As we see above, God is the CREATOR, CAUSER/ DETERMINER of our Aided Free will, and we all freely will what God wills us to will and we all freely do what God wills and CAUSES us to do.
I’ve seen you raise this argument in slightly different forms a number of times now. The argument being essentially this:
Men freely will what God wills them to will.”
Originally it seemed to be quite logical, and quite well supported, even though it clearly implies that people don’t actually have free will. An idea that almost no theists would agree with.
But having had the chance to contemplate it, I think that although it’s technically correct, it shows a slight misunderstanding of the nature of God, and of free will.
Let me see if I can explain.
When theists talk about God they often explain that God isn’t just something that exists, God IS existence. And God doesn’t just love, God IS love.
Now if we extend this line of reasoning to free will, we come to the conclusion that God doesn’t just have free will. God IS free will.
So now we can rephrase your premise as:
Men freely will what free will wills them to will.”
We can do this because the terms God and free will are interchangeable, because God IS free will.
Then we can remove the redundancy to get the following:
Men will what free will wills them to will”
Now the meaning is slightly different, because it’s not that God’s will supersedes our free will, it’s that our free will is derived from God’s free will. It’s the sharing of God’s free will, not the subjugation to God’s will.