I was reading about Victoria today. And you probably know Andrew Denton’s push to have it accepted. He makes a lot of sense.
I have heard of Andrew Denton before, I remember him talking about it on the Bolt Report one time.
But I can see a lot of problems so I would like to see how they would be addressed before it passes.
They cannot be addressed, if it does pass, it will be under the claim that they have addressed it and devised a fool proof and water tight law, but it will be a lie, I can’t stop this legislation, I know it will cause tremendous injustice and harm if it is legislated.
Your point about us being desensitised to it is valid. But then again, I think we need to be more accepting of death in any case.
The irony, is that Assisted Suicide is for those who are not accepting of death, and not only that, but it is legislating for people to kill!, we are fallible creatures and there are abuses everywhere, now there is legislation for murderers. Kill an elderly man/woman’s spirit/hope and then take their very life.
Not to mention that there are already great stresses on the system and palliative care with our aging population, if one thinks this will not be abused, they are fooling themselves. Assisted Suicide sure is the cheaper option and easier option for all parties involved, except for those who have their lives taken who end up paying the ultimate price, and in such a hopeless and depressed state too. The Ultimate injustice.
It may be that at some time we all make the decision, as a matter of course, whether we let nature take its course or we take matters into our own hands.
Your not taking it into your own hands, your asking someone else to kill you. We all know how emotions flip flop.
I certainly claim the right to do so in any case. And that is the reason I support it. Who am I to say that I can make my own decisions on ending my life, but no-one else can. That would be hypocritical.
Nobody can stop you from killing yourself, we can try to talk you out of it and encourage you not to (And vice versa, others can encourage you to do it too) but ultimately when it comes to suicide, it’s on oneself, and generally if a man were about to commit suicide, any good person would pull the gun away from their head and tell them no.
Whereas Assisted suicide is quite different, in that it gets someone else to do it. To become a murderer.
Not only that, but the elderly are very vulnerable when they are put in a Nursing Home, if you don’t think this will be abused, you are fooling yourself, it will cause tremendous harm and injustice, I have no doubt.
To be honest, when I first read your response I was angry, angry because of my inability to articulate, angry because of the injustice such legislation I know will cause and angry because I know I can’t do a thing about it and angry because ‘I told you so’ doesn’t mean anything when life has already been taken. Nevertheless, ‘Jesus I trust in you’ and ‘Father forgive them, they know not what they do.’
I really hope this legislation doesn’t get passed.
If someone said they wanted to die, would you really pick up a gun and blow their head off? because don’t kid yourself, a pill is the same deal as a noose or a bullet to the head and when it is logically about a persons autonomy, if you do not give full autonomy and thus allow it in any and all circumstances somebody asks for it, than you yourself are being a hypocrite, essentially you are already saying you know better than some people when they ask for assisted suicide to deny some and not others.
I hope this has helped
God Bless
Thank you for reading