I know a few, too (myself included) and to be fair…99% of pro life arguments ARE religious. It’s often very hard for some religious believers to separate their religious beliefs into strictly scientific ones. One of the hardest is the right to life supersedes the right to body autonomy versus the opposite. The religious mostly argue that the right to life is the more important…due to religious belief. It’s beyond science to answer either. It’s a societies legal description. Right now, our society favors body autonomy over the right to life. To change the legal climate, we must first change the values…something neither quick or easy.
Right now, there is no legal mandate to have an abortion nor to not have an abortion…it really IS a choice. We need to change people’s values so that they do not choose it. I often think the pro abortion crowd and the anti abortion crowd should work a bit harder in this arena…as both sides really do want there to be no abortions (excluding rare circumstances).