Catholics should really dump Peter Kreeft back in whatever intellectually wasteland they dug him up from.
The first article would take days to refute (It is twenty arguments after all.) But I’ll tackle part of the second “proof”. My comments are in blue.
(1) Jesus could not have survived crucifixion. Roman procedures were very careful to eliminate that possibility… It was never done.*
This is a fabrication. The historian Josephus writes of finding three of his friends who had been crucified. He applied to have them taken down. One of the three lived, so saying,“It was never done,” is just not true. In fact, in Mark 15: 44, we read that Pilate wondered if Jesus was already dead. Why would it surprise him if it was what was to be expected?
- The fact that the Roman soldier did not break Jesus’ legs, as he did to the other two crucified criminals (Jn 19:31-33), means that the soldier was sure Jesus was dead.(v. 31).*
*(3) John, an eyewitness, certified that he saw blood and water come from Jesus’ pierced heart (Jn 19:34-35). *
John has a very artistic and symbolic style throughout the gospel. The blood and water are not only an allusion the the passover meal, but symbolize that Jesus was the sourse of life and purity. It would be a stretch to take them as a medical diagnosis.
(4) The body was totally encased in winding sheets and entombed (Jn 19:38-42).
Jesus couldn’t escape from a linen sheet? Seriously, he wasn’t bound with his hands behind his back. Lazarus undid his own funerary garb. The tomb was such that it could be entered and exited. A single person was able to role away the stone. Joseph of Arimathea wasn’t trying to trap him.
(5) It is psychologically impossible for the disciples to have been so transformed and confident if Jesus had merely struggled out of a swoon, badly in need of a doctor. *
“Psychologically impossible”? Glad to see he isn’t being sensationalistic. If you think that someone is dead, and they appear before you, that is going to have a profound impact no matter what condition they are in. At least, it would have a profound impact on me. If it would affect me, then it is not “psychologically impossible”, is it?
(6) How were the Roman guards at the tomb overpowered by a swooning corpse? Or by unarmed disciples?
Who said they were unarmed? The gospel specifically said they were armed in Mt 26:51. Mathew is the only gospel that mentions the guards (Mt 27:62 ). The guards arrive on the dayafter Jesus was put in the tomb. Plenty of time for Jesus/the body to disappear.
(7) How could a swooning half-dead man have moved the great stone at the door of the tomb? Who moved the stone if not an angel?*
Does Peter Kreeft normally attribute divine intervention to the opening of doors? I see doors open all the time without angels. But about that particular door, what about Joseph of Arimathea? Or Mary Magdalene and the other Mary? How heavy could this stone be if Joseph was the one who put it in front of the door to begin with.
the Roman guards would be killed if they let the body “escape.”
Would they? Well, the body did escape, and no one records that they were killed for it.
Actually, what is recorded is that they were paid a large sum of money to report that the apostles stole the body when they slept. Mt 28:11. That doesn’t seem like a death sentence to me.
*(8) If Jesus awoke from a swoon, where did he go? *
People manage to disappear even today when we have video, fingerprints and I.D. Explain why this is a problem.
*Why did it disappear? *
Indeed why would a wanted criminal want to escape?
There is absolutely no data, not even any false, fantastic, imagined data, about Jesus’ life after his crucifixion, in any sources, friend or foe, at any time, early or late.
Again, Kreeft hasn’t done his research. Stories actually abound of this holy man who escaped his ungrateful people. Whether they are reliable can be questioned, but they definitely exist.
- A man like that, with a past like that, would have left traces.*