Arrogance & Hypocrisy of "Traditionalists"

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Nota Bene:
Too bad they are not Catholic like the actual Masses you see on EWTN…
Oh, bugger. Can I attend mass by watching EWTN’s or do I have to go there, say from Orlando?
What if there is no “EWTN MASS” in your area?
Wouldn’t it be better to attend an SSPX Mass than watching an NOM on EWTN?
My answer is, go to the SSPX and shut off the TV!
Besides, you get a decent sermon to go with it. Not to mention undeniable, infallibly certain Holy Communion.
My wife (an SSPX attendee) has me take her to an SSPX Mass every Monday at lunch hour. Should I sit in the car and wait or go in and attend with her?
Nota Bene:
You are wrong.

Unfortunately you seem to be misunderstanding Fr. Levis’ posting. Even if you weren’t, it’s not up to Fr. Levis, but rather the Church as to who is actually a Catholic Christian.

Me misunderstanding? You’re the one that is in denial of his comments.
Thank you for the links that I hope will help explain what all this prideful bickering is about. I was brought up in the Catholic Church but at 22 fell away until I was 37. This “falling away” was brought about by my own pride as I had my own personal disagreements with a local priest and then began to listen to the anti-Catholic propaganda of some Protestants. However, I believe that deep inside me there was always the desire to reunite with the Church and eventually that surfaced and I returned. Now, I see all this arguing and dissention and I am very confused. Are there two Churches now? My post probably sounds ignorant and I apologize for that, but I’d truly like to understand why there is such a division. The Church has but one human leader on Earth and that is the Bishop of Rome. I was born in 1965 and therefore know little about pre-Vatican II traditions; however, I have faith and believe that the Pope’s authority over the Church in all things related to faith and morals is infallible. Is this arguing concerning faith & morals or is it concerning human traditions (little “t”) as opposed to Apostolic Traditions (big “T”)?
Well I am glad you came back. And you are so correct to believe that the Pope’s authority over the Church in all things related to faith and morals is infallible.👍

But nevermind these radical-traditionalists(rad-trads) who’s essential theology is that the Magisterium is subject to their own private interpretation of Tradition(big “T”). Which Matt1618(unsure of his real name) has coined to be “Sola Traditio”, you can read about it here . Rad-trads reject the apostolic teaching authority of the Church, which in essence makes them Protestants in their own right. So since Vatican II for the most part they have excommunicated the pope, Vatican II, and the 1969 Roman Missal(Mass) of Pope Paul VI by their own volition.

And if you study more deeply, which rad-trads invariably do not, you will find that the Catholic Church has not changed her essential tenets and beliefs from prior to Vatican II or even from the past 2000 years. Though aesthetically it appears the Church’s practices appear to of changed, the core teachings are still very much intact. But of course radical traditionalists(SSPXers/Lefebvrites, SSPVers, Feeneyites, Grunerites etc) as is all too clear in this thread, object to this notion.

Pray every day for truth to prevail in the hearts of men :gopray:
Oh, bugger. Can I attend mass by watching EWTN’s or do I have to go there, say from Orlando?
What if there is no “EWTN MASS” in your area?
Wouldn’t it be better to attend an SSPX Mass than watching an NOM on EWTN?
My answer is, go to the SSPX and shut off the TV!
Besides, you get a decent sermon to go with it. Not to mention undeniable, infallibly certain Holy Communion.
My wife (an SSPX attendee) has me take her to an SSPX Mass every Monday at lunch hour. Should I sit in the car and wait or go in and attend with her?
Just attend Mass at a Catholic parish or chapel and not a schismatic SSPX service. Real simple.
Nota Bene:
Just attend Mass at a Catholic parish or chapel and not a schismatic SSPX service. Real simple.
What do I do with the SPPX wife? That’s all she knows after prot conversion. (chrismatic at that).
I had her go to an NOM “in the round” version, not 1 clown in site, and she kept taking 3 showers/day for the rest of the week…not the response I was hoping for. She said, among many other things that men wearing cutoff sweats and jeans, tennies w/o socks, etc. was not a house of the God she worshipped. Then she mentioned the timeout handshake-hugging episode, and on and on. Wore me out!
Close minded, she is.
She’s been wanting to post here, but talk about “fear and trembling”…I 'm not up to it yet. so far she has honored my request not to get involved.
I have been able to get her to a Sun. Indult TLM every so often, but not available on weekdays where we live.
I think one problem with traditionalists of the schismatic variety is pride. Just like the Protestant who believes his own interpretation of Scripture is better than that of God’s Church, the schismatic traditionalist also believes he knows better than the Church. He puts his own interpretation of Tradition, the Magesterium, and various other Church documents above the interpretation of the Church. I love the Latin Mass too and I go to the indult every Sunday. But just because I think it is better, doesn’t mean the NO is invalid. The shape of the building doesn’t make a Mass invalid either. Neither does the fact that people wear sweatpants and shake hands. It is the priest’s fault that he doesn’t admonish irreverence, not the fault of the Mass. Does the traditionalist think their is no Real Presence at the Novus Ordo? That is heresy my friend. As the early Church Fathers said, the first sign of a heretic is the denial of the Real Presence.
Kung and his cronies be subsituted for these holy holy men.
Once again, you’ve got to stop getting all your news from rad-Trad sources. Do you not know that in 1979 the Vatican revoked Kung’s missio canonica, or right to teach as a Catholic?
What do I do with the SPPX wife?
Be the spiritual head of your household! (She’s probably loving reading this!) What’s wrong with the Sunday Indult? Usually Indult Churches, like mine, are lacking in cut-offs and clowns even at their Pauline Masses.
Like I said before-the trads were the standardbearers of the faith and the liberals were the schimatics-and then one day-the church became Modernistic and Hans Kung became our go to guy and St Thomas was put on the scrap heap.

No,it has nothing to do with arrogance of the trads-they have all of that history to back them up, along with the most sacred reverent mass you could ever find-codified by a Saint who actually DEFENDED us from the Moslem infidels. We have well, Hans Kung and the following statistics which are testament to a failure of a council and a need for a “new” old church.

**Effects of the Council in the United States of America **

Kenneth C. Jones’s “Index of Leading Catholic Indicators: The Church Since Vatican II” cites the following statistics comparing measurable aspects of Catholic life in the United States before and after the Second Vatican Council:

Priests in USA:
1930-1965 doubled to 58,000
since 1965: 45,000
Projection: by 2020: 31,000, half over 70

Priestless parishes:
1965: 1%
2002: 15%

Ordinations in USA:
1965: 1,575
2002: 450

1965: 49,000
2002: 4,700 ( -90%)

1965: 600
2002: 200

1965: 180,000
2002: 75,000, average age 68

Teaching nuns:
1965: 104,000
2002: 8,200 ( -94%)

Christian Brothers seminarians:
1965: 912
2000: 7

1965: 3,379
2000: 84

Catholic High Schools: -50%

Catholic Parochial Schools: -4,000

Catholic marriages: -33%

1968: 338
2002: 50,000

Mass attendance:
1958: 3 out of 4
2002: 1 out of 4

Lay religious teachers who agree with:
contraception: 90%
abortion: 53%
divorce and remarriage: 65%
missing Mass: 77%

Catholics aged 18-44 who don’t believe in transubstantiation: 70%

Research conducted by Fordham University’s Dr. James Lothian compared statistics similar to the foregoing with equivalent data relevant to Protestantism, finding that no equivalent decline has occurred in Protestant faith communities over the same time period.

Heck-I would feel pretty arrogant with statisics like this supporting your claim, no matter how you twist it.
Be the spiritual head of your household! (She’s probably loving reading this!) What’s wrong with the Sunday Indult? Usually Indult Churches, like mine, are lacking in cut-offs and clowns even at their Pauline Masses.
I think you ar eway off base. The trads can be arrogant-and a lot of that has to do with what happened to them. For centuries, holding to the traditions as past down by Pope to Pope, parent to chilld, and so on, with some minor variations at times. The Mass was reverenet, discipline was enforced, and THEY were the standardbearers of the faith-and the Modernist liberals pushing for change -and using contraception, having premarital sex, and in the spirit of the 60’s finally got their way with help from liberal theologians like Hans Kung and the rest.

So then one day the traditionalist wakes up, and instead of being a traditionalist-he is told everything that was taught in the past is bad-and out goes St Thomas and in Goes Hans Kung. Out goes the beautiful TLM codified by a Saint-and in goes some Novus Ordo Mass made up by 6 Protestants and a Mason. He or she cant believe what happened, the modernists keep pushing and they get the communion in the hand, new sacraments, new Bible, everything new. Even the dumbest person cant believe this.

It would be if you went into physics class tomorrow and the teacher said-well you no longer have to learn about Newtons Law or Thomas Edison as they are old and stupid and only new is good-let me teach you about some new physic laws-the old laws dont apply. Any you say-huh? F=mass x acceleration no longer applies? why? and the teacher gives you no answer.

So in a nutshell-the traditionalists have 1960 years of Saints, Popes,a beautiful Mass, the true sacraments as instituted by Christ-and we have …A Novus Ordo Mass that has clowns presiding and countless abuses-John XXIII, and Hans Kung! They are not arrogant-they are just proud of what they have held onto and what we traded all that for. And lets not forget the final death blow which ususally puts the nail in the coffin-statistics:

**Effects of the Council in the United States of America **

Kenneth C. Jones’s “Index of Leading Catholic Indicators: The Church Since Vatican II” cites the following statistics comparing measurable aspects of Catholic life in the United States before and after the Second Vatican Council:

Priests in USA:
1930-1965 doubled to 58,000
since 1965: 45,000
Projection: by 2020: 31,000, half over 70

Priestless parishes:
1965: 1%
2002: 15%

Ordinations in USA:
1965: 1,575
2002: 450

1965: 49,000
2002: 4,700 ( -90%)

1965: 600
2002: 200

1965: 180,000
2002: 75,000, average age 68

Teaching nuns:
1965: 104,000
2002: 8,200 ( -94%)

Christian Brothers seminarians:
1965: 912
2000: 7

1965: 3,379
2000: 84

Catholic High Schools: -50%

Catholic Parochial Schools: -4,000

Catholic marriages: -33%

1968: 338
2002: 50,000

Mass attendance:
1958: 3 out of 4
2002: 1 out of 4

Lay religious teachers who agree with:
contraception: 90%
abortion: 53%
divorce and remarriage: 65%
missing Mass: 77%

Catholics aged 18-44 who don’t believe in transubstantiation: 70%

Research conducted by Fordham University’s Dr. James Lothian compared statistics similar to the foregoing with equivalent data relevant to Protestantism, finding that no equivalent decline has occurred in Protestant faith communities over the same time period
I think one problem with traditionalists of the schismatic variety is pride. Just like the Protestant who believes his own interpretation of Scripture is better than that of God’s Church, the schismatic traditionalist also believes he knows better than the Church. He puts his own interpretation of Tradition, the Magesterium, and various other Church documents above the interpretation of the Church. I love the Latin Mass too and I go to the indult every Sunday. But just because I think it is better, doesn’t mean the NO is invalid. The shape of the building doesn’t make a Mass invalid either. Neither does the fact that people wear sweatpants and shake hands. It is the priest’s fault that he doesn’t admonish irreverence, not the fault of the Mass. .
I think you are way off base. The trads can be arrogant-and a lot of that has to do with what happened to them. For centuries, holding to the traditions as past down by Pope to Pope, parent to chilld, and so on, with some minor variations at times. The Mass was reverenet, discipline was enforced, and THEY were the standardbearers of the faith-and the Modernist liberals pushing for change -and using contraception, having premarital sex, were the outcast schismatics, and in the spirit of the 60’s finally got their way with help from liberal theologians like Hans Kung and the rest.

So then one day the traditionalist wakes up, and instead of being a traditionalist-he is told everything that was taught in the past is bad-and out goes St Thomas and in Goes Hans Kung. Out goes the beautiful TLM codified by a Saint-and in goes some Novus Ordo Mass made up by 6 Protestants and a Mason. He or she cant believe what happened, the modernists keep pushing and they get the communion in the hand, new sacraments, new Bible, everything new. Even the dumbest person cant believe this.

It would be if you went into physics class tomorrow and the teacher said-well you no longer have to learn about Newtons Law or Thomas Edison as they are old and stupid and only new is good-let me teach you about some new physic laws-the old laws dont apply. Any you say-huh? F=mass x acceleration no longer applies? why? and the teacher gives you no answer.

So in a nutshell-the traditionalists have 1960 years of Saints, Popes,a beautiful Mass, the true sacraments as instituted by Christ-and we have …A Novus Ordo Mass that has clowns presiding and countless abuses-John XXIII, and Hans Kung! They are not arrogant-they are just proud of what they have held onto the faith as passed on by Popes and Saints and then they look at what we traded all that for. Take a look at the traditio website and you cant help but laugh and nod your head in agreement. And lets not forget the final death blow which ususally puts the nail in the coffin-statistics:

**Effects of the Council in the United States of America **

Kenneth C. Jones’s “Index of Leading Catholic Indicators: The Church Since Vatican II” cites the following statistics comparing measurable aspects of Catholic life in the United States before and after the Second Vatican Council:

Priests in USA:
1930-1965 doubled to 58,000
since 1965: 45,000
Projection: by 2020: 31,000, half over 70

Priestless parishes:
1965: 1%
2002: 15%

Ordinations in USA:
1965: 1,575
2002: 450

1965: 49,000
2002: 4,700 ( -90%)

1965: 600
2002: 200

1965: 180,000
2002: 75,000, average age 68

Teaching nuns:
1965: 104,000
2002: 8,200 ( -94%)

Christian Brothers seminarians:
1965: 912
2000: 7

1965: 3,379
2000: 84

Catholic High Schools: -50%

Catholic Parochial Schools: -4,000

Catholic marriages: -33%

1968: 338
2002: 50,000

Mass attendance:
1958: 3 out of 4
2002: 1 out of 4

Lay religious teachers who agree with:
contraception: 90%
abortion: 53%
divorce and remarriage: 65%
missing Mass: 77%

Catholics aged 18-44 who don’t believe in transubstantiation: 70%

Research conducted by Fordham University’s Dr. James Lothian compared statistics similar to the foregoing with equivalent data relevant to Protestantism, finding that no equivalent decline has occurred in Protestant faith communities over the same time period
I think one problem with traditionalists of the schismatic variety is pride. Just like the Protestant who believes his own interpretation of Scripture is better than that of God’s Church, the schismatic traditionalist also believes he knows better than the Church. He puts his own interpretation of Tradition, the Magesterium, and various other Church documents above the interpretation of the Church. I love the Latin Mass too and I go to the indult every Sunday. .
I think one problem with traditionalists of the schismatic variety is pride. Just like the Protestant who believes his own interpretation of Scripture is better than that of God’s Church, the schismatic traditionalist also believes he knows better than the Church. He puts his own interpretation of Tradition, the Magesterium, and various other Church documents above the interpretation of the Church. I love the Latin Mass too and I go to the indult every Sunday. But just because I think it is better, doesn’t mean the NO is invalid. The shape of the building doesn’t make a Mass invalid either. Neither does the fact that people wear sweatpants and shake hands. It is the priest’s fault that he doesn’t admonish irreverence, not the fault of the Mass. Does the traditionalist think their is no Real Presence at the Novus Ordo? That is heresy my friend. As the early Church Fathers said, the first sign of a heretic is the denial of the Real Presence.
In many respects, the “traditionalists” are extremely similar to the most radical of the “liberals/modernists” – they follow their own ideas, not what the Church actually teaches as you point out.

I don’ think it’s hte priests’ fault. I think a lot has to be shouldered by individual Catholics.

This includes some “traditionalists” who make such painful fools of themselves that they actually aid the “liberals/modernists.”
I think you are way off base. The trads can be arrogant-and a lot of that has to do with what happened to them. For centuries, holding to the traditions as past down by Pope to Pope, parent to chilld, and so on, with some minor variations at times. The Mass was reverenet, discipline was enforced, and THEY were the standardbearers of the faith-and the Modernist liberals pushing for change -and using contraception, having premarital sex, were the outcast schismatics, and in the spirit of the 60’s finally got their way with help from liberal theologians like Hans Kung and the rest.

So then one day the traditionalist wakes up, and instead of being a traditionalist-he is told everything that was taught in the past is bad-and out goes St Thomas and in Goes Hans Kung. Out goes the beautiful TLM codified by a Saint-and in goes some Novus Ordo Mass made up by 6 Protestants and a Mason. He or she cant believe what happened, the modernists keep pushing and they get the communion in the hand, new sacraments, new Bible, everything new. Even the dumbest person cant believe this.

It would be if you went into physics class tomorrow and the teacher said-well you no longer have to learn about Newtons Law or Thomas Edison as they are old and stupid and only new is good-let me teach you about some new physic laws-the old laws dont apply. Any you say-huh? F=mass x acceleration no longer applies? why? and the teacher gives you no answer.

So in a nutshell-the traditionalists have 1960 years of Saints, Popes,a beautiful Mass, the true sacraments as instituted by Christ-and we have …A Novus Ordo Mass that has clowns presiding and countless abuses-John XXIII, and Hans Kung! They are not arrogant-they are just proud of what they have held onto the faith as passed on by Popes and Saints and then they look at what we traded all that for. Take a look at the traditio website and you cant help but laugh and nod your head in agreement. And lets not forget the final death blow which ususally puts the nail in the coffin-statistics:
I don’t know if I should even respond to this post, as your claims have crossed well beyond the absurd. And I am not denying the unfortunate figures you posted, but how can you pin all these declines on every pope since John XXIII, Vatican II and the Novus Ordo Missae? And in what document from Vatican II does it say we are not to believe in the real presence?? I think that is what Satan wants us to believe, so he waited for the opportune moment to bring about the sexual and feminist revolution right at the time of Vatican II.

Oh, and where in the current Novus Ordo GIRM does it prescribe clowns to preside at Mass??? Personally I think you have had more than your fill of lately…:sleep:
I just don’t see how all those statistics relate directly to the liturgical form. The culture of our world today is so much different than it used to be. Consumerism and spectacle reign supreme now, just like before the fall of Rome when all people cared about were bread and circuses. Because of the rise of TV, everything must be entertaining. How many Catholics today would want to go to an hour and half high Mass in a language they don’t understand? If the the TLM was all that was available, attendance would be even lower! Think about it.

People dress worse in church now. Back when there was the TLM, everyone wore a tie. It must be the Novus Ordo’s fault. Wrong. Everyone in America wore ties back then no matter what relgion. Today, no one wears ties. Catholics today represent average America just like they did back then. Reverence and respect is gone in America across the board, not just among Catholics. The fact is, America as a whole has decayed, not just Catholics. Since everything has decayed, not just the Mass as you say, it logically follows that there is a cause that has affected all of society. 3/4 of people are not Catholics, so how has the Mass affected them?

We live in age where everyone is right and no one is wrong. Attendance falls and people are disobedient because they think they know better than the Church. Society says contraception is a need, so 90% of Catholics follow it because it is easier. Remember, contraception used to be illegal and the pill is a fairly recent invention. You’re naive to think most Catholics in the first half of the last century would not have used it if it was available, legal, and promoted as a necessity by the culture. None of this has anything to do with Mass.

As for a lack of religious, it’s consumerism, spectacle, and materialism. No one wants to take a vow of poverty. Most parents think being a religious is a waste of (money-making) talent. This is not the fault of the Mass.

The TLM naturally attracts only the most devout Catholics, so your perspective is skewed. You think that if everyone went to the TLM, then everyone would be that devout. This just is not the case.
So you are saying that in the entire history of the church-she has never had a time when new inovations were going on-like the invention of electricity, the printing press, machines, the guilded age-and the church always always prospered even through those diffiicult times because it had Morals, teachings, tradition, and Guts, and people respected it, even those that hated it, respected it, sort of like the NY Yankees. But now-we decided that we are no longer the one true faith, we no longer possess all of the answers, regular street people with a few weeks of training should be on the same level as a PRIEST and actually be permitted to hand out the Body of Our Lord.

So because we have this innovation called TV-we needed to change the mass and become more modern? No way, we should not have changed for no one-once people saw that with push and influence and corruption from within they could actually get the Holy Roman Catholic Church to change its MASS to please them-the gates were opened wide. For that matter TV was around in the 50’s, when the church in America was at it’s Zenith.

Absurd? Well maybe to you. And you cant compare what you see in the Novus Ordo to what goes on in a Traditional Chapel - if the church would get the right priests again-the Orthodox ones and convert back to its roots-all will be well.
I just don’t see how all those statistics relate directly to the liturgical form. The culture of our world today is so much different than it used to be. Consumerism and spectacle reign supreme now, just like before the fall of Rome when all people cared about were bread and circuses. Because of the rise of TV, everything must be entertaining. How many Catholics today would want to go to an hour and half high Mass in a language they don’t understand? If the the TLM was all that was available, attendance would be even lower! Think about it.

People dress worse in church now. Back when there was the TLM, everyone wore a tie. It must be the Novus Ordo’s fault. Wrong. Everyone in America wore ties back then no matter what relgion. Today, no one wears ties. Catholics today represent average America just like they did back then. Reverence and respect is gone in America across the board, not just among Catholics. The fact is, America as a whole has decayed, not just Catholics. Since everything has decayed, not just the Mass as you say, it logically follows that there is a cause that has affected all of society. 3/4 of people are not Catholics, so how has the Mass affected them?

We live in age where everyone is right and no one is wrong. Attendance falls and people are disobedient because they think they know better than the Church. Society says contraception is a need, so 90% of Catholics follow it because it is easier. Remember, contraception used to be illegal and the pill is a fairly recent invention. You’re naive to think most Catholics in the first half of the last century would not have used it if it was available, legal, and promoted as a necessity by the culture. None of this has anything to do with Mass.

As for a lack of religious, it’s consumerism, spectacle, and materialism. No one wants to take a vow of poverty. Most parents think being a religious is a waste of (money-making) talent. This is not the fault of the Mass.

The TLM naturally attracts only the most devout Catholics, so your perspective is skewed. You think that if everyone went to the TLM, then everyone would be that devout. This just is not the case.
Decadence and free time have definitely had an effect on our Church throughout its existence. To what are we to blame Protestantism on? Was it the imperfection of the Church? To what are we to blame the 20’s - 60’s on? Was it the imperfection of the Church? This century has been plagued with immorality which existed long before Vatican II came along. Why was it the TLM didn’t quash all of the immoral things going on in the above decades in our own century?

Yes, the modern inventions of this century have certainly taken a toll on our society. They’ve given us far to much free time and the saying “idle hands are the work of the devil” do apply.

Has anyone seen the movie “The Village”. I was just talking to someone about this the other day. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone who hasn’t seen it (it was a great movie!) but didn’t you find it fascinating that to solve all of the evils of their lives they realized that living in a time when one had to work very hard for everything they had would aid them in this endeavor? Of course they realized in the end that evil will still creep in from time to time no matter what you do.

The Church will prevail during this century and on into the future. You may think that we have to go back to what once was to save it but I’d have to say that history doesn’t tell us this. The kinks will be worked out and modernism will eventually be quashed and Vatican II will be implemented fully the way it was intended and we’ll probably see prosperity in the Church until the next resurrection of society’s heresies.
You cannot compare those other things with TV. TV is the prime manner in which people from infancy are bombarded constantly with with materialism, naturalism, relativism, modernism, and consumerism. Nothing has been more instantaneously on demand like it has since the 60s. Consume consume consume, that’s what it’s all about today. It was never like this in the history of man. “If it feels good do it,” that’s the motto of our nation. The Church still stands strong against these things. Show me one instance where the Church promotes sexual gratification, gluttony, and money-worship. Show me one instance where the Church admonishes self-control. The Church stands up against these things regardless of the form of the Mass. In the past, the values of the nation were more in line with the values of the Church. Now they are at odds with Church. This is why there are problems.

I did not say because we have TV we should change the Church and the Mass. I said TV is one of the components of the cause for people leaving the Church. The Mass is not a cause for the majority of people leaving the Church. People like yourself who have left are the exception of the rule. People do not leave because the Church is too lax, they leave because it is too strict. It demands too much of them when they are used to doing the demanding. The Church does stand firm in her Tradition, and this is why less people are becoming priests and nuns. They’ve been conditioned to believe denying oneself sex and wealth is bad. The Church says that is good. There is conflict so many do not become nuns and priests.

Do you honestly believe that bringing back the TLM exclusively would increase attendance again? People do not leave the Church to go to SSPX Masses. They leave the Church to go to liberal Protestant churches or to none at all.

You also seem to be arguing both ways. You say the Novus Ordo has caused a decrease in Mass attendance, yet you claim it is used to increase attendance.
I enjoyed reading your post to Bulldog. It made a few thoughts bubble up. I have not read that Bulldog has left the Church and I have read quite a few of his posts.

Now as to why people leave the Church. The number one reason for leaving the Church is poor or absent Catechesis. They were Baptised and that was it, no instruction was given. Lots of little kids are Baptised and sometime before they are 12 their parents stop taking them to Church so they drift away. Some leave after ther they were married to a nonCatholic - I know one of those. Some drift away because of various things the priest did or said. With respect to the priest, a lax priest, a priest who will not strongly teach what the Church says will loose not only the respect of his flock, but he will loose numbers attending Mass. People like to be told the truth!

As for TLM. Back in the 1950s and 60s when every Church said Mass in Latin the attendance wes about 70 to 75 percent. Since Vatican II and the advent of the English Mass, attendance now has dropped to between 35 to 40 percent. So if attendance dropped 30% something has happened. What happened?
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