Amen! You’re an example of the reasons that I use the term “rad-Trad” instead of lumpin everyone in the same boat!I’m not sure if these things are as a result of the New Mass. I myself go to the Tridentine Mass every Sunday and I think it is far superior in beauty and reverence, but I cannot blame the New Mass for the above problems. The New Mass happened to come around at the same time that these things began happening so it’s easy to say it is the cause.
The real problem was a movement known as the “sexual revolution.” This movenment made sex the most important thing in life. And since pretty much everyone on earth enjoys sex, it was easy for people to fall into the trap. The problem is, the Catholic Church has “repressive” sexual teaching, so people have found themselves at great odds with the Church (even though, as we know, in reality it’s teaching is the most free and least repressive; the only kind allowed is where nothing is held back, including the commitment to marriage).
You couple this problem with absolute morality, truth, and religion becoming taboo in public and “tolerance” for everyone and everything becoming the highest virtue in Western society, and naturally people do not want to go to a Chuch that does not support these ideas. Likewise, saying something is wrong is “discriminatory” and “elitest,” definite no-nos in America and Europe. In return, many parishes are unfortunately trying to cater to these mentalities to keep people coming and to maintain face in their community.
I don’t think the New Mass is the cause of this. I think the abuses of the New Mass are a result of this. I think the New Mass on EWTN is a great example of how it can be done right. I’ve been to a few parishes that also do it solemnly and reverently.
As for abusive priests, I believe the majority of the charges stem from a while back and from what I’ve seen, the accused priests have been older. I think these priests already had deep-rooted sexual issues and they entered the priesthood to escape them. The “sexual revolution” may have brought it to the forefront of their psyche I think. I suspect these disturbed priests would have had problems regardless of what form the liturgy had.
I hope this makes sense.