Article: Why we should be skeptical about the latest accusations against Pope Francis

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I agree. I happen to approve of the way Pope Francis is leading the Church, but now these accusations have been made and so they must be either verified or proven wrong. It reminds me in a way of that book, “Hitler’s Pope,” written against Pope Pius XII (except that he was no longer around to defend himself). In the end, the claims in that book were largely discredited. While I hope and pray that Pope Francis will in time provide a good explanation, or better yet prove these latest accusations wrong, I just have to wait and see.
It’s hard for me to be too hard on Pope Francis, when (as some commentators have pointed out) a lot of abuses happened under St. Pope John Paul II and even Pope Benedict.
I like Pope JPII, I think his sainthood was well deserved, and he did many good things for the Church and the world.
But he wasn’t perfect - saints aren’t, and also when you’re running something as big as the Church, it’s inevitable that you will make some mistakes, overlook some things, not have the resources to address others.

Popes deserve our support and our patience. That doesn’t mean they should be immune to all criticism, but they don’t deserve us to be constantly trying to knock them off the throne. Barron and DiNardo have had some reasonable things to say.
I think of this too. When I ran jobs as an electrician, I was responsible for many things, all of which were very small in comparison to being responsible for the entire Church. Still, I often felt overwhelmed at times, and I questioned my own decisions. I would be grieved indeed if others looked back at the job I did and picked apart every decision I made or constantly questioned my motives. In light of my own meager experience, I have great empathy for the Popes or anyone who shoulders real responsibility. I find it hard to judge any of them.
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Ora, I have read countless posts by you and learned much. This post is far below your usual high standard.
Have you read the letter? I can read well enough to judge the tone of the letter.

It itself is far below the standard I expect from a Prince of the Church. Quite frankly I am disgusted by it. I was angered and yes, my anger shows in my post, for that I apologize.
Back it up or retract it.
What I said, I have said. Perhaps you should hold Vigano up to the same standard.

To edify those who perhaps have not had the opportunity to read his letter, here are a few choice excerpts.
The appointments of Blase Cupich to Chicago and Joseph W. Tobin to Newark were orchestrated by McCarrick, Maradiaga and Wuerl , united by a wicked pact of abuses by the first, and at least of coverup of abuses by the other two. Their names were not among those presented by the Nunciature for Chicago and Newark.
Translation: I didn’t recommend Cupich or Tobin, I don’t like them, and since I don’t have the goods on them, I will attach their reputations to those of the guilty.
Regarding Cupich , one cannot fail to note his ostentatious arrogance, and the insolence with which he denies the evidence that is now obvious to all: that 80% of the abuses found were committed against young adults by homosexuals who were in a relationship of authority over their victims.
Instead of simply refuting his arguments on the abuse crisis, he descends to an ad hominem attack.
Cupich quipped that one certainly should not expect the new Archbishop to walk on water. Perhaps it would be enough for him to be able to remain with his feet on the ground and not try to turn reality upside-down, blinded by his pro-gay ideology,
These characters are closely associated with individuals belonging in particular to the deviated wing of the Society of Jesus, unfortunately today a majority,
He needs to back up this assertion with proof.
Regarding Cardinal Sean O’Malley , I would simply say that his latest statements on the McCarrick case are disconcerting, and have totally obscured his transparency and credibility.
Translation: I don’t like O’Malley, I don’t agree with his statements, so I am going to drag him through the mud too.
I believe it was due to the Pope’s first collaborator at the time, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who notoriously favored promoting homosexuals into positions of responsibility, and was accustomed to managing the information he thought appropriate to convey to the Pope.
Back it up with evidence, or retract!
You gotta back this stuff up or retract it.
I think the excerpts above speak for themselves.

See the piece by John Allen Jr. (link above) for a more balanced view:
Then as now, the letters contained a mix of factual detail with innuendo and conspiracy theories, and it proved arduous - in some cases, basically impossible - to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Clearly then Vigano did not live up to the standards you accuse me of not living up to.
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Vigano’s letter is flawed, contains crankiness and hurt feelings about being bypassed, and whining.

Ok. Got that.

That doesn’t refute his allegations.

The all out, no holds barred, tooth and claw attack on the the messenger is what disturbs me, makes me take a closer look at the message.

The national Catholic Reporter yesterday described this letter as part of a “putsch” to oust the Pope. In effect, comparing Vigano and fellow conspirators to the Nazis.

If there really was a sinister coordinated right wing plot, do you really, really think this cranky rambling letter is the best they could produce?

I’m not saying the Pope is responsible for starting the “Vigano is the Antichrist” message coming from the secular and liberal Catholic media. But he needs to disassociate himself from it, and try to stop the attack on Vigano.
Vigano says the pope should resign and the pope should do all he can to stop attacks on Vigano? Remind me when the pope was canonized.
I’ve specifically avoided posting anything by National Catholic Distorter, I mean Reporter. Them calling it a “putsch” is just more Godwin’s Law, which I already criticized above.

The “messenger” is not above reproach or above being looked at critically, especially when he’s taking potshots at a Pope. When somebody makes allegations against the President of the United States, we don’t just believe them and proceed to impeach the President on one guy’s say-so.

In a court of law, you don’t just put a witness up there, let him talk and then not cross-examine him because we don’t want to criticize messengers.

It’s quite reasonable to critically examine both sides here.
Vigano says the pope should resign and the pope should do all he can to stop attacks on Vigano? Remind me when the pope was canonized.
The two previous popes seemed to go to great lengths to stay in communication with those they disagree with. That apparently has not been happening in recent years.
Given the nature of the college of bishops, it’s not asking too much to defend a bishop under attack, as are many American bishops now defending Vigano from the personal attacks
It’s private (approved) revelation and not required for belief, but Our Lady of Akita’s message keeps coming up in my mind in all of this.
The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals and bishops against other bishops. … The Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the devil will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
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What’s really confusing to me is that Pope Benedict is alive and of sound mind. He would know if there were sanctions against McCarrick specifically because of abuse.

I feel like I am in high school debate once again. Thanks for the memories.
What’s really confusing to me is that Pope Benedict is alive and of sound mind. He would know if there were sanctions against McCarrick specifically because of abuse.
I read somewhere, in all the flotsam of the past days, that he was said to have recalled sanctioning McCarrick, but did not recall what the sanctions were specifically. I’ll try to hunt that down, it’s an important piece of information if true.

It’s also relevant, I think, to note that the sanctions for McCarrick were imposed by the Holy Father Emeritus before the scandal exploded into the public eye. That is not meant to diminish any possible cover-up, but it’s to defend Benedict that he did not act on the fact that McCarrick seemed to be ignoring the sanctions. At the time it probably seemed like an administrative manner, just one of the unfortunately many bishops who had to be relieved of their duties at the time. As such it wouldn’t be surprising if it simply slipped his mind or didn’t grab his attention.

Now that the McCarrick scandal is out in the open, it isn’t likely to slip through the cracks of faulty memories, blissful ignorance or wanton malfeasance.
Him (her?) pretending he knows what Archbishop Vigano is motivated by.

OraLabora knows that is wrong. And so do you.
Him. Anybody who has actually read the letter, with an open mind and at face value, can appreciate its tone and probable motivations.

The tone, innuendo, unsubstantiated allegations, ad hominem attacks and conspiracy theories in the letter are very revealing.

It ain’t rocket science.
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OraLabora . . .
Anybody who has actually read the letter, with an open mind and at face value, can appreciate its tone and probable motivations.
Well you know more than I do then.

But if it comes out that the Holy Father knew about this and did as Archbishop Vigano said (removing McCarrick sanctions, ANY sanctions) not only will you need to apologize for propagating error, but also the harm done by your “evangelization” here of your false motive assessment.

My advice is to defend BOTH the Holy Father AND defend Archbishop Vigano for now (this is not mutually exclusive), pray, and see what happens as our Bishops call for the exact same transparency that Pope Francis himself has been calling for, for the last week and a half or two, and see how this plays out.

The Church has made it clear, that Cardinal McCarrick is a confused predator. The question is WHO knew and did nothing. Or WHO should have known but ineptly did NOT?

We will be finding the answers to these questions.
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My suggestion is that you, me, Ora labora, and everyone else on CAF:
  1. Take a week off from the forums altogether; or if you have a burning controversy going on the CAF Gardening sub forum, limit yourself ONLY to that.
  2. Avoid any media having anything to do with the scandal. I have had to adjust my browser repeatedly, to avoid it.
  3. Be cautious about social media. I know there are lots of friends asking for scandal related prayers, but some prayer requests are partisan.
4 pray, pray, pray. The issue is important in itself, but the important actions for us right now are spiritually and corporal works of Mercy, this month. The Church will still be there.

5 what really disturbed me is during morning Mass, I was distracted by composing in my mind responses to various threads I am on.
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commenter . . . .
(We) Take a week off from the forums altogether
You go right ahead commenter and take a week off.

As for me, I will be right here calling for just what Pope Francis has called us to do.
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