Article: "Newsmax finally calls election for Biden amid Electoral College vote"

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It’s not disagreement it’s people accepting that 2+2=4 and Biden Won. Which are 2 unquestionable facts. You can’t disagree with either and look intelligent in the slightest.
I find that the petty, snippy, arrogant, condescending voices here HATE disagreement.
Pot, meet kettle. You just got done telling everyone educated in the last 50 years that they’re “wrong about everything.” Maybe stop cranking out these pretentious, dramatic word scrambles before you call anyone else “condescending.”
sadly that is almost impossible if Trump himself cannot accept the reality that he lost fair and square.
Do you even know what Martial Law and under what circumstances it can be exercise? I suggest you read up on the Posse Comitatus Act. I'm not going to do your homework for you because you cannot throw phrases like Martial Law without knowing what it means. And whatever Mikr Flynn says about Martial Law is untruthful and irrelevant.
Not only did he lose fair and square, he lost in a landslide. This election was a clear mandate of the American people. He’s delusional and lives in some alternate reality.
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The US Senate and House members may contest on January 6 when the count is made and it may result in a different outcome. Also there may be a effective legal decision made before January 20 that could result in a different outcome.
The House and Senate will receive the votes from the Electoral College on Jan 6, but no “effective legal decision” can happen. Courts do not have authority or power now.

The states have certified the Electors, the electors have voted. It is now in the hands of Congress to decide if the Electors are valid. A court decision may happen that will affect how Congress will handle this, but last year’s impeachment trial shows how little something like that matters.
Trump and team brainstorming in the Oval Office: “I saw this documentary where a man in a cape spun the world backwards to go back in time and save this chick. Do we have any planes that go that fast?”
I could also win the lottery and marry a billionaire supermodel, or that could result in a different outcome. But it’s the same chance as Trump winning.
By whatever immature name they are called, 50% at a minimum want to retain the DNA of the US while fixing the remaining flaws.
Very true and the minimum percentage of those who agree must be considerably higher, given that 51.38% of voters in the last election supported the candidate who intends to do that and surely at least some portion of the 46.91% of those who supported the other candidate likewise agree even though their preferred candidate spent the last three plus years doing the opposite and would certainly continue to do so had he won.

And I wouldn’t worry about the immature name calling, it’s simply the result of the intense and apparently unsettling disappointment felt by many of those those whose candidate lost.
It is for this reason that January 20th can’t come fast enough for me. I did not vote for Joe Biden and I have serious concerns about a Biden/Harris presidency, but if we can take the senate in Georgia(which Lin Wood and Co. said we shouldn’t vote in ) we can have a firewall against the worst of it.
These looney tunes calling for martial law have been the nail in the coffin for me. Can you imagine if the shoe were on the other foot and Democrats were pulling this?
I also did not support the Texas Supreme court case either, which was highly flawed to say the least.
I’m glad SCOTUS rejected it, as they should have.
I’m conservative, pro-life, pro-traditional values and voted twice for Trump but he can’t get down the
road fast enough for me now.
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The US Code is being followed. There is a process in place for contention.

Electors Vote in Their States
December 14, 2020 (The Monday after the second Wednesday in December) the electors met and voteed (3 U.S.C. §7) by paper ballot, casting a ballot for President and a ballot for Vice President. Alternates may also be designated (and this was done in a few states).
Joint Session of Congress to Count Electoral Votes and Declare Election Results Meets
On January 6, 2021 the Senate and House of Representatives assemble at 1:00 p.m. at the Capitol to count the electoral votes and declare the results (3 U.S.C. §15) with the Vice President presiding as President of the Senate. He opens the certificates and presents them to four tellers, two from each chamber, who read them and make a list of the returns.
Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote Returns
While the tellers announce the results, members may object to the returns from a state as announced. The objections to individual state returns are made in writing by at least one Member each of the Senate and House of Representatives, and when so done, the joint session recesses and the two houses separate and debate for up to two hours. Then the two houses vote separately to accept or reject the objection. Once this is done then they reassemble in joint session to announce the results. If an objection to a state’s electoral vote is approved by both houses it will be excluded.
Reporting Results
Once the votes are ascertained and counted, they are transmit to the Vice President. If one of the candidates has received 270 or more electoral votes then the Vice President announces the results which “shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President.”
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The US Senate and House members may contest on January 6 when the count is made and it may result in a different outcome. Also there may be a effective legal decision made before January 20 that could result in a different outcome.
The House and Senate will receive the votes from the Electoral College on Jan 6, but no “effective legal decision” can happen. Courts do not have authority or power now.

The states have certified the Electors, the electors have voted. It is now in the hands of Congress to decide if the Electors are valid. A court decision may happen that will affect how Congress will handle this, but last year’s impeachment trial shows how little something like that matters.
I posted the process in another post.
 It's a tale. A tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. No amount of legal doublespeak will excuse or erase their (the 126 Congressionmen who collaborated to dismantle American democracy) Faustian Bargain in which they signed onto a document with the intent to undermine American democracy. That's exactly what they did. 
They sealed their own fate and there is no redo or going back. They crossed the Rubicon, and there is no turning back. Hstory will not be kind to their attempt to undermine the American election process with a coup d'etat. Any attempt to sabotage an American election in which a candidate won both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote in landslides is nothing less then an illegal attempt to nullify the will of the American people. The 2020 election was a mandate of the American people for change. No amount of spin or propaganda will convince anyone that they had no evil intent. None. Never. Ever.
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Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote Returns
This is a rubber stamp as you well know. It serves only to protect against a rogue Electoral College going against the will of the people. In this case it will simply confirm the will of the people.

If I were a Democrat, I would want Trump to continue whinging and moaning about his loss for as long as possible (as long as it causes no violence). Because it will bring down the Republican party. And they will only have themselves to blame.

They created this Frankenstein monster and the pitchfork and torch carrying idiots from the Maga village want revenge. They will tear down the laboratory where it was conceived and approved.

Listen hard enough and you might possibly hear the Dems and their supporters cheering them on.
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The Retrumplican Party made a Faustian Deal with the Devil, and now after 4 years, the contract has expired, they had their 4 years of mayhem, and now the Devil wants what is due to him.
Or like they care about their country and don’t want to see it torn apart by frivolous accusations of “fraud.”
It’s more like the BLM crowd storming into restaurants and demanding that the patrons stand and say, “Black Lives Matter!”. I don’t believe that anyone should be required to make a public announcement that they accept the results of the election for it to be valid.
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