If you can’t commit suicide on your own, why implicate a doctor to commit murder?Why not? The basic principle is the same: “my life, my decision are primary. Everything else is secondary”. My decision does no actual, physical harm to others, and if they feel that the action caused a distress, it is their job to deal with it.
Apples and oranges. The courts only agree when there is a physical harm.
What do you suggest as a solution? Revive the euthanized people, and then execute them for the stress they created?
Because it is voluntary.
Simply not true. I had the opportunity to hold my mother’s hand in her final moments, and there was no distress. I accepted that her life was coming to the end. There is nothing distressing about it.
The distress is not caused by the act, it is caused by the irrational response of the person. The rational response is to accept that the person who chose the euthanasia did it for her own reasons, and no one else is qualified to override it. By the way… for the Christians the rational response would be an overriding joy, that the sufferer is now with God, and all her sufferings are forgotten.
You play fast and loose with the word “harm”.