Are you saying that it is written in Bible that Peter betrayed while being all wise and being sure that Jesus is God?It is written in the Bible. There. Proof.
Are you saying that it is written in Bible that Peter betrayed while being all wise and being sure that Jesus is God?It is written in the Bible. There. Proof.
So he made a stupid decision as a matter of not being all-wise?Not all wise, but Peter knows Jesus is God and betrays Him.
But you need to be all wise to don’t make stupid decision.You don’t need to be all wise to fully know.
Because love.whatistrue:![]()
Why God does not give the vision to everybody?I wouldn’t say that everyone who experienced a vision eventually chose God. The point that seems to be missed here is that the Beatific Vision is different from a normal “vision” and only comes to those who die in a state of grace and enter Heaven. It’s not something you can give to a living human.
That is not a proper answer to my question. People are just not sure about Christianity. That is why they are all scattered. What they need is the Vision. All problems are solved.Because love.
God is love.
Love only exists in freedom.
That makes love risky. Giving others the freedom to either reject or choose you means you may (will) get hurt.
And that’s what the Cross is all about. Have you ever looked at a cross with a corpus on it?
(not trying to be combative) and have you ever loved someone and been hurt by them?
I would suggest that the existence of hell isn’t dependent on the existence of heaven, but on the existence of free will. Just as God has given us the ability to accept and love Him, so too has He given us the ability to reject Him for all eternity.How many people does it take to justify the existence of hell?
Do you think that is a real expectation…considering what you know about the world.goout:![]()
That is not a proper answer to my question. People are just not sure about Christianity. That is why they are all scattered. What they need is the Vision. All problems are solved.Because love.
God is love.
Love only exists in freedom.
That makes love risky. Giving others the freedom to either reject or choose you means you may (will) get hurt.
And that’s what the Cross is all about. Have you ever looked at a cross with a corpus on it?
(not trying to be combative) and have you ever loved someone and been hurt by them?
I don’t think that any reasonable person won’t ask for a justification, in this case Beatific Vision.Do you think that is a real expectation…considering what you know about the world.
If you love another, and your force your beatific vision on her, you will not be loved, you will be ARRESTED.
Hell is entirely justified based on the actions of people.Would the existence of heaven be justified if only a small number of people actually ended up there?
Would it be justified if only a thousand people ended up there?
Or a million?
How many people does it take to justify the existence of hell?
Suppose you have a beatific vision; how could you know that it was not just an hallucination, un uncoscious product of your own mind?Gorgias:![]()
To have Beatific Vision.How would you propose that you might personally reach a conclusion of “surety of God’s existence”?
That is God problem not mine.Suppose you have a beatific vision; how could you know that it was not just an hallucination, un uncoscious product of your own mind?
Faith in Heaven? Are you serious?The truth us that you need faith to understand if a beatific vision is really a vision of the true God.
In heaven there is eternal joy because we are with the one we love above all others - God.In heaven there is eternal separation from those that you love who are in hell. In the Buddhist definition, that makes heaven a place of suffering.
People in Hell have irreversely and definitely chosen evil, so that they have become evil themselves. We must reject evil, we must not love evil, therefore the souls in Hell can no longer be loved.As a good Christian in heaven, you love all those people. Are you happy being eternally separated from those you love?
Separation from people you love is a cause of suffering.
We got better then that, we got Jesus incarnate. A real man.What they need is the Vision
Yes, and there is Buddha, Mohamad, … who all claimed that they are the way to the truth.We got better then that, we got Jesus incarnate. A real man.
This is not a valid answer. The point is that you are using the beatific vission as a pretext to justify your unbelief. The truth is that God has given us all we need to believe in His existence and in His infinite love and goodness.Mmarco:![]()
That is God problem not mine.Suppose you have a beatific vision; how could you know that it was not just an hallucination, un uncoscious product of your own mind?
Faith in Heaven? Are you serious?The truth us that you need faith to understand if a beatific vision is really a vision of the true God.
There is a big difference there. Buddha and Mohamed were not God incarnate. They did not suffer horribly as Jesus did in His Passion. They did not rise from the dead. They did not perform miracles and minister to announce the Kingdom of God.Yes, and there is Buddha, Mohamad, … who all claimed that they are the way to the truth.
That is a valid answer.This is not a valid answer. The point is that you are using the beatific vission as a pretext to justify your unbelief. The truth is that God has given us all we need to believe in His existence and in His infinite love and goodness.
No way.Absolutely.