 10^150 years. That’s a long long time. Surely long enough for the Sox to win at least one World Series! …or a second if they beat the Cardinals.It could be this year if the Red Sox win the World Series.
Have you ever wondered if this was refering to the Eucharist?Before I get flamed it is only a thought.Well, look into Matthew 24:34 saying " Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
“This generation” in this verse makes big difference. Greek word “genea” (generation) meaning the whole multitude of men living at the same time. So therefore what Jesus was talking about at his generation that second coming is about to be fulfilled before his generation passes.